OS 206 E3 Samplex 2016 & 2017 Flashcards
The most basic structure of the kidney is found mostly in:
A. Renal Capsule B. Renal Cortex C. Renal Column D. Renal Pyramid E. Renal Pelvis
At what level is are the kidneys located?
A. T 11 to L4
B. T12 to L5
C. T11 to L3
D. L1 to L5
Which is false?
A. On the frontal plane, the renal axis is directed downward and outward.
B. The kidneys lie parallel to the lateral borders of the psoas muscles on either side.
C. On the lateral plane, the renal axis is directed downward and anteriorly.
D. On the lateral plane, the renal lower pole is 2-3 cm more posterior than the upper pole.
Most dominant force in determining GFR
A. tubular fluid oncotic pressure
B. plasma or capillary oncotic pressure
C. glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
D. Bowman’s capsule hydrostatic pressure
The bulk of calcium reabsorption happens in the
A. Proximal tubule
B. Thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
C. Distal convoluted tubule
D. Collecting tubule
The bulk of magnesium reabsorption occurs in the
A. Proximal tubule
B. Distal convoluted tubule
C. Thick ascending limb of loop of Henle
D. Collecting tubule
All are functions of the kidney except
A. Excretion of metabolic wastes
B. Synthesis of glucose using amino acids during fasting
C. Regulation of electrolyte balance
D. Secretion of ADH
These control mechanisms are activated seconds after change in blood pressure except
B. baroreceptor
C. chemoreceptor
D. CNS ischemic response
Which anatomical structure is not usually seen in a plain x-ray of the abdomen?
a. stomach
b. psoas
c. ureter
d. bladder
In a normal adult, the kidneys usually lie along the length of which vertebral body?
a. T11-L3
b. T9-T12
c. L1-L4
d. T10-L1
In the proximal convuluted tubule, penicillin is
a. Actively secreted into tubule
b. Actively reabsorbed from tubule
c. Passively reabsorbed from tubule
d. Metabolized by tubule cells
In which portion of the ureter stones would tend to lodge and cause obstruction
a. Uterovesical junction
b. Uteropelvic junction
c. Crossing over iliac
d. Crossing over psoas
All may be found in IVP of kidney with hydronephrosis EXCEPT
a. Flattening of concavity of calyx
b. Reversal of convexity of renal papilla
c. Atrophy of renal pelvis
d. Enlarged calyx
Which of the ff. does not describe perirenal fascia?
a. Encloses perirenal fat
b. Known as Gerota’s fascia
c. Anchors kidney to surrounding structures and wall of abdomen
d. Innermost of 3 tissue layers surrounding the kidneys
What is true of the efferent arteriole
a. It branches into the glomerular capillary
b. It contains mechanoreceptors sensitive to BP
c. It branches into the peritubular capillary
d. It absorbs solutes from intestinal fluid
Majority of the stones of the urinary tract can be visualized radiographically. This is because of the fact that these stones are made of
a. Uric acid crystals
b. Calcium oxalates
c. Magnesium crystals
d. A&B
e. A,B&C
Which correctly describes the kidney
a. It is located in the zone 1 of the retroperitoneum
b. It is almost parallel to the vertebral column
c. It is primarily a retroperitoneal organ
d. It is fixed in place by renal vessels and renal fascia
e. It measure 10x1x5 cm
The outline to the renal shadows are visible on the plain film of abdomen because of:
a. Low density of peri-renal fat capsule
b. Uptake of contrast by the kidney
c. Low soft tissue density of the psoas
d. Surrounding bowel gas