Other species from pink book Flashcards
Degu dental formula?
20 teeth; I1, C0, P1, M3 in all 4 quadrants
degu occlusal plane is
horizontal, like a chinch
does the degu colon have haustra?
No. cecum has taeniae & haustrae; colon does not
Degu spleen looks weird on necropsy.
Normally looks weird and glandular
Degu adrenals look big on necropsy
This is also normal
degu incisors: fun facts
Elodontomas common
very hard to extract per pink book
Hepatic lipidosis in degus
Like chinch. common if anorexic, can be hard to diagnose, check for ketonuria.
Rat and mice dental formula?
16 teeth; I1 & M3 in all 4 quadrants
Which rat and mouse teeth are an/elodont?
Elodont: incisors
Anelodont: all cheek teeth
Length of maxillary incisors vs mandibular (rats and mice)?
Mandibular should be about 3x length maxillary
Do rats & mice have a gall bladder?
Rats and mice: cecotrophy?
No cecotrophs. Coprophagy - some - absorb b vitamins that way. Cecum and colon are large compared to a carnivore but much simpler than a true herbivore
Spironucleus muris
Giardia muris
Affect mice; trophozoites on a wet mount; tx with metronidazole; not the same disease but practically speaking may as well be
What types of pinworms affect mice?
Syphacia obvelata; Aspic spp
Syphacia is visible on tape test but Aspic has to have a fecal float
Both are usually subclinical but with heavy loads can cause prolapse, intussusception etc
What types of pinworms affect rats?
Syphacia obvelata & Aspic spp (like mice)
Also Syphacia mura
Gerbils are listed as getting “pinworms” but no species given
Helicobacter spp in mice:
Triple therapy like a ferret
Often asymptomatic but if has rectal prolapse or diarrhea, worth doing PCR for it
What is SDAV?
rat virus - inflammation & edema of cervical LN
rhinitis, ocular lesions
salivary necrosis
What is proliferative ileitis?
Disease of ~10wk old hamsters
Lawsonia intracellularis
Similar to ferret dz/tx
Clostridium difficile diarrhea hamsters
Any age
secondary to penicillin, lincomycin, cephalosporins, bacitracin
dx via PCR to identify pathogenic strain
Clostridium piliforme diarrhea hamsters
Tyzzer’s disease
depressed, dehydrated, diarrhea, dull/dirty coat
opportunistic in stressed animals
Clostridium piliforme/bacillus piliforme gerbils
They get it a lot and also die from it a lot
Oral transmission/infected bedding
Cestodes and protozoa can cause diarrhea in hamsters and gerbils: t/f?
Cestodes both yes, protozoa not usually found/pathogenic in gerbils
What is hymenolepsis nana?
Zoonotic cause of diarrhea in hamsters & gerbils
A dwarf tapeworm
Has other names but this is the most common one
What species of hamsters most commonly get cheek pouch eversion?
possibly more common in Djungarian than Syrian
Causes of cheek pouch eversion?
Sticky foods;
infected/impacted material/ abscesses;
Taenia crassicolis
tapeworm, listed as an issue in gerbils in pink book, but as a general rule it affects all rodents and lagomorphs. Grows up into taenia taeniformis (cats). Can be zoonotic.
Amyloidosis in Hamsters
Extremely common. hepatic and renal. females, stressed, overcrowded all risk factors
Hepatic cysts in hamsters
can get huge; usually affects hams >2 yo; can do surgery if single lobe & clinically ill; some sources recc drainage