OSI and TCP/IP Flashcards
Open System Interconnection (OSI)
Describes how a PC uses the 7 layers to communicate over a network
OSI Application
Layer 7, Synchronises communication, and provides an interface between user and network
OSI Presentation
Provides coding and conversion functions
OSI Session
Establishes, manages, and terminates communication sessions
OSI Transport
Segments data and ensures error-free transfer.
OSI Network
Defines the network topology and the routing. Sends Packets
OSI Data Link
Provides reliable transfer of data. Sends Frames
OSI Physical
Layer 1, Manages the communications. Sends bits
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP)
Provides reliable communication. Its protocols can be used for Internet of Thing Devices
TCP/IP Application
Provides interfaces and protocols for users to interact with network services.
OSI 7-5
TCP/IP Transport
Responsible for error-free, end-to-end delivery, and flow control
TCP/IP Internet deals with . . .
Deals with best path delivery and packet switching
TCP/IP Network Access is responsible . . .
Responsible for creating data and requesting connections
OSI Layer 1+2