Outcome Measures Flashcards
Describe how the six-minute walk test is performed
Walk as far as possible in 6 minutes in a quiet hallway with cones placed at the beginning and end of the 30 meter boundary to indicate turns
Describe score interpretation for the 6MWT
healthy adults ranges from 400m to 700m
What is the average normal score of the 2MWT in older adults?
150 meters
Describe the 2 minute step test
Patients place one foot on a 7.5 cm high step then back down to the floor repeatedly as fast as possible for 15 seconds
What is the average score from the 2 minute step test?
around 80
BMI Values:
Underweight __
- 5
- 5 - 24.9
- 9 - 29.9
30 - 34.9
35 - 39.9
Women with a waist circumference greater than __cm and men with a waist greater than __ cm have an increased risk for CV disease
- 5
39. 5
What is the waist-to-hip ratio?
The ration of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips.
Calculated as the waist measurement divided by the hip measurement (W/H)
Waist-to-Hip Values:
Normal __
- 80
- 80-0.84
- 85
The _____ _____ Scale is a 30-item self-report assessment used to identify depression in the elderly.
Geriatric Depression
Geriatric Depression Scale Norms:
Normal: -
Mildly Depressed: __-__
Severely Depressed: __-__
What does the mini-cog assess?
executive function
How is the mini-cog test scored?
1 point for each recalled word
Score clock drawing as Normal (the patient places the correct time and the clock
appears grossly normal) or Abnormal
Describe the score interpretation for the mini-cog test
0: Positive for cognitive impairment
1-2: Abnormal CDT then positive for cognitive impairment
1-2: Normal CDT then negative for cognitive impairment
3: Negative screen for dementia (no need to score CDT
Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination Score Interpretation: (for both HS and less than HS education level)
Normal: __-__
MNCD: __-__
Dementia: _-__
HS: 27-30
Less than HS: 25-30
HS: 21-26
Less than HS: 20-24
HS: 1-20
Less than HS: 1-19
On the 15 Question Geriatric Depression Scale a score greater than _ is suggestive of depression.
A score greater than or equal to __ is almost always indicative of depression.
On the Mini-Mental Status Examination a score greater than or equal to __ points (out of 30) indicates a normal cognition.
Mild: __-__
Moderate: __-__
Severe less than or equal to _
What does the Trail Making Test assess?
visual attention and task switching
Describe the 2 parts of the trail making test
Part A: the patient draws lines to connect numbers in
ascending order (1-25) as fast as possible
Part B: the patient draws lines to connect the circles in an ascending pattern,
but with the added
task of alternating between the numbers and letters (i.e., 1-A-2-B-3-C, etc.)
Trail Making Test Scores:
Trail A average = __ seconds
Trail B average = __ seconds
Trail A deficient > __ seconds
Trail B deficient > ___ seconds
What does the STEADI screening tool assess?
fall risk
What does STEADI stand for?
Stopping Elderly Accidents, Death, and Injuries
What 3 tests are included in the STEADI tool kit?
- 30 second chair stand test
- 4 stage balance test
SLS Test Values:
__ seconds with eyes open is the recommended minimal standard for adults older than 60 years
Describe the progression for the FICSIT-4
1) feet closely together, eyes open
2) feet closely together, eyes closed
3) semi-tandem, eyes open
4) semi-tandem, eyes closed
5) full tandem, eyes open
6) full tandem, eyes closed
7) SLS
Berg Balance Score Interpretation:
A score
A score of __/40 indicates an increased fall risk.
In 7 out of 10 cases an individual who scores __ or lower is at a high risk for falls
What does the Physical Performance Test (Modified) exam?
Dynamic balance such as turning 360 degrees and picking up a penny from the floor
Tinetti Score Interpretation:
High Fall Risks less than or equal to __
Moderate Fall Risk: __-__
Low Fall Risk greater than or equal to __
What does BESTest stand for?
Balance Evaluation Systems Test
Describe the BESTest
It is a 36-item clinical balance assessment tool, developed to assess balance impairments across six contexts of postural control:
- mechanical constraints
- limits of stability
- APAs
- postural response to induced loss of balance
- sensory orientation
- gait
A DGI score less than or equal to __ indicates increased fall risk
A score of less than or equal to __/20 indicates an increased fall risk in community dwelling older adults
What is the cutoff score for the four square step test?
greater than 15 seconds
What is the cutoff score for the modified functional reach test?
less than 7 inches
Five Times Sit-Stand Score Interpretation:
Greater than __ seconds is abnormal in healthy older adults
What does the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale measure?
Balance confidence during common community-based tasks and is known to be responsive to improved balance
Do higher or lower scores on the Modified Falls Efficacy Scale indicate an increased fear of falling?
TUG Score Interpretation:
A time greater than or equal to __ seconds are classified as fallers
A time greater than or equal to __ seconds indicates the patient will have significant difficulties with ADLs
Gait speed less than __ m/second predicts hospitalization and mortality rate
Figure 8 Walk Test Score Means:
Time: __ seconds
Number of Steps: __
- 5
17. 5
Do higher or lower scores on the Gait Abnormality Rating Scale indicate greater abnormality?
10 meter walk test Score Interpretation:
Less than __ m/s were more likely to be household ambulators
__-__ m/s limited community ambulators
Greater than __ m/s were community ambulators
- 4
- 4 - 0.8
- 8
Describe the Modified Ashworth Scale for Spasticity
0: No increase in muscle tone
1: Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release or by minimal resistance at the end of the range of motion when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or extension
1+: Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the remainder (less than half) of the ROM
2: More marked increase in muscle tone through most of the ROM, but affected part(s) easily moved
3: Considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movement difficult
4: Affected part(s) rigid in flexion or extension