OST Revision (SPC OLD) Flashcards
What is the NDM?
Gather Information and Intelligence - Assess threat and risks and develop a working strategy - Consider powers and policy - Identify options and contingences - Take action and review what happened
(all feeds in to the Code of Ethics)
Justified Proportionate Legal Accountable Necessary Ethical Scrutiny
Powers relating to use of force:
Common Law
S.3 Criminal Law Act
S.117 PACE
S.117 PACE:
Allows Police Officers
Where necessary
to use reasonable force in order to exercise their powers under PACE
S.3 CLA:
“A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, Or in the effecting or assissting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large”
Common Law:
“If you have an honestly held belief that you or another are in imminent danger, you may use such force as is necessary to avert that danger”
s.76 CJIA
Sets out what degree of force is reasonable
Principal in relation to de-escalating conflict/ threat- BUGEE
Be prepared to back off Use of effective cover Give space and time if possible Early negotiation Evacuate immediate area
Five Step Appeal:
- ) Simple Appeal - ask the person to comply
- ) Reasoned Appeal - explain why the request has been made, what law (if any) has been broken and what has caused the request
- ) Personal Appeal - remind the person that they may be jeopardasing things that are high priority to them
- ) Final Appeal - “is there anything I can reasonably do or say to make you cooperate with me?”
- ) Action - reasonable force may be the only option left
Listen Empathize Ask Paraphrase Summarize
Non verbal Comunication
My attitude affects My behavior affects Your attitude affects Your Behavior (loop)
Justifications for Handcuffing:
- Protect the Police
- Protect the public
- Protect the subject
- Prevent escape
- Prevent loss of evidence
Principals of Handcuffing (ABCDE) :
Application Be sure to ask Check - Ask, Look, Feel Double lock Evidence
s.5 Firearm
Takes 0-5 seconds to activate
3-10 ft
- Speak
- Spray
- Step away
- Prepare for failure
- Give aftercare
Follow Up during real life incident (SASS):
After care
Edge Weapon Defence System:
C- Create Space
U- Utilize Cover
T- Transmit