Outcome Measures Flashcards
RA Specific
Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ):
- self-report
- dressing/grooming, arising, eating, walking, hygiene, reach, grip, common daily activities
- from 0 (no difficulty) to 3 (cannot be done at all)
~Patient picks specific activities to be evaluated
~Short questionnaire administered by PT
- assess change in the selected impaired activities
OA knee/hip
-used for a knee injury that can
result in post-traumatic OA
(post ACL injury, meniscus
injury, chondral injury, etc.)
Generic subjective health status measurement
EuroQoL - 5D (EQ-5D):
-lower score–>lower disability
for General population,
Modified Ashworth
ALS Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS)
- Self-report
- Assesses disease progression and tracks change over time in 12 areas of physical function
Unified Rating Scale for Parkinson’s (UPDRS)
- gauge the course of Parkinson’s disease
- Include behaviour, ADL, motor Fx, complication, Modified Hoehn and Yahr Scale, Schwab and England ADL scale
Parkinson’s Disease
Questionnaire (PDQ-39)
- Self-report
- difficulties in 8 different areas of daily living
Hoehn and Yahr
- rating scale to describe how the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease progress and the level of disability
- Modified scale includes stages 1.5 and 2.5 to help describe the intermediate course of the disease
- Stage 0 = no signs of disease
- Stage 5 = needs wheelchair or bedridden unless assisted
Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale
- self-report
- physical and psychological impacts
(Modified) Fatigue Impact Scale
- Self-report
- effects of fatigue on physical, cognitive, and psychosocial functioning
Expanded Disability Status Scale
- Evaluates level of neurological impairments
- Findings assists with creating an appropriate intervention plan based on the level
From 0-10
- 0 = normal neurological exam
- 5 = disability affects daily function but patient able to walk without an aid for 200 meters
- 10 = death due to MS
ankle dorsiflexion ROM
Knee to Wall Test
low back pain/ Lumbar Spinal Surgery
Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire
- Self-report
- mild to moderate disability due to acute or chronic LBP
Oswestry Disability Index
- Self-report
- severe disability due to acute or chronic low back pain
imbalances in mobility and stability during fundamental movement patterns
Functional Movement Screen
- place an individual in positions where weaknesses and imbalances become noticeable if effective mobility and motor control are not used
Upper limb
Upper Extremity Functional Index (UEFI)
- Self-report
- Assesses the level of difficulty performing ADLs
Disability Arm Shoulder Hand (DASH)
- Self-report
- amount of disability and monitors change of function over time
Hand Dynamometry
Lower limb
Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS)
- Self-report
- can track change over time, guide Fx goal setting
- Area: ADLs, balance, coordination, Fx movement, QOL, range and strength
Neck pain
Neck Disability Index
- Self-report
- Area: pain, ADL
Chornic pain
McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Self-report
- Provides detailed information regarding a patient’s chronic pain
gross motor manual dexterity
Box and Block Test
- Unilateral only
Barthel Index
- Self-report
- MSK/Neuro pt both ok
- Assesses the ability of self care
Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
- PT elevate Lv of assistance is required for ADLs
History of Falls Questionnaire
- Assesses the circumstances surrounding a fall including:
- activities prior to falling
- perceived cause
- environmental factors
- a description of injuries
Dizziness Handicap Inventory
- 25-item self-report
- impact of dizziness on daily life
Disability Rating Scale (DRS)
- Tracks recovery of Pt from coma to community
- general functional changes over the course of recovery
Ranchos Los Amigos Level of Cognitive Functioning
- Scale describes behavioural characteristics and cognitive deficits
- understand and focus on the person’s abilities when designing Rx program
Cognitive impairment
Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE)
- screening tool
- quantitative assessment of cognitive impairment
- record change over time
Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA)
- measure recovery
- 5 domains : motor functioning, balance, sensation, joint ROM, joint pain
- One of the most widely used measures of motor impairment
Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Assessment
- physical impairment and disability
- Provides information regarding shoulder pain, motor recovery in the upper and lower extremity, postural control and physical mobility/function
- PT can classify physical impairment based on stages of recovery
Stroke Impact Scale (SIS)
- Self-report
- Evaluates disability and health related QOL
- For 13 years or older
- Child SCAT: For children 5-12 years old
- Baseline testing: S/S, cognitive, balance, coordination
Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (ImPACT)
- For 12-80 years old
- Baseline and post-injury testing
- Computer based program: visual and verbal memory, reaction time, and processing speed
- decide return to sport
King Devick Test
- Sideline concussion screening test
- Duration: <2min
- eye movement, attention and language
- > 5 seconds difference from baseline=concussion
Applicable to RA
EuroQoL - 5D (EQ-5D)
- five dimensions (5D): mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, and anxiety/depression–> 5 level
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
- Self-report
- Severity of fatigue and its impact on activities and lifestyle
Infant- less than 18 months
Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)
- Observation, performance-based, norm-referenced
- evaluates motor development over time
except those with altered movement patterns due to functional limitation (e.g. paralysis/spasticity)
Ages 4-21
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOT-2)
- fine and gross motor skills
- Area including: balance, coordination, dexterity, functional mobility, gait, strength, upper extremity function, vestibular function
CP children & youth (0-18 years)
Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS)
- 5-level classification system
- sitting, walking and wheeled mobility
- Level I= walk without restrictions but limited in some advanced gross motor
- Level V= very limited even with assistive device
Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM)
- Observation
- measures change in gross motor function over time
- Assesses motor function rather than the quality
** Can be used for down syndrome and acquired brain injuries**
10 Meter Walk Test
- walking speed in m/s
- balance and mobility
30 Second Sit to Stand Test
- elderly
- functional lower extremity strength and balance
6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT)
- distance walked over 6 minutes
- sub-maximal test of endurance
Activities Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale
- Self-report questionnaire
- degree of balance confidence when performing various activities
Balance Error Scoring System (BESS)
- For Concussion return to play
- Objective measure –> static postural stability
Clinical Outcome Variable Scale (COVS)
- functional mobility for neurological conditions
- Items include: rolling, lying to sitting, sitting balance, transfers, ambulation, wheelchair mobility, and arm function
Community Balance and Mobility Scale (CB&M)
- high-level balance and mobility deficits for community ambulation
- Examples:
single leg stance,
tandem walking,
walk and pick up item from floor, running and stopping,
forwards to backwards walking, stairs,
step ups
Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)
- Balance while walking with external demands
- Assess: gait, balance and falls risk
- 8 aspects of gait including:
gait on level surface,
change in gait speed,
gait with horizontal head turns,
gait with vertical head turns,
gait with pivot turn,
step over obstacle,
step around obstacle,
Berg Balance Scale (BERG)
- static and dynamic balance in sitting and standing
- Test items
sitting balance,
sit to stand,
stand to sit,
standing balance,
eyes closed standing,
standing with feet together,
forward reach,
picking up object from floor,
turning to look behind,
360 degree turn,
tandem stance,
single leg stance,
alternate foot tap ups
5-point ordinal scale (0 – 4) with a total score out of 56
- 20 or lower = high falls risk
- 21-40 = moderate falls risk
- 41-45 = low falls risk
Tinetti Test - aka Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA)
- sitting, standing, dynamic balance during ambulation
- Seated/standing test items include:
sitting balance,
movement from sit to stand, standing balance,
standing eyes closed,
external perturbation,
turning 360 degrees,
sitting down - Gait assessment (15 ft) looks at:
step length,
foot clearance,
step symmetry,
deviation in ambulation path amount of trunk sway
BOS - 3-point ordinal scale (0 – 2) with a total score out of 28
(16 = balance, 12 = gait) - 18 or lower = high falls risk
- 19-23 = moderate falls risk
- Score 24 or higher = low falls risk
Functional Reach Test
- maximal distance: reach forwards while standing in a fixed position
- Modified=sit in a fixed position and reach
Able to reach 10 in/25cm
Timed Up and Go (TUG)
- mobility, balance, walking ability and fall risk in older adults
- may stop and rest (but not sit down) if needed
- sitting–>walks to a cone 3 meters away–>turns around–>walks back to the chair–>sits down
- Record the time: back leaves the backrest –> back touches the backrest again
<10 sec: normal
20-30 sec: good community mobility, mobile without a gait aid
>30 sec: mobility problem, can’t go outside alone, need gait aid