Otitis externa Flashcards
Inflammation of external auditory canal
aka swimmers ear
≤3 weeks
> 3 months
Who gets it?
All age groups
Bacterial causes?
Psuedomonas aeruginosa
Staph aureus
Proteus spp
Most common bacterial cause?
Psuedomonas aeruginosa
Fungal causes?
Aspergillus niger
Candida albicans
Redness and swelling of skin Itchy Painful Discharge or inc earwax Hearing affected (if canal blocked) Tenderness on moving jaw Tender regional lymphadenitis
Red, swollen, eczematous with shedding of scaly skin
Swelling (early)
Swelling with white or yellow centre filled with pus (late)
Discharge (serous or purulent)
Inflamed eardrum
Describe the pain associated with this condition?
Severe pain disproportionate to size of lesion
Made worse when tragus or pinna is moved, or otoscope inserted
Classic presentation?
Discharge and itch = initial symptoms
Followed by pain & reduction in hearing as ear canal closes off
Debris in canal?
Normal tympanic membrane
In severe cases -> canal swollen and cannot view tympanic membrane
Topical aural toilet (clean ear)
Swab to microbiology
Topical clotrimazole (canisten)
Gentamicin 0.3% drops or ciprofloxacin with dexamethasone
What is given if there is a perforation?
What is given for fungal infection?
Clotrimazole solution 1%