OSCE prep Chilblains Flashcards
What are Chillblains/Erythema Pernio
So its a vasospastic condition causing cold induced lesions that affect areas of the skin vunerable to cold exposure
So there are 3 stages
* Cyanotic
* Inflammatory (Hyperaemic and Congestive)
* Ulcerative
Cyanotic = ususally asymptomatic, blueish colour to the skin due to decreased o2 from vasoconstriction
Hyperimia = reactive vasodilation red, hot swollen painfull from sudden rush of blood into cappilary, erythema due to heat from increased metabolic rate
Congestive = dark purple apperance caused by volume of deoxeygenated blood
Ulcerated = deoxeygenated blood and toxins build up causing tissue damage
What assesments would you perform if chilblains are suspected
Take the patients history
* How long has it being going on for
* ascertain whether they’ve had any recent exposure to cold
* determine any risk factors from a family history, obviousley we know chilblains are often idopathic but it can be secondary to other conditions like lupus erythema so we need to try clarify that
* Previous episodes or symptoms outside the cold months
Examine the patient
* Checking for any clinical signs such as red or purple lesions on top of the skin
* Complete a Vascular assesment to asses the peripheral circulation as well as neurological assesment to asses sensation in affected area and rule out neuropathy
How would you manage Chilblains what advice would you give
So if the chilblains are idopathic:
* Minimise exposure to extreme temperatures and rapid temperature change
* Avoid smoking as this can cause vasoconstriction
Hyperaemic phase
* Cooling lotions, calamine lotion
* Witch hazel
Cyanotic and congested phase
* Warming body in water at room temprature
* A rubeficient can be used during the cynaotic stage to stimulate blood flow
* Wear adequate clothing to keep warm insulating gloves insulating footwear Plastazote insoles
* wool basket
Broken Chilblain
* So i would treat as an infected lesion
* cleanse area
* So id establish drainage
* Apply dressing using aeseptic technique
* Remove pressure
Erythema perno Aetiology 6 and 3 for exacerbating
Pre disposing risk factors
* bad blood supply
* Diet
* Endocrine disorders
* Anemic patients
* Diabetes
* Peripheral Aterial Disease
Contributing factors
* tight footwear or inapproiate footwear
* rapid heating
* thin socks