Gynae Flashcards
Lichen sclerosis risk of scc
Primary nil Menses by age 16 in presence of secondary sex characteristics
Or nil menses or secondary sex characteristics by age 14
Secondary amenorrhoea - absent periods for at least 6/12 if prev regular periods or 12 months if okigoamenorrhoea
Type 1 amenorrhoea
Low estrogen, low fsh and no hypothalamic pituitary pathology leading to hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
Type 2 amenorrhoea
Normal estrogen normal fsh normal prolactin - pcos
Gondal failure hormone levels
Low estrogen
High fsh
Tanner stages
Stage 1 prepubertal
Stage 2 breast bud few hairs
Stage 3 larger breast bud, central hair growth
Stage 4 mound formed, triangular hair growth
Stage 5 fully formed breast, adult pubic hair
Causes only of primary amenorrhoea
Empty sella syndrome
Constitutional delay
Genetic disorders - androgen insensitivity syndrome, turners, rokintansky syndrome
Causes only of secondary amenorrhoea
Fragile x syndrome Sheehans Head injury Ashermans PCOS
Primary ovarian failure under what age and what blood tests?
Under 40
Two fsh >20 on two occasions
Screen for mumps, autoimmune, hiv, karyotype and baseline dexa
Turner syndrome chromosomes
Amenorrhoea with Normal low fsh Normal low LH High prolactin Testosterone normal
Fsh normal LH normal or slightly raised Prolactin normal or slightly increased Testosterone slightly increased LH:FSH ratio raised
Secondary amenorrhoea with low normal FSH and LH with normal testosterone, prolactin and oestrogen
Hypothalamic stress weight loss
Turners syndrome
High FSH high LH Low estrogen Short stature Short 4th metacarpal Horseshoe kidney Streak like gonads
Remove testes
Induce with CHC
Constitutional delay of menses Rx
Induce puberty with 2mcg ee daily
Increase in 5mcg increments every 6/12 until 20mcg
Then go for CHC
Kallmans syndrome
Colour blind
Amenorrhoea primary
Rotterdam criteria for PCOS
Hyperandrogenism or polycystic ovary (over 10 in each ovary)
Mx of PCOS
Weight loss
Induce regular bleeds
Mpa 10mg OD for 5 days every 3/12 or give CHC dianette
Rokitansky syndrome
Mullerain agenesis Vagina absent Uterus usually absent Check kidneys Normal ovaries Can do IVF with surrogate
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
46XY Gonads are testes Minimal Vulval or pubic hair development Short vagina Do get breasts
Remove testes
Can’t conceive
Testosterone >5
Risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia
Estrogen secreting Tumors
Drugs eg tamoxifen HRT
Mx of endometrial hyperplasia without Atypia
Reverse RF - can observe but prefer to
Rx with progestogen IUS
TVUSS to check ovaries
2nd line Rx mpa 10mg daily
Review at 6/12 for pipelle
If persists >12/12 despite RX - hysterectomy
Atypical hyperplasia Mx
Total hyst
BSO for all
Wishing to preserve fertility and atypical hyperplasia
Exclude invasive ca with mri and Timor markers
Then TAH when no longer need fertility
Describe types of FGM
Type 1 - partial or total removal of clitoris
Type 2 partial or total removal of clitoris and labia minora
Type 3 narrowing of vagina opening by cutting and stitching labia togethe
Type 4 piercing, pricking
Mx of FGM medicolegally
If > 18 discuss with safeguarding. If children at risk then discuss with child protection or if pregnant
If under 18 - report to police by end of working day. Strategy meeting within 45 days
In early pregnancy if crl <7mm and no FH what the MX plan?
Second scan in a week
If crl >7mm and no FH what plan?
Can rescan in a week or second sonographer to confirm
If GS over 25mm and nil pole
Second sonographer to confirm
Rfs for ectopic
Smoking Prev ectopic Tubal surgery PID >35 IVF IUD
PUL Mx of 48hours hcgs
If >63% increase then likely intrauterine. Rescan when hcg >1500
If descrease over 50% likely failing pregnancy and do PT
If between the two - potential ectopic
Mx of miscarriage
Expectant mx first line for 2 weeks
Medical mx vaginal miso 800mcg
Surgical Mx
Ectopic mx for expectant
If clinical stable Pain free Tubal ectopic not over 35mm No FH Hcg less than 1000
Hcg on d2, 4 and 7 and should drop by 15%
Ectopic medical mx
No significant pain Unruptured Less than 35mm No FH Hcg less than 1500
Hcg d4 and d7
Can consider up to 5000 but chance of intervention increased