Anterior vnew observation
General physique
→ Muscular
→ overweight
→ Skinny
Posture (Anterior)
Any obvious deformations you can see or visible difference between the 2 sides of the body or abnormal posture
Height of ears and eyes(Anterior)
→ Same height
→ one side higher, maybe due to tiltof the neck to one side (side flexion of the neck)
Trapezius Muscle (Anterior)
→ Both at the same height
→ One muscle is more bulky or prominent,maybe due to muscle spasm or type of Sport or active by that the patient does
→ the patient is right handed so the right trapezius may also be bigger
Clavicles (Anterior)
→ both the same height
→ Any palpable deformatles
→ Any differences between the 2 sides
→ one more prominent than the other maybe due to previous injury, activities or type of sport
Shoulders (Anterior)
→ same height
→ One higher,If one trapezius muscle is higher,It will pull the shoulder higher as well.May be due to carrying a bag over one shoulder for long times, handedness or Sport
Position and shape of upper arm, elbow and forearms ( Anterior)
→ look for any muscle atrophy/ wasting Of of MUSCLE or obvious differences in muscle bulk between the two arms
Angle of Talje (Anterior)
Angle between the forearm and the body, distal to the elbow
→ is the angle the same on both Sides
shape of chest and anterior rib cage (Anterior)
is there any visible flaring of the ribs (ribs standing out) or flail ribs (Indented ribs)
Anterior superior illac spine (ASIS)(Anterior)
is the height the same on both sides Or is there a tilt/ rotation to one side
Position and shape of upper legs ( Anterior)
look for muscle atrophy/ muscle wasting and differences between muscle bulk of the two upper legs
Rotation position of Femurs ( Anterior)
is there any internal or external rotation of the femur/s
Height of the patella (Anterior)
→ is the patella on the same height,may differ due to pelvic tilt Or muscle spasm in the upper leg
Height of medial malleoli (Anterior)
→ if the mallieoli on the same height or not,may differ one to a leg length discrepancy or pelvic tilt
Shape and position of feet and toes
is It in pronation (flattened foot bridge) or supination (heightened foot bridge) or in inversion (turnned in) or eversion (turned out)