Osteoporosis Flashcards
What is osteoporosis?
A metabolic bone disease characterised by low bone mass and micro architectural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone fragility and a consequent increase in fracture risk
How can osteoporosis be defined using DEXA bone scanning?
A result on DEXA bone scanning
How does bone mass change throughout life?
> Teens = Increase in bone size
> Around 30 = Peak bone mass
> Menopause (50yrs) = Accelerated loss begins
> Later life = Gradual loss
What are the associations with increased risk of fracture?
> Age > Bone metabolic disease > Falls > Bone turnover > Low BMI > Female > Rheumatoid arthritis > Long term steroid use > Diabetes mellitus > Endocrine issues > Other medications (SSRIs, PPIs, ant epileptics etc)
What online tool is used to assess fracture risk?
FRAX = Who fracture risk assessment tool
Q fracture
Who is likely to suffer from osteoporosis?
> I in 2 women over 50 will have an osteoporotic fracture before they die (Post menopausal)
> I in 5 men over 50 will suffer and osteoporotic fracture
> Endocrine causes
> Rheumatic causes
> Gastroenterological causes
> Medications
What is the lifetime risk of a 50 year old woman of having a hip fracture?
If you have suffered a vertebral fracture what are you more likely to suffer from in the future?
> 5 times more likely to have another vertebral fracture
> 2 times more likely to have a hip fracture
What endocrine causes are there for osteoporosis?
> Thyrotoxicosis > Hyper and hypoparathyroidim > Cushings > Hyperprolactinaemia > Hypopituitarism > Early menopause
What Rheumatic causes are there for osteoporosis?
> Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Polymyalgia rheumatica
What gastroenterological causes are there for osteoporosis?
> Inflammatory diseases: UC and crohns
> Liver diseases: PBC, CAH, Alcoholic cirrhosis, Viral cirrhosis( hep C)
> Malabsorption: chronic pancreatitis, coeliac disease, whipples disease, short gut syndromes and ischaemic bowel
What medications are associated with increased risk of osteoporosis?
> Steroids
> Enzyme inducting antiepileptic medications
> Aromatase inhibitors
> GnRH inhibitors
> Warfarin
What are the cornerstones in managing osteoporosis?
Minimise risk factors
Ensure good calcium and Vitamin D status
Falls prevention strategies
How is it determined whether someone requires treatment for osteoporosis or not?
Measure BMD using DEXA of hip and spine:
> Normal:
- T score above -1
- Reassure lifestyle advice
> Osteopenia:
- T score -1 to -2.5
- Lifestyle advice, treat if previous fracture
> Osteoporosis:
- T score below -2.5
- Lifestyle advice and offer treatment
- Less than -2.5 + a fracture = severe osteoporosis
SIGNs guidelines for osteoporosis and referral for DEXA scanning?
Referral for DEXA scanning based on FRAX or QFracture score of >10% fracture risk at any site over next 10 years