Hydrants Flashcards
Bonfires shall not be conducted within feet _____ of any structure
completed Fire Flow (form _____)
An appointment shall be made a minimum of ___working days in advance with the appropriate fire prevention division regional office for all inspections and tests
System piping shall be hydrostatically tested at ____psi for ___ hours or at ____ psi above the maximum system operating pressure, whichever is greater
200 ; two ; 50
Automatic sprinkler systems shall be supervised by a listed/approved central, proprietary, or remote station, or a local alarm when approved by the Chief, which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location when the number of sprinklers is ____ or more
100 or more
Exception: 20 or more in Group 1, Division 1.1 and 1.2occupancies
Organic peroxides shall be visible from
50 ft (Black lettering yellow sign)
All private fire hydrants shall flow a minimum of ____ gpm at __psi for a duration of two hours. If more than one on site fire hydrant is required, the one site fire flow shall be at least ____ gpm at __psi, flowing from the most hydraulically remote hydrants simultaneously
1250 ; 20 ; 2500; 20
All private on site fire hydrants shall be installed a minimum of __ feet from a structure or protected by a two hour firewall
All private on site fire hydrants shall be equipped with a shutoff(gate) valve, which is located at least __ feet , and not more than ___ feet, from the fire hydrant
10; 25
Private on site fire hydrants shall be painted with two coats of primer and one coat of
Fire Engine Red
All private on site water mains, laterals, gate valves, buries, and risers feeding private fire hydrants shall be a minimum of inches in __” diameter
Hydrostatic test (Minimum 200 psi for two hours, or at 50 psi above the system operating pressure, whichever is greater) shall be conducted on all systems, new upgrades, or partials which involve the installation of over ___ sprinkler heads
The FDC shall be installed on the address side of the building within ___ feet (via vehicular access) ofan
accessible public fire hydrant.
The FDC must be above ___” below ___”
24”; 42”
FDC’s shall be located a minimum of ___ feet from the structure. When this distance cannot be achieved, a minimum two hour fire resistive wall shall be provided with no openings in the wall, __ feet in either direction of the FDC
25; 25Ft
Systems designed for a total combined water demand exceeding 2000 GPM shall be equipped with a single, clappered body FDC having __2 1/2 inlets Siamese into a minimum __ inch pipe with a __ inch check
6 , 6
Systems designed for a total water demand up to 1000 gallons shall be provided with a single, listed, clappered body FDC, having ___ 2 1/2” inlets siamesed into a minimum __ “ pipe with a __ “ check valve
2; 4; 4
Systems designed for a total combined water demand exceeding 1,000gpm up to 2,000 gpm shall be equipped with a single, listed, clappered body FDC, having ____ 2 1/2” inlets siamesed into a minimum 6” pipe with a 6” check valve.
In multi-story/level buildings (including basements) over three levels, the following devices shall be provided at each floor level in a rated shaft or stairway
- Indicating control valve
- Water flow detector with an alarm bell
- Drain valve
- Inspectors test valve with sight gauge
All dry type sprinkler systems shall be designed and tested to provide water to the most remote portion of the system within __ seconds
When cul-de-sac depth exceeds ____ residential or ____ commercial, hydrants shall be required at mid block
450; 200
Single family dwellings - fire hydrant spacing of ___ feet
Single Family Dwellings - Urban Properties (more than one unit per acre): No portion of lot frontage should be more than ______ ft via vehicular access from a public hydrant
Non Urban Properties (Less than one unit per acre):
No portion of a structure should be placed on a lot where it exceeds ____ feet via vehicular access from a properly spaced public hydrant that meets the required fire flow
All occupancies other than single family dwellings, such as commercial, industrial, multi-family dwellings, schools, institutions, etc., fire hydrant spacing shall be ___ feet
Spacing distance between on-site hydrants shall be _____to _____ Ft
300 to 600
Only ________ buildings qualify for the maximum spacing of 600feet
For non-sprinklered buildings, consideration should be given to fire protection, access doors, outside storage etc.. Distance between hydrants should not exceed _____ft
All on-site fire hydrants shall flow a minimum of _____ gallons per minute at 20 psi for a duration of 2hours.
All occupancies: No portion of lot frontage shall be more than _____Ft via vehicle access from a public hydrant.
No portion of the building should exceed _____ ft via vehicular access from a properly spaced public hydrant
200 Ft; 400ft
If more than one on site fire hydrant is required, the on site fire flow shall be at least ______ gallons per minute at 20 psi, flowing from two hydrants simultaneously
All on-site hydrants shall be installed a minimum of ___ Ft from a structure or protected by a 2 hour firewall
The minimum acceptance flow from any existing public hydrant shall be ____ GPM unless the required fire flow is less
Public Hydrant Flow If more than one hydrant is to be flowed in order to meet the require fire flow the following number of hydrants shall be flown as follow One Hydrant:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Two Hydrants:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Three Hydrants:\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
1250GPM and Below
1251GPM- 3500GMP Flowing simultaneous
3501Gpm-5000GPM Flowing simultaneous
Hydrant Upgrade Policy Existing single outlet 2 1/2 inch hydrant shall be upgraded to a double outlet 6” x 4” x 2 1/2” hydrant when the required fire flow exceeds _____
1250 GPM
l new required fire hydrant installations shall be approved __________ fire hydrants
6”x4” 2 1/2”
Under ground shut off should be __ to ___Ft
Any High Rise Building the fire flow shall be a minimum of _____ GPM at ___hrs at 20 Psi
3500GPM at 3hrs