*Osteoarthritis Flashcards
OA- Age of onset
60-70% over 65 y/o
OA- Male/Female/Race
under 50 y/o- male
over 65 y/o- females
OA- Family history?
OA- Health History Risk Factors
Secondary OA- history of joint infection, hemarthrosis, or significant joint injury
OA-Symptom onset and progression
onset: typically insidious
progression: slow and gradual
OA- Most common joints affected
Hips Knees Lumbar/Cervical spine 1st CMC 1st MTP
OA- Symptom descriptors
deep, dull ache
stiffness- usually short-lived once activity begins
OA-aggrevating factors
Joint use
OA-alleviating factors
OA- 24 hour report
AM stiffness- usually less than 30 minutes
Night Pain common
OA- Review of Systems
OA- ROM/Mobility
Decreased- maybe capsular pattern
OA- Palpation/Observation
Edema mild if present
Osteophytes if large
OA- Complications
Inactivity compounding other health issues
-heart disease/morbidity-mobility-related
OA- Lab Tests
OA- Diagnostic Imaging
Joint space narrowing
Sub-condral bone sclerosis or cysts