Osteology & Arthrology Flashcards
The scientific study of bones.
The science concerned with the anatomy, function, dysfunction and treatment of joints.
functions of the skeleton
- supporting framework for the body
- attachment points for muscles (lever system for movement)
- protection for vital organs
- blood cell formation – red bone marrow produces red and white blood cells and platelets; bone is richly supplied with blood vessels.
- mineral storage – calcium and phosphorus
building block of a bone
- calcium carbonate
- calcium phosphate
- collagen fibers
- water
• Collagen (protein) is the main organic constituent of connective tissue.
bone tissue composition
- Composed of widely separated cells, called osteocytes, surrounded by matrix.
- The matrix is about 25% water, 25% protein, and 50% mineral salts.
epiphyseal plate
- Layer of cartilage where longitudinal growth of a bone occurs.
- The proliferating cartilage cells are gradually replaced by bone.
bones of physically active individuals
• Tend to be denser and therefore more mineralized than those of sedentary individuals of the same age and gender.
five categories of bones
- Long bones: longer than they are wide
- Short bones: wider than they are long
- Flat bones: flat and broad surface
- Sesamoid bones: small bones that forms in tendon (e.g. patella)
- Irregular bones: bones that do not fit in any categories; more complex shapes
articulation of vertebrae
- Articulate with facets on the processes of the neural arches (synovial joint) and intervertebral discs between the vertebrates (cartilaginous joint).
- Intervertebral discs function as shock absorbers and allow slight movement.
• An abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column.
Kyphosis “hump back”
• An exaggerated posterior thoracic curve.
Lordosis “sway back”
• An exaggerated anterior lumbar curve.
three classification of joints
- Fibrous joint - immoveable
- Fibrous joint - immoveable
- Synovial joint - freely moveable
two functions of synovial fluid
a) Lubricates the joint surfaces to reduce friction.
b) Supplies nutrients to, and removes waste products from the cartilage cells (which have no direct blood supply).
• Fibrous connective tissue that connects bones together.
• Fibrous connective tissue that joins muscle to bone.
• A small sac or cavity filled with synovial fluid and located at friction points, especially joints. (mostly located between tendons and bone)
reference planes
- Frontal plane – divides body into anterior and posterior portions
- Sagittal plane – divides the body into right and left sides
- Transverse plane – divides the body into superior and inferior portions
six sets of joint movements
- Flexion, extension
- Abduction, adduction
- Rotation - inward (medial) rotation; outward (lateral) rotation
- Supination, pronation
- Elevation, depression
- Plantar flexion, dorsiflexion
• Overstretching of ligaments.
1st degree: fibers ares stretched
2nd degree: partial tear of ligament
3rd degree: rupture of the ligament
- Bones are displaced.
- Ligaments are sprained, may even be torn.
- Blood vessels often ruptured and possible nerve damage.
• Partial dislocation.
• Inflamed bursae; result of injury, exercise, or infection.
four structural limits to flexibility
- Bony structure of the joint - can’t be changed by a flexibility program
- Ligaments
- Joint capsules
- Muscle-tendon unit - muscle and its fascial sheaths (the major focus of stretching exercises is the elongation of these tissues)