CRQ Flashcards
Hierarchy of evidence
Meta analysis Rct Non randomised CT Cohort study Case control study Cross sectional surgery Case series Case report
Chance of it being correctly positive
Ie does have the disease and is positive on the test
A/ a+c
Positive predictive value
If positive on a test what is the chance they actually are positive for the disease?
If they don’t have the disease what is the chance the test correctly identifies them as negative?
Negative predictive value
If the patient is negative on the test what is the chance they actually are a true negative without the disease
What does CONSORT diagram stand for?
Consolidated standards of reporting trials
To improve quality of rct
Patient flow
Includes those lost to follow up
Evidence based minimum set of recommendations for reporting rcts
Standardised way to present report findings
What does PICO stand for?
Formulating a question for a study
Patient or problem (population)
Case report
Experience of one person
Prone to chance and bias
Case series
Group of people studied
Useful for rare diseases
5 children who presented to EF with abdo epilepsy etc
Cohort study
Consequences of exposure to a risk factor
Same group of people followed
One with risk exposure and one without
No one has the disease at start of the trial
Can do retrospectively
Takes long time (usually years)
E.g 500 people who smoke cannabis monitored for 15 years to see if at greater risk of developing schizophrenia
Case control study
Compares those with disease and those without
and looks at a risk factor
50 women with hepatitis and 50 women without queries about ear piercing to see if a risk factor
Cross sectional study
Surveyed group of people at one point in time
Prevalence of exposure and outcome in a population
E.g population questionnaire examining prevalence of stroke risk factors
Minimises bias
Measures efficacy
Compare two treatments
Kids with fever given either paracetamol or ibuprofen to determine which is better at reducing fever
Study should say how endpoint selected e.g morbidity, plaque developed, major CV risk factor
How well does it measure what it was supposed to
Measures variable
Criteria compared to what is know to be valid
How consistent a test is on repeated measurement
How true is it to true value
Consistency of measurement
Measurement error either:
systematic (dif readings on same machine)
Random error- dif in weight readings
Rate of occurrence of new cases over a period of time
Measures risk of disease
Number of new cases over time period divided by population size
Proportion with disease at a given time
Number with disease divided by population size