OS Command Line Tools Flashcards
diskpart - Disk Partitioner - OS Command Line Tools
• Replaces the Pre-Windows-XP FDISK command
format - Format a disk - OS Command Line Tools
• Prepare a disk for use by the operating system
chkdsk - Check Disk - OS Command Line Tools
- chkdsk /f - Fixes logical errors on the disk
* chkdsk /r - Locates bad sectors, recovers information
md, cd, rd - OS Command Line Tools
- md - Make directory
- cd - Change directory
- rd - Remove directory
dir - directory listings - OS Command Line Tools
• List files and directories
del - Delete - OS Command Line Tools
- Remove a file from a directory or disk
* del names
copy - Duplicate files - OS Command Line Tools
- copy /v - Verifies that new files are written correctly
* copy /y - Suppresses overwrite prompts
xcopy - Extended copy - OS Command Line Tools
- copies multiple files and directory trees
* xcopy source [destination]
robocopy - Robust copy - OS Command Line Tools
- Functionally replaces xcopy
* Designed to handle NTFS file system details
tasklist - Task List - OS Command Line Tools
- Displays a list of currently running processes
* Local or remote device
taskkill - Task Kill - OS Command Line Tools
• Terminates tasks by process id (PID) or image name
sfc - System File Checker - OS Command Line Tools
- sfc /scannow - Run the check
* Scan integrity of all protected system files
shutdown - OS Command Line Tools
• Shutdown a computer
extract - Remove files from a Windows cabinet file - OS Command Line Tools
- /d - Display files in a cabinet
- > extract /d
- /a - Extract a file
- > extract /a filename
gpupdate - Force a Group Policy update - OS Command Line Tools
• gpupdate /target: {computer | user} /force
gpresult - Verifty policy settings for a computer or user - OS Command Line Tools
• gpresult /user [domain/]user