OSCE Flashcards
What to tell a CT positive patient
Leaflet What CT is Complications if not Rx Ses of Rx Partner Rx No sex until both completed Rx Condoms!!!!
What to discuss when initiating pepse?
Rationale I want prep now website Ses - GI Arrange f/u HIV test 28/7 pepse if hiv neg Follow up hiv test in 8-12 weeks post exposure Condoms Hep B vaccination Ec Interactions antacids Support HA Leaflet Advise to present urgently if rash, flu like Sx
Follow up for patient started onto pepse including baseline
Baseline: HIV HBsAg STS, HepC STI screen Creatinine urinalysis for protein ALT
14/7: Ct/GC f/u
8-12/52 post exposure:
HBsAg and HIV
Initiating prep hx
Risk assess - partners, stis, condomless, chensex, pep in prev 12/12
Medical Hx- renal, bone
Meds- nephrotoxic?
Drugs, needle sharing
Assess for Renal disease risk - >40, eGFR <90, HTN, DM
When giving prep tell patient….
Schedule Time until effective SEs - GI Adherence Risk of hiv Sx of seroconversion Condoms!!! Leaflet!!!! Sti check every 3/12
Baseline assessment prep
HIV poct/ 4th gen Hep b vaccine Hep c screen Sti inc sts Creatinine, eGFR and urinalysis for protein If eGFR < 60 - renal advice
Follow up whilst on prep
3/12 sti screen and hiv and hep c
Annual renal function
Give 90 day supply
F/u 1/12
HSV diagnosis station and what info to give patient
Condoms Leaflet No sex when lesions or prodromes Asymp shedding Tell all partners Aciclovir when needed HA Can’t transmit via towels, sheets Don’t transmit to pregnant women in third trimester - abstain from sex if lesions in 3rd trimester
Mx of primary HSV in 1st or 2nd trimester
Until 28/40
Inform obstetric team and write in orange notes
Standard RX
Vaginal del
Daily suppressive aciclovir 400mg tds from 36/40
Mx of primary HSV in third trimester (28/40+)
Usual Rx
Then daily suppressive Rx
C/s ( risk of neonatal transmission if Sx in prev 6/52 is 41%)
If within 6/52 of del with Sx type specific igG and swab lesions
If hiv positive and HSV recurrence during pregnancy what mx
Daily suppression from 32 weeks
( increased risk of preterm del and also risk of transmitting hiv if HSV ulceration in pregnancy
How to use a diaphragm
2x2cm strips onto upper surface of diaphragm
Apply additional spermicide if over 3 hours since applied
Leave in for 6 hours post sex
Max 30hours
Vaginal exam first to ensure fit and find size
Osce on CHC
Ukmec Medications Bri and BP Lifestyle factors Fhx Effectiveness Missed pills Health risks Side effects Non contraceptive benefits When work? Leaflet Signs to seek medical advice To attend if new meds’ new headache What to do if wishes to stop How to get next px
Key signs to present when on CHC
Calf pain swelling Chest pain Loss of movement or feeling in limbs Breast lump New migraine New symptoms before migraines Persistent vag bleeding
What to discuss in a sterilisation consultation
Medical Hx Leaflet Both partners Not reversible Vasectomy safer LARC Regret Risks