Orthopaedics Flashcards
What movement is controlled by the femoral nerve?
Knee extension, thigh flexion
What is the sensory region of the femoral nerve?
Anterior and medial aspect of the thing and lower leg
What movement is controlled by the obturator nerve?
Thigh adduction
What is the sensory region of the obturator nerve?
Medial thigh
What movement is controlled by the tibial nerve?
Food plantarflexion and inversion
What is the sensory region of the tibial nerve?
Sole of foot
How is the obturator nerve injured?
Anterior hip doslocation
What movement is controlled by the common peroneal nerve?
foot dorsiflexion and eversion.
Extensir hallucis longus
Injury causes foot drop
What is the sensory region of the common peroneal nerve?
Dorsum of the foot and the lower lateral part of the leg
How do you tend to injure the common peroneal nerve?
AN injury to the neck of the fibula such as a tightly applied plaster cast. Injury causes foot drop.
What movement is controlled by the superior gluteal nerve?
Hip abduction
How to you tend to injure the superior gluteal nerve?
Posterior hip dislocation
Injury results in a positive trendelenburg sign
What movement is controlled by the inferior gluteal nerve?
Hip extension and lateral rotation
What is the difference between a direct and indirect hernia?
Direct - protrudes through hesselbacks triagnle and passes through the inguinal ring. Passes lateral to the inferior epigastric artery