Osteology Of The Skull Flashcards
What are the two subdivisions of the skull
Neurocranium and Viscerocranium
What bones make up the neurocranium (8)
Frontal bone, parietal bone , temporal bone, sphenoid, occipital bone, ethmoid
What’s bones make up viscerocranium (14)
Mandible, vomer, maxillae, inferior nasal conchae, zygomati palatine, nasal and lacrimal bones
What is in the frontal bone
Supercillary arch
Supraorbital foramen
What passes through the supraorbital forfra men
Supraorbital nerve and vessel
Parietal emissary veins drain into
Sagittarius sinus
What enters the skull through the parietal foramen
Parietal emissary veins
What is in the temporal bone (4 things)
- mastoid process
- zygomatic process
- external auditory meatus
- internal auditory meatus
What are the cells in the mastoid
Mastoid air cells
What does the zygomatic process form
Zygomatic arch with temporal process of zygomatic
Where does the mandible articule with the skull
Mandíbulas fossa
What is the styloid process
Thin bony rod that projects from base of temporal bone
What passes through the stylomasoid foramen
Facial nerve
What passes through the carotid canal
Internal carotid artery
What is in the sphenoid
Trigeminal nerve