Osteomyelitis Flashcards
What is osteomyelits?
bone infection (periosteium, cortical, medullary)
What are the 6 causes of of osteomyelits?
- trauma
- any infection directly enter the bone marrow or in the body carried by the blood to the bone
- intravenous drug users
- artificial joints, prosthetic bone devices,
- poor circulation
- weakened immune system
What is the most common cause of acute osteomyelitis?
- 80-90 % staph aureus
H. influenza and Group B. Strep
What is a “Brodie abcess”, seen in acute osteomyelitis?
small multiple intraosseous abscesses (cortex)
What is “sequestrum” (destroyed bone)?
segmental necrosis of the bone
What is involucrum?
new reactive bone around the necrotic bone
5-25% of acute osteomyelitis persists as what?
chronic infection
What imaging indicates an infected bone?
What method of diagnosis uses technetium-99 (absorbed by tumor)?
radionuclide bone scan
What is an aspiration culture?
(gram stain + culture and sensitivity)
What is tuberculous osteomyelitis (Pott’s disease)?
a chronic granulomatous osteomyelitis
- spine is most common
- in developing countries most cases under 25
Patients with tuberculous osteomyelitis present with what?
- low grade fever, chills, and weight loss
- pain with motion
- localized tenderness
- rediculopathy
Lesions in tuberculous osteomyelitis
solitary but might be multifocal in immunosuppressed
histopathology in tuberculous osteomyelitis
lymphocytic inflitrate
congenital syphilis starts when?
5th month of gestation
congenital syphilis is due to what?
complication of adult type (tertiary stage is 2-5 years after primary)