Outcome Measures Flashcards
> 13 sec = balance dysfunction
Activity Limitation
6 min walk test
No cutoff
Activity Limitation
MDC = 150 ft (pts with SCI)
9 hole peg test
Body structure function/ Activity Limitations
No norms estabilished
10 M walk test
X3 trials (avg of 2nd and 3rd recorded)
Household ambulator = .8m/s
12 Item MS Walking Scale
Activity Limitation
12-60 pts (20-100%); higher number = greater disability
Activities - Specific Balance Confidence Scale
- Subjective measure of confidence
- Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
- 0-100 (higher score = more confidence)
- <67% = fall risk
Agitated Behavior Scale
- observational measure during acute phase
- Body structure function/Participation
- 14-56 (higher score = more agitation)
WNL = 21
Mild agitation = 22-28
Moderate agitation = 29-35
Severe agitation > 35
ALS Functional Rating Scale
- subjective report
- revised version assesses respiratory function
- Activity Limitation/Participation Restriction
ALFRS: 0-40
ALSFRS - R: 0-48 (higher score = better function)
Barthel Index
- activity limitation
- 0-100 (higher score = more independent)
- Scores indicating favorable outcome in stroke > 75-95
- includes ambulation and stair climbing
Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest)
- Body structure/function
- Activity Limitation
- Max score of 108 —> % (higher score = better function/balance)
- <69% = risk of falling
Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment
- Body Structure/function
- 0-100 (higher score = more normal function)
- > 9 on leg and postural control score = independent ambulation
Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction and Balance
- Body Structure/function
- Activity limitation
- increased time in each position = better stability
- m-CTSIB = 4 conditions
- CTSIB conditions 5/6 isolate vestibular input
- m-CTSIB condition 4 isolates vestibular input
Coma Recovery Scale- Revised
- Body structure/function
- 0-23 (higher score = better functioning)
Community Balance and Mobility Scale
- high level balance
- Body structure/function/Activity limitation
- 0-95 (higher score = greater ability)
- can use orthotic but no AD
Disability Rating Scale
- observer rated
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation; Participation
- 0-29 (higher score = higher disability)
Dizziness Handicap Inventory
- scale
- Body structure/function; Participation Restriction
- 0-100 (higher score = higher handicap)
- > 59 = fall risk for pts with MS
Mild perception of handicap: 0-30
Mod perception of handicap: 31-60
Severe perception of handicap >/= 61
Dynamic Gait Index
- Activity Limitation
- 0-24 (higher score = better ambulation)
- = 19 = fall risk
Falls Efficacy Scale
- assess perception of balance
- Activity limitation/participation restriction
- 10-100 ( higher score = less confident)
- only household activities
Frenchay Activities Index
- ability to complete ADLs after STROKE
- Activity Limitation/Participation Restriction
- 15-60 (higher score = higher level of activity)
Functional Assessment Scale
- 12 items added to FIM to target BI population
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
- 12-84 (higher score = higher level of function)
- < 65 = at risk for long term unemployment
Functional Independence Measure
- 18 tasks
- Activity Limitation
- 18-126 (higher score = higher level of function)
Friedrich’s Ataxia Rating Scale
- 0-159 (higher score = more disability)
Freezing of Gait Questionnaire
- specific to PD
- subjective assessment
- Activity Limitation
- 0-24 (higher score = more freezing)
- complete during “on” state
Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scale
- Specific to stroke
- Body Function/structure
- 0-226 (higher score = improved function)
Functional Gait Assessment
- Activity Limitation
- 0-30 (higher score = greater functional ambulation)
- <23 = fall risk
- adds tandem walking, EC, and retro-walking to DGI
Functional Reach Test
- forward reaching w/o moving, using 3rd metacarpal for reference
- Activity Limitation
- <15 cm = fall risk
- has a seated version
Goal Attainment Scale
- individualized goal selection
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
2+ = much more than expected 1+ = somewhat more than expected 0 = goal achieved 1– = somewhat less than expected 2- = much less than expected
Hand Held Myometry
- Body structure/function
- compares it to the uninvolved limb or age matched norms
High - Level Mobility Assessment Tool (HiMAT)
- Activity Limitation
- 0-54 (higher score = better performance)
- norm male (18-25 yrs)= 50-54
- norm female = 44-54
- can use orthotic, pt has to ambulate (I) > 20 m w/o AD
International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale
- Activity Limitation
- 0-100 ( higher score = more impairment)
Mini BESTest
- abbreviated 14 items
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- 0-28 (higher score = better mobility)
- <23 = fall risk
Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE)
- screening tool for cog impairment
- Body structure/function
- 0-30 (higher score = better cognition)
- <24 = presence of cog impairment
Modified Ashworth Scale
- Body structure/function
- 0-4 (higher score = more spasticity)
Modified Falls Efficacy Scale
- Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
- 0-10 (higher scores = more confidence)
- <5 = predictive of falls, longer hospital stay
- indoor and outdoor tasks
Modified Fatigue Impact Scale
- MS
- effect of fatigue on ADLs and cog/physical function
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- 0-84 (higher number = more impact of fatigue)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment
- used to detect mild cog dysfunction
- Body structure/function
- 0-30 (higher score = better cognition)
- <26 = cog dysfunction
Moss Attention Rating Scale
- observational tool
- Body structure/function
- 22-110 (higher score = better attention)
Motion Sensitivity Quotient
- Vestibular Dysfunction
- measures motion provoked dizziness
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- 0-100% (higher score = more motion sensitivity)
Mild motion sensitivity: 0-10%
Mod motion sensitivity: 11-30%
Severe motion sensitivity: 31-100%
Motor Activity Log
- Stroke
- Interview assessing arm function
- Activity Limitation/Participation Restriction
- 0-5 (higher score = better function)
Motor Assessment Scale
- Stroke
- ability to complete tasks during normal daily life
- activity limitation
- 0-48 (higher score = better motor function)
MS Functional Composite
- MS
- cognition, gait, and UE function
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- Includes: + 25 ft walk test
+ 9 hole peg test
+ Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
MS Impact Scale
- MS
- Questionnaire
- Participation Restriction
- 29-145 (higher score = higher impact of MS on daily life)
MS Quality of Life
- MS
- questionnaire
- Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
- no overall score, summary scores for physical and mental health
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS)
- body structure/function
- 0-42 (higher score = more severity)
- Mild = 1-5
- Mild-Mod = 5-14
- Severe = 15-24
- Very severe > 25
Numeric Pain Rating Scale
- Body structure/function
- 0-10
- Mild = 1-3
- Mod = 4-6
- Severe = 7-10
Orpington Prognostic Scale
- Stroke
- Body structure/function
- 1.6-6.8 (higher score= more deficit)
- mild to mod deficit < 3.2
- mod to severe = 3.2-5.2
- sever to major deficit > 5.2
PD Q- 39
- Questionnaire
- Participation Restriction
- 0-156 (higher score = worse QOL)
Patient Health Questionnaire
- self report to assess depressive symptoms over previous 2 week period
- Body structure/function
- 0-27 (higher score = more depressive mood)
- > 12 = major depressive disorder
Physical Performance Test
- PD
- Activity Limitation
- 0-36 (higher score = better performance)
- <17 = unable to function in community
- 17-24 = moderate frailty
- 25-32 = mild frailty
- 32-36 = not frail
Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients
- Activity Limitation
- 0-36 (higher score = more able)
Push and Release Test
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- 0-4
- 0 = recovers with 1 step, independently
- 1 = 2-3 steps, independently
- 2 = 4+ steps, independently
- 3 = able to step, but requires assistance
- 4 = falls without attempting a step OR unable to stand without assistance
Quality of Life After BI
- questionnaire
- participation restriction
- 0-100 (higher score = better QoL)
Rancho Levels of Cognitive Functioning
- Body structure/function
- Levels 1-8
Retropulsive Pull Test
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- 0-4
- 0 = recovers independently with 1-2 steps or ankle strategies
- 1 = recovers independently with 3+ steps
- 2 = requires assistance to prevent fall
- 3 = very unstable; loses balance spontaneously
- 4= unable to stand w/o assistance
*part of UPDRS
Scale for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia
- quantitative assessment of impairments related to cerebellar ataxia
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation
- 0- 40 (higher score = more ataxia)
= 8 = independent
= 11.5 = quad cane
= 12.25 = FWW
ADLS: = 5.5 = independent = 10 = min dependence = 14.25 = mod dependence >/= 23 = max dependence
Sensory Organization Test
- computerized posturography
- Body structure/function; Activity limitation
- condition 5 and 6 isolate vestibular input
- composite scores based on avg. COG sway
Stroke Impact Scale
- self report
- Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
- 0-100 (higher score = less impairment)
Timed 25 foot Walk
- MS
- Activity Limitation
- Avg of 2 timed trials
Timed Up and Go (TUG)
- Activity limitation
- > 13.5 sec = fall risk
- > /= 14.5 = fall risk for TUG manual
- diff of 4.5 sec or more b/t TUG Manual and Tug = fall risk
- > /= 15 sec = fall risk for TUG Cognitive
Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment
- Activity Limitation
- 0-28 ( balance = 16, gait = 12; higher score = more independence)
- 25-28 = low fall risk
- 19-24 = medium fall risk
- < 19 = high fall risk
United Parkinson Disease Rating Scale
- Body structure/function; Activity Limitation; Participation Restriction
- 0-260 (higher score = more impact of disease)
Walking Index for SCI - II
- determines amount of physical assist and reliance on ambulatory aids for walking after SCI
- Activity Limitation
- 0-20 (higher score = less severe impairment)
World Health Organization QoL - BREF
- Participation Restriction
- max score of 100 in each domain (higher score = higher QoL)