Other Flashcards
Xmas trees shall be clear of all sources of ignition. Candles and open flames shall not be used on or near a tree within a distance equal to the _____ of the tree
- COMBUSTIBLE WASTE DISPOSAL SITES Secondary firebreaks shall not be less than ___ feet in width
Sales Period 12 noon o f June ___ to 12 noon of July ___
28th ; 6th
All fireworks shall be marked
Firework Stands ___ ft from building ___ from curb
15 ; 25 from curb
Firework stand shall have a floor area in excess of ___ sq ft
*** Each stand shall be provided with a minimum of _____ 2 ½ gallon water-type fire extinguishers which have been serviced and bear a State Fire Marshal’s certification tag within the past 12 months
Fireworks stands shall be cleared of all structures and debris within ___ hrs after midnight
Stations _________ shall be responsible for the inspection of the blasting sites
Fire Lanes: Unobstructed access clear to the sky for fire fighting purpose is required when FD equipment must use access routes other than improved public roadways to get within ___ feet of any portion of the first story of the structure
Building address __”x__” in height if structure ….more than 150ft from street __”x ___”
3”x1” 5”x2”
- SPRINKLER SYSTEM RESIDENTIALThe installationof fire protection systems shall be performed by ___ license holders or an owner/builder
Sprinklers may be omitted in garages if all the following apply:
- ___ hour fire resistive wall
- Heat detector is located in garage and wired to the sprinkler system alarm device
- The residence is not located in ______ _____ _____ ___ _______
the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone
Residential Sprinkler A minimum relief valve, set at ___ PSI shall be provided on the system side of the sprinkler riser check valve, when the maximum system pressure exceeds ___ psi
175; 125
Above ground Tanks shall be provided with automatic fuel shut off devices capable of stopping the delivery of fuel when the level in the tank reaches of tank ___ % capacity ….
______________ near shut off
All new swimming pools or spas in a V.H.F.H.S.Z. (very high fire hazard severity zone) with ______ or more
gallons shall have a minimum ______ inch diameter drain and discharge line connected to draft hydrant
5000; 4”
swimming pools The hydrant connection shall be ___inches above the lowest elevation of the pool.
swimming Piping shall be buried a minimum of _____ inches and a minimum____inches when subject to vehicle traffic
24” ; 36”
swimming The hydrant outlet shall be no closer than ___Ft of any point of the structure
25 Ft
The hydrant outlet shall be ___to___ inches above grade measured to the center of the outlet
14” to 24”
Fire Code infractions are punishable by a fine not to exceed $___ for 1st offense $___ for 2nd $___ for 3rd 500 after within 1 year
Verbal notice must be documented __ to ___ days to comply
14 to 21
Red tag can only be lifted by ___
A Misdemeanor citation bypasses the need __________
attorney general
__ shall be notified as soon as possible when ever a misdemeanor citation is issued
Limited Access Keys will be issued to fire stations to replace lost, stolen, or misplaced keys once the following is completed:
a) A law enforcement report detailing the loss or theft
b) A Survey Request Form __ ; send through channels to the Fire Prevention Division Headquarters,
Commerce, attention _____ ______ _____ _____
Limited Access Key Coordinator
The school inspection unit is responsible for buildings used for day care purposes for more than __ Children when part of a school complex
What is the procedure when someone refuses to allow you to make a inspection You do not argue - leave the premises and obtain info for legal action by contacting the ___________ or immediate supervisor
Jurisdictional Fire Station Captain shall record receipt of business license applications on the page of the ___ business journal
Anytime Form 410 is issued on an initial or follow-up inspection by the Fire Prevention Division, a copy shall be transmitted via e-mailto the jurisdictional fire station and the ____
Existing occupancies whose inspection responsibilities lie with the engine company shall be labeled in buff, white, or cherry depending on frequency of inspection. Fire Prevention Division occupancies shall be labeled in ______
The older buff, cherry, and green labels are no longer available. New labels for fire prevention folders will have a permanent round colored dot affixed to the upper right hand comer of the folder tab
a) ________Dot replaces the buff Label
b) ________Dot replaces the cherry label
c) ________Dot replaces the green label
d) ________is required for the white label
No dot
Occupancies requiring a Form 78 (Target Hazard) shall be indicated with a______ _______on the right-hand edge of the label
red asterisk
Fire Prevention Division occupancies requiring multiple inspections shall be indicated within the FPD filing system with a __________on the right-hand edge of the label.
red asterisk
Station occupancy folders shall be categorized by the color of the label on the folder tabs or a colored dot affixed to the upper right comer of the folder tabs. Three colors will serve to indicate the frequency of inspections:
a) Buff label/yellow dot: Inspect ________
b) White label: Inspect on ______ years only
c) Cherry label/red dot: Inspect on _____ years only
Annually; Odd; Even
410 retained for __ years
Depending on local weather patterns and natural drying of grasses and brush, inspections on improved properties shall commence on
____ _ in the Antelope Valley
____ _ in the coastal areas
___ _ in all other areas
April 1
June 1
May 1
High-rise is any structure having floors used for human occupancy, located more than ___ feet above the lowest level of Fire Department vehicle access.
Fire Safety Director: A responsible person from building management or staff designated to work with the Fire Department to establish, implement, and maintain an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). This person is sometimes referred to as the _________ _______ _______(BEC
Building Emergency Coordinator
Regional Fire Inspectors shall submit State Fire M reports to the County Facilities/High Rise Unit no later than ___ __
Emergency plans shall be reviewed and updated _____
Oct 15
Fire Station is a class ___ Occupancy
B Occupancy
Class A Hazard; Light Hazard Occupancy: Where the amount of combustibles present is such that fires of small size may be expected. Which may include offices, schoolrooms, churches, assembly halls, etc., requires a
minimum of one 2-A rated extinguisher for each ______ Square Ft and not over ___ feet from any point to an extinguisher
Class A Hazard; Ordinary Hazard Occupancy: Where the amount of combustibles present is such that fires of moderate size may be expected. These may include mercantile storage and display, auto showrooms, parking garages, light manufacturing, warehouses etc., and requires a minimum of one 2-A rated extinguisher for each ______ square feet and not over __feet to an extinguisher fi-om any point
All pressurized water-type (stainless steel) and C02 extinguishers require hydrostatic testing every
5 years
Dry-chemical (aluminum and mild steel) and Halon extinguishers require testing every
12 years
Every ____ years, stored pressure dry chemical and dry powder fire extinguishers that require a ____-year
hydrostatic test must be discharged, emptied and subjected to the applicable maintenance procedures
6; 12
In no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor be less than
Regional Units personnel of the Fire Prevention Division shall issue all commercial and industrial permits for vessels having a capacity of less than ____ gallons
Fire drills shall be monthly at all schools
An apartment house is any structure containing ___ or more appartments or dwelling units
SOUND STAGE/STUDIOSFire Sprinkler systems are required and shall be designed for an Extra Hazard Group ___ density
A license _______required to perform maintenance inspections. Any person designated by the building owner or occupant may conduct maintenance
shall not be
Automatic standpipe systems or sprinkler systems shall be “serviced” every __ years
Standpipes also every __year
Other pre-engineered and engineered fixed extinguishing systems—____ ______
semi annually
All personnel shall properly report newly identified hazardous materials handlers to the Health Hazardous Materials Division (H.H.M.D.) by submitting Form
For California’s disclosure requirements, a hazardous material handler is considered any occupancy or business that uses, handles, or stores hazardous material/waste; which at anv one time during the vear has the following amounts on the premises.
(4) 55 gallons 500 pounds 200 cu. ft. of compressed gas Hazardous waste exceeding the above quantities
Group R-2.2.1 occupancies are regulated by the California Code of Regulations, Title 19,22 and 24, and licensed by the State Dept. of ______Services
Group R-3 occupancies (large family day-care home) are defined in the California Building Code as a provider’s own home licensed to provide day care for periods less than 24 hours per day for ___ to ___ Persons including children under 10 who live at home
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