other test :) Flashcards
Bill of Rights
Ratified 1791
1st 10 Amendments
14th Amendment
Due Process Clause
Nationalize Bill of Rights
Establishment Clause
Congress shall not establish religion
Free Exercise Clause
Congress shall not interfere with the free exercise of religion
Lemon Test- Secular in Nature
Neither inhibit nor advance religion
Avoids Excessive Entanglement
When giving aid to private schools
Relieve Double Burden
Child Benefit Theory
Lemon Test
Symbolic Speech
Black Arm Band
Flag Burning
Protest of Sorts
Prior Restraint
Stop the printing of, singing of… etc.
Form of Censorship
We like to avoid Censorship
A Judge May
Gag Order-Press jury
Restrict the press
No cameras
Move the trials
Sequester the Jury
Gitlow vs New York
Freedom of Speech vs Public order
No inciting violence.
Jury’s decision
Everson V Board of Education
Paying for transport for kids at private schools
Establishment clause
Lemon vs Curtsman
Lemon Test
Abbingtonschool district vs shepp
No reading bible
Epperson vs Arkansas
Evolution in school
Reynolds vs United States
Free exercise clause
Minersville School district vs Gobitis
Not required to salute the flag
Tinkerville School district Des Moines
School officials cannot censor student speech unless it inhibited learning.
Texas vs Johnson
flag burning
Dennis vs United States
1951- Advocating violent overthrow of government.
Shield laws
protects press and informants
Near vs Minnesota
try not to censor things
Shepard vs Maxwell
Freedom of the press- but also have fair trial