Other Items Pack b Flashcards
Required Takeoff field length
Is the longest distance among
1) 115% of Takeoff dist with all engines operative
2) Takeoff dist with OEI
3) accelerate stop dist with OEI
Optimum Altitude
Altitude that gives the best fuel mileage for a given cruising airspeed and weight.
Buffet Margin
Flight Altitude at which manouvring load factor of 1.3G or more for smooth air or light turbulence being expected as well as 1.5G or more for moderate or severe turbulence can be obtained in level flight.
Speeds to be used when FMCS is inoperative
Climb 250/290/.78
Cruise 290/ .78
Descent.78/ 290/ 250
Cost index
CI range from 0-9999
CI-0 Lowest fuel consumption MRC
CI 9999 max available speed
Econ cruise speed CI 73
ANA 20, 40, 73, 110, 150, 200
CI 200 is considered so cruise speed does not exceed M0.83 in case of strong headwind
Inputting a higher cost index than 73 will have an effect on performance in the FMS i.e. Max Alt etc and pilots should be aware of this
Supplemental conditions for required fuel calculation
Taxi Fuel - in principle is 47lb / min and taxi out of 10 min are considered.
In normal flight planning the the taxi fuel data for each airport should be used.
APU fuel flow is included in the taxi fuel as it is minor. APU fuel flow is 4lb / min
Increase in total fuel flow with anti-ice
Engine anti-ice………………..4lb / min
Engine and wing anti-ice … 5lb/ min
Hand Carry Articles
By Law
OM - Captain only
Competence certificate
Aviation medical certificate
Radio operator license
Documents necessary for CIQ if
International flight
Ratings and limitations
Instrument rating
English language proficiency certificate
Pilot competency assessment/ confirmation
By Company
Route manual
Pertinent aeronautical maps
Class 1 EFB including back up battery/charger
Flash light
Documents to be carried in an airplane
In certification holder
Airworthiness certificate Registration certificate Designation for operating Limitations Radio station license Emergency documents Air operator certificate original Transcript
Journey log and radio log Operations policy manual vol 2 Airplane operations manual QRH quick reference handbook MEL/CDL manual Operations specifications Operations manual Route manual and Jeppesen chart
For US
Copy of civil aircraft landing permit ( in the route manual ) Emergency response guidance for aircraft incidents involving dangerous goods Noise documents- all foreign ports ( append 1 Vol 3 AOM )
Critical Phase
- between block out and 5 min
after takeoff
- between signal of about 10 min prior
to landing and block in. Go around
Is included in this phase.
Except for emergency/ safety communications , communications between company , cabin crew and pilots shall be kept minimal
Seat belt sign should be kept turned on
Flight crew should use headsets and boom microphones
No cockpit seat change shall be made below 10000ft
Adequate airport requirements
Adequate runways for landing Adequate ATC service Lighting and communication facilities Weather service Navigational Aids Landing aids Fire fighting systems adequate for the operation
Definition of Windshear
+- 15kt Airspeed fluctuations
+- 500fpm Vertical speed
5deg Pitch
1 Dot G/S Displacement
Flight without these documents is not restricted
AOC copy ( to avoid breaking the log and documents folder seal )
Normal Checklist
Landing distance table
Handy speed book
Required onboard equipment for RVSM
2 independent altimeter measuring systems
Altitude height monitoring and alerting system
Autopilot with Altitude holding capability
Mode C or S transponder
Required onboard equipment for RNP
Required onboard equipment for RNAV 1 / 2
Required onboard equipment for RNAV 5
Required onboard equipment for RNAV 10
2 ANA CAT 1 ILS classes
A) 550m / 200ft
Max XW 10kts
Captain must be CAT l / ll / lll qualified and FO must be CAT l qualified
B) 1200m / 200ft
AOM XW limits apply
Only basic qualification applies
PIC duties and responsibilities
Shall not take off until he has checked the following
1) Maintenance condition
2) Takeoff / Landing weights / CG and weight distribution
3) Weather
4) Quality and quantity of fuel and lubricant
5) safety of onboard items
PIC may exercise measures to restrain any person who is likely to impair operational safety
1) Shall not Takeoff with restrained person without agreement from restrained person
2) ATC must be informed
3) May issue Prohibition / warning letter
PIC may order an emergency evacuation is safety is endangered
PIC is obligated to report to MLIT when reportable circumstances occur
No PIC may depart unless authorized by aircraft dispatcher
Some circumstances requiring a report to be filed
Collision TCAS RA Bird Strike Lightning strike PED interference Distress and urgency transmission Non normal / irregular occurrence Large height deviation Death or disappearance of person onboard Aircraft damage
What is TAG
Transcockpit authority gradient
Bad gradients can be steep/ flat or reverse
Ideal gradient is a medium slope from the Captain to the FO
When is PITCH or ROLL
Displayed on the ADI and a
EICAS caution message displayed
When a Pitch or Roll angle disagree of 3 degrees or more between the symbol generators selected by the ADI’s of Captain and Co pilot is detected and sustained for 2 sec or more
And COMP flag on EADI
When IRS signal to symbol generator is lost
Both EFIS select ALTN or
Any faults occur in comparator function of symbol generator
The EICAS msg is also displayed during IRS alignment or when the IRS mode selector is off - in this case it will disappear automatically after alignment is complete.
Both also appear when indicator light test is carried out - disappear when EFIS self test is complete
Values of Vd
Design diving speed
420 KCAS to 17854ft
Linear variation from 17854ft to 23000ft
0.91M above 23000ft
Times to report altimeter differences
40ft from SL up to 25000ft 70ft 25000ft 338/ M0.8 70ft 30000ft 304/ M0.8 80ft 35000ft 272/ M0.8 80ft 40000ft 242/ M0.8
Brake indications
0-2 Box and number are Cyan
3&4 Box is white and number is Cyan
5-9 Box and number are white
Documents to be carried in an aircraft
Registration certificate Airworthiness certificate Aircraft logbook Flight manual Operational limitation specification Appropriate charts Operations manual