Osteoporosis Flashcards
WHat is it
most common met. disorder resulting in low bone desity
rate of bone reabsoption more than bone formation
results in frequent fracture
Why does it primarily effect people 3
women p menopause (lack of estrogen)
or failyre to develope pek bone mass during childhood
VIT D deficiency
Secondary reasons for disease
disease 3 and med
other meds and disease effecr bone metab
celiacs disease hypogonadism
hyperparathroidism steriods long term
CLincinal manif of osteopor 5
Fractures first clinical decrease height c hyphosis (humpback/dowagers hump) diff bending over back pain c activities impaired breathign SOB
Risk factors 6
lifestyle diet gender meds
more women vs men age 60 over diet decr in CA and VIT D incre in Phosp lack of weight bearing exercise lifestyle- etoh, smoking, cafeeime meds - steriods
Assessment and Diagn of osteo 5
Bone desitometry- bone mineral
DEXA-dual energy xray and absob info on bone at vertebrae hip and wrist
report t score- stanard deciation bone mass den
FRAx- assessment risk by WHO
Lab studies- (wont show until 25-45% )
Management of osteo
CA levels
CA- 1000-1300mg
post menopause 1200/1300
over 50 age 800/100 perday
vit D for absb from GI
What good for ViT D and CA
sunlight CA
3glasses of skim/ whole vit d enrich
cheeses brocholi
MAnagemnt of osteo
weight bearing 20-30 minx 3 days a week improve dalls
DIEt for managemtn of osteo7
good sources of CA foods 6
avoid etoh (reab) canned salmon, milk, brocoli dairy calcium fortified foods cereal OJ
Preventign fxr in osteoporosis pts 5
avoid throw rugs, watch step, siderails up, careful ambulation
hip protectors
Medications for osteoparosis 5\ types
CA suppl Biphosphonates Caltcitonin SERMS- select receptor estrogen Tetriparatide
CA supplemnts meds 3
caltrate- citracal- oscal-
with vit d beverage- milk
and VIT C beverage to increase absrb
PC- Gi upset moniitor for kid stones
whats first line for treatment 3
CA and VIT D suppl and biphosphonates
Biphosphonates fxn meds-4 teach - 3 se - 4 PC 2
dronate Aldendronate, risendronate, ibadronate yearly infusion of zoledronic inhibit oseocyt functn incre bone mass take c water 20-30 mins a food or med (EMPTY stmc) have to be active sit up 30 mins - 1 hr p taking SE- GI- dyspepsia, diarrhea, constip, gassy PC- esopheal /ulcers gastric ulcer