Gastroenterology Flashcards
Most common cause of esophagitis
Patient with odynophagia is immunocompromised. Endoscopy performed, shows large, shallow ulcers. What is the likely cause and treatment?
Treatment: Ganiclovir
Patient with severe food allergies being evaluated for dysphagia. Endoscopy likely shows?
Multiple corrugated rings (Eosinophillic esophagitis)
This condition may lead to esophageal adenocarcinoma
Barretts esophagus
Gold standard diagnosis for GERD
24 hour pH monitoring
50 y/o with difficulty swallowing solids and liquids. Esophagram shows birds beak appearance of LES. Diagnosis?
Gold standard for diagnosing achalasia
Corkscrew appearance on esophagram
Diffuse esophageal spasm
Manometry shows increase LES pressure with peristalsis. Diagnosis?
Nutcracker esophagus
Patient admits to persistent vomiting and difficult swallowing. Crepitus heard on auscultation. Which test should be ordered for diagnosis?
CT scan (Boerhaaves syndrome): shows pneumomediastinum
Superficial longitudinal erosions seen on endoscopy
Mallory Weiss Tear
Test of choice for diagnosing esophageal webs
Barium esophagram (swallow)
Schatzki ring is located where?
Squamocolumnar junction
Treatment for a patient with upper GI bleeding and history of alcoholism
Endoscopic Ligation +/- octreotide
If not successful, surgical decompression (TIPS)
Treatment of choice in primary prophylaxis to prevent rebleeds in esophageal varices
Propanolol or nadolol
Treatment for hiatal hernia where GE junction remains in its anatomic location
“Rolling hernia” is treated with surgery
Patient experiencing solid food dysphagia and weight loss. Endoscopy with biopsy reveals Adenocarcinoma. Where is it likely located in the esophagus?
Lower 1/3rd of the esophagus
Most common cause of gastritis? PUD?
H.Pylori is most common
NSAIDs/ASA is 2nd most common
Treatment of H.Pylori
Amoxicillin (metronidazole if PCN allergic)
Most common cause of upper GI bleed
Peptic Ulcer Disease
30 y/o patient with dyspepsia that improves with meals, has nocturnal pain at bedtime. Endoscopy reveals which kind of ulcer and where?
Duodenal ulcer; most commonly found in the bulb
70 y/o patient with dyspepsia with meals and experiencing weight loss. Endoscopy reveals what type of ulcer and where?
Gastric ulcer; most common in the antrum of stomach
Which test for H.Pylori cannot confirm eradication?
Serologic antibodies
Most common site for gastrinoma
Duodenal wall
Patient has multiple peptic ulcers seen on endoscopy. Which test may be considered next?
Fasting gastrin level to rule out zollinger ellison syndrome
Endoscopic biopsy reveals diffuse thickening of stomach wall in a 60 y/o male with hx of H.pylori, recent weight loss and early satiety. Most likely diagnosis?
Gastric carcinoma (adenocarcinoma most common) "Linitis plastica"
Most common type esphogeal carcinoma worldwide
Squamous cell carcinoma
4 week old infant with vomiting, olive shaped nontender nodule right of umbilicus. Diagnosis?
Plyoric stenosis
30 y/o woman with ascites, hepatomegaly and RUQ pain. Likely condition?
Hepatic vein obstruction
Patient with fever, jaundice, RUQ pain. What test is ordered to make diagnosis?
Common bacteria associated with acute cholecystitis?
E. Coli
When a patient has no UGT what will the labs show?
Elevated Indirect hyperbilirubinemia (Crigler Najjar Type 1)
Labs reveal mild conjuagated (direct) hyperbilirubinemia and liver is grossly black. What is the condition?
Dubin Johnson Syndrome
What type of jaundice has increase in direct and indirect bilirubin?
Hepatocellular (hepatitis)
Dark urine is a sign of what in a jaundiced patient?
Elevated direct hyperbilirubinemia (seen in direct and hepatocellular jaundice)
Elevated ALP with GGT suggests what?
hepatic source or biliary obstruction