Outline the Elaboration Likelihood model. (5) Flashcards
Need for Cognition
a personality variable that represents the event to which individuals enjoy and engage in effortful cognitive activities - those in high need for cognition are more likely to form attitudes by paying attention to the central arguments, while those in low need for cognition are more likely to use peripheral cues to form attitudes or opinions
thinking carefully about the arguments made in a persuasive message such as an advertisement
Elaboration Likelihood
how likely it is that a person will engage in such careful thought/deep processing
Central route
Audience Factors - high motivation and ability to think about the message
Processing approach - deep processing focusing on the quality of the message arguments
Persuasion outcome - lasting change that resists fading and counterattacks
Peripheral route
Audience factors - low motivation or ability to think about the message
Processing approach - superficial processing, focused on surface features such as the communicators attractiveness or the number of arguments used
Persuasion outcome - temporary change that is susceptible to fading and counterattacks