Orthopedics/Rheumatology Flashcards
Tests that assess shoulder impigmengement (subscapular nerve, supraspinatus)
Hawkins, Drop Arm, Neer
Most common fracture in children?
Clavice (middle 1/3rd)
What must you be concerned about with parasthesias of ulnar aspect of hand, forearm, arm
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Child falls, onto arm, complains of elbow pain. X-ray shows anterior humeral line or anterior fat pad. Diagnosis?
Supracondylar fracture
Mid-distal radial shaft fracture with dislocation of distal radio ulnar joint
Galeazzi fracture
High rate of non-union on outstretched hand, anatatomical snuffbox tenderness
Scaphoid fracture
Complication with Colles fracture
EPL rupture
Garden slade deformity on x-ray
Smiths fracture
Lunate fracture
Most serious carpal fracture, piece of pie sign, emergent (AVN- Kienbocks dz))
Boutonniere deformity
Flexion at PIP, Extension at DIP
Intraarticular fracture of base of 1st MC
Bennetts fracture (comminuted= Rolands)
Women presents with hip pain, shortened leg, internally rotated and adducted with hip/knee flexed. Dx?
Hip dislocation
Women presents with hip pain, shortened leg, externally rotated and abducted. Dx?
Hip fracture
4 year old presents with painless limping for weeks on right side. X-ray reveals crescent sign. Dx?
Legg-Calve-Perthes Dz (idiopathic AVN)
10 year old obese male presents with hip and thigh pain with limp, externally rotated right leg. Dx? Tx?
Greenstick fracture
Bowing (convex side)
Torus (buckle) Fracture
Wrinkling or bump
Which ligament is associated with valgus stress?
Which ligament is associated with varus stress?
Tests for ACL tear?
Lachmans**, anterior drawer
Dashboard injury associated with?
PCL tear; pivot shift test
Test for MCL injury
Best view for patellar fracture
Sunrise view
Popliteal artery rupture associated with which dislocation
Knee (Tibial/femoral); emergency!
Positive Obers tests seen in?
IT band syndrome
Most common injured ligament in ankle sprain?
Spiral fibular fracture d/t rupture distal talofib syndesmosis
Maisonneuve Fracture