OSCE Flashcards
Steps for EC assessment (OSCE)
Time of UPSI Prev SI within the cycle Regular or recent contraception LMP + regularity Calculate expected ovulation date Explain options - IUD / Levonelle / Ella one - MOA - Efficacy / implications of failure - pros and cons - SE / impact on next period When to do UPT Ongoing contraception Safe sex / condoms / PIL
Considerations for providing contraception to <16yo (OSCE)
Confirm if already sexually active / planning to be LSI + Current contraception consider EC Advise to discuss with parent / guardian sexual partners age / where met Where they have sex coercion / pressure / gifts who do they live with do they attend school any symptoms / pain safe sex / condoms / LARCS / EC
Confidentiality statement for YP consultation (OSCE)
This is a confidential consultation.
If we have concerns that you or someone else is at risk of serious harm then we may need to share information with other services, but this is rare.
YP assessment to assess for risk of CSE
Are Parent/ guardian aware they are here?
Are they aware of the sexual activity?
Do they know the partner?
Home address + who lives there
Are you safe at home? Can you talk to someone about sex / relationships
registered with a GP?
Attend school / pupil referral unit / do they like it.
Contact with other services? (mental health, social work etc)
Age at first sex? Number of lifetime partners? Multiple partners at present?
Duration of current relationship + age of partner
alcohol / drugs - Does use affect sexual choices?
Partner position of trust/ Power imbalance / feel pressure
any non-consensual sex / can they say no
ever been paid, or given gifts for sex?
Young carer
Looked after child
Family bereavement
Learning or physical disability
YP patient risk factors - consider referral to safeguarding
- Under 13yrs (very high risk)
- Lacks maturity
- Unusual level of secrecy for age
- Withdrawn / anxious
- Dismisses concerns
- Presents alone or isolated
- Previous STI
- Previous pregnancy
- History of self harm
- Regular alcohol / drugs
- Alcohol / drugs at time of sex 12. Violent / forced / pressurised
relationship - Evidence of grooming
- Poor school attendance
- Lives away from parents
- Problems at home
- Social worker / Youth worker 18. Mental health problems
- Looked after child
- On a child protection plan
- Learning disability
YP partner risk factors - to consider referral to safeguarding
- Controlling/intimidating partner
- Partner > 5 years older than patient
- Partner not in school year
– less risk if patient is older - Partner drives or works
– less risk if patient is older - Imbalance of power or
mental capacity - Partner is a family member
- Partner is in a position of responsibility
- Violent / forced / pressurised relationship
- Partner supplies alcohol or drugs to patient
- Partner known to police
- Social worker / Youth worker
- Mental health problems
- Learning disability
HIV and contraception (OSCE)
Treatment type, duration, compliance Recent VL and CD4 count - <200 - IUCD = UKMEC 3 Liverpool interaction checker if enzyme inducer advise - IUS /IUD / DMPA Annual smears 25-65yo STI screen annually min Pregnancy planning in future Avoid spermicide - increase HIV transmission Discuss menopause symptoms if 45yo+
BBN - giving a HIV diagnosis (OSCE)
Setting / privacy
Perception of patient / expectations / knowledge
Inform result, explain disease, ask if support wanted, confirmatory test needed
Knowledge - virus, treatment, transmission, partners, disclosure, PEPSE, U=U, pregnancy and existing children, Ref to HIV team
Emotions - identify and discuss pt emotions / concerns / emotional state and plan
Summary / plan - confirmatory bloods, PN + PEPSE, HIV team, counselling, HA, safe sex, PIL, support groups / websites