Ultrasound Standard warning
This is an ultrasound treatment what you should feel is the head of the ultrasound moving and comfortable heat on the area, if you feel anything like concentrated heat or burning on the area please let me know , because it might cost tissue damage please lie still and do not touch any of the equipment do you understand do you have any questions
Non-Thermal Ultrasound
buty cycle 20% (1/4)
Acoustic Streaming
Thermal Ultrasound
Duty cycle - 100% or continuous
Affects tissue
1 MHZ → heats tissue up to 5 cm deep
3 MHZ→ heats tissues up to 1-2 cm deep
Therapeutic uses of ultrasound
→ Soft tissue shortening
→ Pain control
→ Soft tissue healing and Inflammation also joint inflammation (0A)
→ Bone fractures
→ Carpal tunnel syndrome
→ Phonophonesis
→ Malignant tumours within past 5 years
→ Pregnancy
→ CNS tissue - can damage CNS
→ Joint cement or plastic components
→ Pacemaker or Implantable Cardioverter defibrillator
→ Thrombophlebitis - blood clot
→ Eyes
→ Reproductive organs
Precautions Ultrasound
→ Acute Inflammation
→ Epiphyseal plates
→ Fractures
→ Breast Implants
Adverse Effects of Ultrasound
Burns due to high intensity,Impaired circulation and superficial bone
Us Standing waves - blood cell Stasis and damage to endothelial lining of blood vessels
Cross contamination and infection of patient
Principles of Application