Otitis Media Flashcards
male px 6 m.o. evolution of 2 days Oltalgia, FEVER, feel irritated, fussiness, and insomnio. Hearing loss
at exploration U find hyperemic TM whats the dx?
what type of HL is comun on this situation.
its first time taking antibiotics
Otitis Media (AOM)
Type B . Conductive (Está tapado el conducto donde están los huesecillos)
Amoxicilina (si tiene mucha fiebre tambien se da Ác. Clav)
Es la complicacion más comun intratemporal de una AOM
- Fever + Erytema
what can U find at CT Scan?
Whats the Qx Surgery you must do if there is Erosion of Bone?
How it looks when it looks Pustulation, otorrea + perforation + facial paralisis maberinitis + meningitis or HL ? (Its a descamative debrid of ear)
Bony destruction
Mastoydectomy- Timpanostomy
Chronic Mastoiditis can produce Cholesteatoma.
Ver CT -sacan
es un tipo de complicación extratemporal de una Otitis Media, se caracteriza por un absceso desde la mastoides hasta el Esternocleidomastoideo.
“Parece un craneo indio”
#Es un absceso del cuello por Mastoiditis.
Bezold Abscess
Ver CT-Sacan
Es un tipo de complicación extratemporal de Otitis Media, se caracteriza por un absceso desde la Mastoides y discurre por el musculo digástrico del cuello en su porción posterior. pasando hasta áreas cervicales.
Citelli Abscess
Male px histoy of Otitis media supurative present RETRocular pain, desviation of 1 eye (Abducens atrophy) (0)–L–(°)
whats the dx Complications name & sx name?
Petrous Apicitis
Gradenigo Sx
Male px reccurent AOM + Vertigo dizyness + nauseas & vomiting
whats the tx of a OME (Supurativa/Serosa o Secretora).
whats the Qx Surgery on a chronic OME?
Steroids + Antihistamis
Qx: Tmpanotomy Tubes (Ventilation y drena el oido medio)
Is a surgery tecnic used on a Complication with AOM dx…
its to take “Byopsia of what kinda of complication is going on”
Tx use by AOM/OME when is recurrent
is a complication of OME
what type of HL would be appere at Audiometry?
HL- Speech Diley
Type C
Are funtions of Eustachian Tube
Tener Hipertrofia de las adenoides puede generar Otitis Media. (La principal causa es la disfunción de la trompa de eustaquio.)
- to aerate the middle ear
space, providing pressure equivalent to atmospheric pressure.
2.tube plays a role in mucociliary clearance of the middle ear
space and protects the middle ear from entrance of nasopharyngeal contents.
Px with recurrent AOM presents with fevers,
postauricular erythema tenderness(Sensibilidad), ear proptosis, and TM findings consistent with AOM on otoscopy.
¿Que complicación es? y que tx se le da?
Dx: Mastoiditis
Tx: Mastoidctomy & Timpanostomy tubes
Px with AOM that presents with headaches,
lethargy, and papilledema
(Datos de Presion Intra Craneal [PIC]) Que sospecha dx?
Otitic Hydrocephalea
Px with AOM present classically with diurnal or “picket fence” fever curves, septicemia, and torticollis.
You make an MR to confirm…
Dx: Signoid Sinus Thrombosis