orthopaedics Flashcards
patient stabilisation
- Check and stabilise vitals
- Perform thorough physical, orthopaedic, and neurological examinations
- Pursue initial diagnostics, including blood analysis, thoracic and abdominal radiographs and a FAST ultrasound
- Resolve any life-threatening issues, which means surgery may need to be delayed for several days due to conditions
- Administer proper analgesia as soon as possible
- Approx. 12-24 hrs following presentation, animal must be thoroughly re-evaluated
orthopaedic exam starts with
- History (can give info about cause of limping, about previous problems or pathological conditions)
- information on animal (age, sex, breed and reproductive status)
- clinical examination
Bernese mountain dog and lab predisposition
elbow and hip dyslplasia
newfoundland predisposition
cruciate ligament rupture
greyhound and basset predisposition
very rare for cruciate ligament rupture
spaniels predisposition
incomplete ossification of the humerus condyles (IOHC)
mini poodle predisposition
hereditary medial shoulder instability
- test for cranial cruciate ligament rupture
sitting test
tibia compression test
drawer test
test for collateral ligametns
varus/valgus test
test for meniscus
by crepitation which occurs during passive knee movements
sitting test
- Unspecific and indicate a problem with hips and spine
- Dog is reluctant to sit down if cruciate ligaments rupture so changes position
tibia compression test
- Knee in mild flexion and metatarsus of same leg in dorsiflexion
- Index finger of other hand is put on tuberositas tibiae
- At dorsal metatarsus flexion, tibia is shifting cranially which index fingers register
drawer test
- Index finger of one hand is put on patella and thumb of same hand behind lateral sesamoid bone, fabella
- Index finger of other hand put on tuberositas tibiae and thumb on fibula head
- Moving lower leg relative to upper leg, causes shift
varus/valgus test
- Thumb put on fibula head, index finger along the medial side of articular capsule
- Using one hand to stabilise femur and other holds the end of tibia applying an inward force to joint (adduction)
- If lateral ligament is torn an “opening” of joint is apparent
- Vice versa
test for hip instability
ortolani test
ortolani test
- Dysplastic changes and subluxation of the hip
- Lateral recumbency or on back
- Knee and hip are at 90 degrees
- Femur grabbed by knee, adduct and push towards pelvis whilst other hand fixes pelvis
- The pressure on trochanter, reduces femur head into acetabulum and make a thump
barden test
o Lifting femur from body in lateral position
o Instable hip will shift from joint socket dorsally when femur is lifted
barlow test
o Dog on back
o Both femurs in perpendicular position relative to body and by pressing knees downwards, are being pushed ventrally towards hip
- Young German shepherds
- Self limiting disease of long bones of large and giant breed dogs
- Commonly affects ulna, followed by radius, humerus, femur and tibia
- Cause = unknown
o Maybe excessively high dietary protein or calcium administration that causes protein accumulation
signalment of panosteitis
- 5-12 months, can up to 5 years of age
- Males more commonly affected than females
- Airedale terrier, Irish setter, great Dane, saint Bernard, newfoundland, golden/lab retrieves, GSD
- Dogs weighing more than 23kg at increased risk
diagnosis of panosteitis
- Based on signalment, history, physical examination, radiographic findings
- Physical examination
o Shifting leg lameness and pain on palpation on long bones - Radiography
o Acute phase – they can be normal
o As it progresses: medullary pattern changes to coarser than normal trabecular pattern
differentials of panosteitis
- Hypertrophic osteodystrophy, Osteochondritis dissecans, hip dysplasia, fragmented medial coronoid process and united anconeal process
treatment of panostieits
- Doesn’t appear to affect outcome
- Exercise restriction and analgesics
- NSAIDs but if hospitalised, IV and injectable opioids
- Steroids and ATB isn’t necessary and should be avoided
- Prevent excessive protein
hypertrophic osteodystrophy
- Skeletal scurvy, metaphyseal dysplasia, etc
- Young large and giant breed dogs
- Radius, ulna and tibia mostly affected and usually bilateral
- Cause: unknown, could be infectious
signalment of hypertrophic osteodystrophy
- 2-6 months
- Male dogs predisposed compared with females
- Great Dane, Irish setter, boxer, GSD, golden and lab retrievers, Weimaraner (heritable)
diagnosis of hypertrophic osteodystrophy
- Characterised by painful swelling of metaphyseal region of long bones In appendicular skeleton
- Patients often systemically ill with fever, lethargy, inappetence or diarrhoea
- X-ray critical in confirming the diagnosis
o Characterised by lucent line in metaphyseal region parallel to physis (double physis)
differential of hypertrophic osteodystrophy
- Septic arthritis, septic physitis, secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism, retained cartilage cores, hypertrophic osteopathy and Panosteitis
- Secondary disorder most often associated with pulmonary neoplasia
treatment of hypertrophic osteodystrophy
- Self-limiting in days to months, signs may last for months
- Mild cases: supportive care, NSAIDs
- Severe cases: hospitalisation (aggressive supportive care and opioids)
- Complete and balanced diet, Vit C and Vit d (questionable)
- Blood cultures for immunosuppressed patients – then ATB accordingly
- Weimaraner puppies = corticosteroids
avascular necrosis of femoral head other name
legs-calve-perthes diseasee
what is legg-calve-perthes diseae
- Non-inflammatory local ischemia of femoral head and neck = deformation and lameness
- In any dog, but those less than 12kg of BW it’s called Perthes disease
- Cause: hereditary, conformation, infarction of femoral head, hormonal influence, increased intracapsular pressure – none is accepted as definite underlying cause
signalment of legg-calves-perthes-disease
- 4-11 months
- No sex
- Small breed mostly affected, toy and terrier breeds increased risk
- Mini poodles and Westies, trait is autosomal recessive
diagnosis of legs-calves-perthes
- Physical examination: mild-severe, non-weight bearing lameness of the pelvic limbs
- Radiographs are usually diagnostic, CT advised
o Shows progressive radiopacity of the lateral epiphyseal area of femoral head, followed by lysis of the femoral head in a “moth-eaten” or “apple-core” appearance. After lysis, femoral head flattens, creating the potential for femoral neck fractures
differentials of LCP
- Capital physeal trauma, epiphystitis, septic physitis, osteomyelitis and neoplasia
signs of LCP
- Crepitation during passive movements, ROM, loss of muscle, lameness
treatment of LCP
- Rest for 4-8 weeks
- Lameness resolved with rest and NSAID therapy
- Surgical options: femoral head and neck ostectomy or total hip replacement
- Due to lytic appearance, sample should be sent for histopathology to rule of neoplasia
prognosis of LCP
- Post-op is good, lameness resolving in 84-100% of cases
- Physical rehab after surgery may help ensure a positive outcome
multiple cartilaginous exostosis
- Benign bone disease of multiple, cartilage-capped bony protuberances that arise from the surface of any bone formed by endochondral ossification
- Mostly affected: vertebrae, ribs, and long bones
- Cause = unknown
- Condition affects both cats and dogs
- Exostosis may undergo malignant transformation to chondrosarcoma or osteosarcoma
signalment of multiple cartilaginous exostosis
- No known sex or breed predilection, maybe Great Dane, saint Bernard’s
- Inherited as autosomal dominant trait and seen in young growing patients
- Exostosis appears and enlarges before skeletal maturity
- Cats, associated with FeLV
diagnosis of multiple cartilaginous exostosis
- Based on physical examination and radiographic findings, with excisional biopsy and histologic examination important for definitive diagnosis
- Physical examination – pain maybe if exostosis is associated with a tendon, ligament, vessels or spinal cord compression
- X-ray – single or multiple bony masses with a thin cortex and medullary cavity that is confluent with the host bone and has a distinct trabecular pattern
o Full body – recommended as a monitoring tool
treatment of multiple cartilaginous exostosis
- Depends on size and location
- Rest and NSAIDs
- Surgery indicated for single or large exostosis
- Inflammation and infection of the medullary cavity, cortex and periosteum of bone
Chronic osteomyelitis there’s two specific entities - Sequestrum
o Piece of dead bone that has become separate during the process of necrosis from normal or sound bone - Involucrum
o Is a complication of osteomyelitis and represents a thick sheath of periosteal new bone surrounding a sequestrum
predisposing factors of osteomyelitis
- Inadequate fracture stabilisation
- Unsterile surgery
- Prolonged operating time
- Poor technique soft tissue damage
- Primarily immunocompromised patient
- Contaminated wound, inappropriate ATB
pathophysiology of osteomyeltiis
- Inflammation oedema and vascular congestion depriving osteocyte of adequate oxygen osteocytic death
- Compromised blood supply to bound and tissue allows establishment of bacteria
- Inadequate blood poor invasion of site by host defences and poor ATB perfusion
- Unresorbed bone sequestrum and may wall off involucrum
- Chronic infections granulation tissue production fistulae
- Bacterial toxins further tissue damage further isolating of the body’s defence mechanismpa
pathogenesis of osteomyelitis
- Neonatal primary osteomyelitis occurs near growth plates because of tortuous course of BV allows bacterial to settle and multiply infection
- Results from poor surgical techniques, prolonged operating time, excessive soft tissue damage
cause of osteomyelitis
- Bacteria infection introduced during orthopaedic surgery or contamination from wounds
- Associated with Staph, strep, e.coli, proteus, Pasteurella, pseudomonas and B.canis
signs of osteomyeltiis
- Acute/chronic
- Lameness, pain, abscessation at the wound site, fever, anorexia and depression
diagnosis of osteomyelitis
- Radiography can reveal bone lysis, sequestration, irregular periosteal reaction, loosening of implants and fistulous tracts
- Deep FNA, cytology and blood cultures
- Discharging sinuses, swelling at surgery site, limb dysfunction
treatment of osteomyeltiis
- Early ATB (culture and sensitivity is essential)
- Stabilisation of fractures and excision of necrotic material/bone sequestrate
- Surgery: if chronic osteomyelitis
- Wound debridement, lavage and removal of loose implants are recommended
- Open or closed wound drainage and delayed autogenous, cancellous bone grafting
- Chronic, refractory cases – limb amputation may be warranted
prognosis of osteomyelitis
- Variable and based on severity and chronicity of the infection
- Appropriate antimicrobial therapy based on bacterial culture and ATB sensitivity testing is mandatory for successful results
- GSD, golden retrievers, bassets, Dobermans
- In dog – specific painful bone condition involving the long leg bones of large dog breeds
- 5-18 months
- Males over females
- There’s 2 types of marrow (fatty marrow and blood cells)
o Fatty marrow is replaced with fibrous tissue
o Fibrous tissue then replaced by a woven bone (which is represented by fluffy opacites seen on x-ray)
o Marrow cavity can be nearly obliterated by encroaching woven bone
o Eventually, bone remodelling occurs
o Building new bone and dissolving bone where it shouldn’t be
o Bone tissue is re-structured back to normal
cause of panosteitis
- Unknown
- Could be a normal dog that receives a bone inoculation of marrow from an affected dog
signs of panosteitis
- Painful during its flare-ups
o Pain can last 2-5 weeks - Lameness can shift from one leg to another
- Fever
diagnosis of panosteitis
- Cloudiness in bone marrow cavities is visible on radiographs
treatment of panosteitis
- Pain relief, until dog outgrows
classification of fractures
- By anatomic location (articular, physeal, epiphyseal, metaphyseal or diaphyseal)
- Subclassified on anatomic locations (condylar, supracondylar, trochanteric or subtrochanteric)
- Based on radiographs
o Incomplete: fracture through only one cortex
o Complete: fracture through both cortices
o Comminuted: multiple fragments
o Segmental: two or more separate fractures - Displacement should also be recognised when classifying fractures
o Full orthogonal radiographs are needed
o Degree of displacement of the distal segment in relation to proximal segment - Incorporate level of contamination – whether it’s open or closed fracture
o Open fractures:
Type I: < 1 cm puncture; fragment briefly penetrated the skin
Type II: > 1 cm puncture; external trauma
Type III: extensive wound; soft tissues damaged or absent. Further classified as - Type IIIa: Adequate skin to close the wound
- Type IIIb: (**bad ** soft tissue)insufficient skin to close (degloving injury)
- Type IIIc: (circulation issues) compromised vascular supply to the skin
o Salter harris fractures: are growth plate (physeal) fractures in immature animals. Type I less likely and VI more likely to have long-term effects on mature bone length
SH I fracture: involves a fracture through the physis itself
SH II fracture: involves the physis and extends into the metaphysis
SH III fracture: involves the physis and extends into the epiphysis; considered an intra-articular fracture
SH IV fracture: involves physis and extends into both the metaphysis and epiphysis; considered an intra-articular fracture
SH V fracture: compression fracture through the physis
primary - direct bone healing
o 1. Contact healing
When defect between the bone ends is less than 0.01mm
with contact healing, cutting cones – an osteoclastic tunnelling process- develop, resulting in direct formation of lamellar bone oriented in the normal axial direction of the bone
o 2. Gap healing
When bone ends are less than 0.8mm-1mm apart
Initial fracture site undergoes intramembranous bone formation, with lamellar bone oriented perpendicular to the axial direction of bone
Fracture site remains relatively weak
Haversian remodelling begins 3-8 weeks after fracture fixation, allowing bone to develop in a more longitudinal fashion
indirect- secondary bne healing
- Occurs in unstable fractures or fractures treated with external coaptation as a primary means of fixation
- Formation of intermediate callus prior to bone formation
- As bone heals, the tissue pass through different stages of increasing stiffness and strength
- The greater the instability, the greater amount of callus
forces (6)
bending, rotation or torsion, shear, compression and tension
primary methods of fracture repair
- Bone plates – effective for nearly all forces
- Interlocking nails – effective against rotation, bending, compression and shear
- External skeletal fixation – effective for nearly all forces
o Linear fixators
o Ring fixators - Intramedullar pins – effective for bending, marginal for shear, ineffective for rotation
- External coaptation – weak against all forces
secondary methods of fracture repair
- Cerclage wire – useful for maintaining fracture apposition and counteracting rotational, shearing and bending instability
- Interfragmentary screws – useful for fragment apposition and counteracting rotational, shearing and bending instability
- K-wires
canine elbow dysplasia predisposition
- Large bred dogs and can occur in any breed
- Start to occur 4-8 months of age
causes of elbow dysplasia
- Multifactorial
- Abnormal development of the bones in the joint, leading to variety of problems such as arthritis, lameness and pain
signs of elbow dysplasi
- Limping, reluctant activity, swelling of the elbow and difficulty moving the affecting limb as well as pain
treatment of elbow dysplasi
- Medications to reduce inflammation
- Pain, weight management, physical therapy and surgery in severe cases
non surgical treatment for elbow dysplasia
- Supportive devices: braces/slings and changes to exercise routine (to reduce strain on joint)
- Physical therapy
- Proper nutrition: decreases weight so less strain and rich in nutrients supports joint health (glucosamine, chondroitin and omega-3 FA)
- Environmental: comfortable space, safe, lots of water, exercises and managing pain
- NSAIDs and glucocorticoids, joint supplements
- Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) : using dog’s own platelets to stimulate healing in the joint
conditions that cause elbow dysplasi
united anconeal process
fragment medial coronoid process
osteochondrosis dissecans
elbow incongruity
- Occurs when anconeal process, doesn’t fuse properly with the ulna
o So joint doesn’t function properly, wear and tear and development of arthritis - By 20 weeks, if it’s not integrated into ulna and ossified – can assumed UAP (usually 10-13weeks)
- Bilateral in 30% of cases
predisposition of UAP
- Males, large breed dogs (GSD, mastiff, newfoundland and greyhound)
cause of UAP
- over-long radius causes focal overload and failure to fuse
signs of UAP
- lameness, external rotation of forearm and joint capsule effusion
- pain during elbow hyperextension
diagnosis of UAP
physical exam, x-ray
treatment of UAP
- both medical and surgical
- medical: NSAIDs, corticosteroids
- weight management – so less strain on elbow
- physical therapy
- surgery: ostectomy, osteosynthesis, proximal ulnar osteotomy, partial/total elbow replacement and arthrodesis
- affects elbow joint in dogs
- piece of medial coronoid process breaks off
FMCP predisposition
- large breed dogs, although can be any breed
- 5-8 months
signs of FMCP
- External rotation of elbow joint, stiffness and lameness
- Reduced ROM, crepitus
- Weight bearing is painful
diagnosis of FMCP
- Physical therapy, x-ray, CT and arthroscopy
- Pain/discomfort when palpating and moving the elbow
treatment of FMCP
- Same as UAP
- Surgery: arthroscopy, arthrotomy, coronoidectomy, ostectomy
- Deloading of coronoid process achieved by: PAUL (proximal abducting ulnar osteostomy) – specialised plate
- Disturbance of cell differentiation in the metaphyseal growth plates and articular cartilage
- If it results in a fracture of an articular cartilage flap = OCD
predisposition of OCD
- Young (5-7months), rapidly growing dogs, medium/large/giant breeds
pathogenesis of OCD
- Occurs as endochondral ossification disorder (failure of bottom layer of articular cartilage to mineralise and integrate to the underlying subchondral bone
- focal areas of cartilage thickening
- focal areas thickened, unintegrated cartilage are prone to failure cannot heal arthritis and formation of loose pieces of cartilage in the joint (joint mice)
signs of OCD
- Lameness, swelling and difficulty moving affected limb
- Pebble shoe = when cartilage flap breaks off completely
diagnosis of OCD
- Physical therapy, X-rays and other diagnostic tests
treatment of OCD
- Restrictive activity, medical (NSAIDs) and surgical intervention (arthroscopy remove loose pieces of cartilage and smooth out rough areas of the joint)
- Debridement and drilling into subchondral bone mesenchymal cell pools under the lesion
- Bones of a joint don’t fit together properly and form a step joints don’t function smoothly
- EI plays important role in development of elbow dysplasia
predisposition of EI
- ¬large breeds (lab, golden retriever, GSD)
cause of EI
genetics injury or abnormal growht
diagnosis of EI
- Manifests as radio-ulnar step (short radius MCD/OCD and a short ulna UAP)¬
treatment of EI and consequences
- Surgery might be needed to correct alignment of the bones and restore proper joint congruity
- Development of osteoarthritis in affected joint
- Muscle imbalances and weakness in affected limb
elbow luxation
- Traumatic or congenital dislocation of elbow joint
- Partial or complete displacement of joints articulating surfaces
- Not common
predisposition of elbow luxation
- Congenital luxation = birth up until 3-4 months of age
signs of elbow luxation
- Lameness, pain and visible deformity (swelling) of the joint with a prominent lateral displacement of the radial head, elbow flexed and non-weight bearing, with resistance to flex/extend
diagnosis of elbow luxation
- Physical exam and radiograph
- arthroscopy
treatment of elbow luxation
- Closed reduction of joint (realignment of articulating surfaces through manipulation, followed by immobilisation using a cast or splint)
o Spica splint for 1st 2 weeks, CT needs 6-8 weeks to heal
o External coaptation and cage rest - Surgery: repair ligaments, remove damaged cartilage, joint reduction
- Surgery recommended for severe luxation or one that doesn’t respond to closed reduction or immobilisation
cranial cruciate ligament (CCLD) prediposition
- Rare in cats
- Large and giant breeds most affected
- Most affected: Rottweiler, newfoundland, staffies, mastiff)
- Least affected: greyhound, dachshund, basset and old English sheepdog
- Genetic mode of inheritance has been found in newfoundlands and labs
- No sex predisposition
- Neutered dogs have higher prevalence and smaller dogs affected later in life than larger
cause of CCLD
- Progressive degeneration of cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL)
- Multifactorial aetiology (obesity, poor physical condition, genetics, breed, etc)
signs of CCLD
- Lameness and pain (with manipulation), crepitus
- Medial buttress periarticular hypertrophy is often identified
- Difficulty rising from sitting, difficulty sitting (positive sit test), trouble jumping, decreased activity
diagnosis of CCLD
- Sit test
- Palpation: cranial drawer test and tibial compression test
- Complete rupture is seen by gait observations, physical exam and radiographs
- Sinus effusion palpable and most consistent radiographic finding
- Arthrocentesis and radiographs (for more difficult tears)
- Cranial socket laxity and cranial tibial traction: mainstay of diagnosis
treatment of CCLD
- Removal of damaged meniscus, then stabilising the knee
- Extracapsular stabilisation, TPLO, lateral fabellotibilar suture (lateral suture), tightrope, fibular head transposition, intra-articular reconstruction, osteotomy…
- Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO)
o Semi-circular cut around top of tibia and rotating its contact surface until it attains a near-level orientation (90o) relative to attachment of the quadriceps muscle
o Stabilised by locking bone plate and screws - Tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA)
o Linear cut along front of tibia (tibial tuberosity) - Choosing whether TPLO and TTA is just based on surgeons preference and experience
- Post op: decrease excessive activities, physical therapy
- Developmental disorder of articular cartilage caused by failure of normal endochondral ossification
- Cartilage in affected zone is thicker, receives less nutrition from synovial fluid and is less tolerant of biomechanical loading
- Deeper zone of cartilage can become necrotic fissure formation and development of detached flap OCD
- Lesion usually on medial aspect of lateral femoral condyle
- Non-traumatic, generally associated with conformational abnormalities and may have multifactorial aetiology
- Malposition of extensor mechanism leads to dislocation of patella
- Various changes are identified in small breed dogs: angular deformities of femur and tibia (“genu varum”) hypoplasia of trochlear groove
- Small and toy breeds – luxations are medial and commonly bilateral
- Grade I: not obvious lameness, bilateral grade IV leads to significant debilitation
diagnosis of patella luxation
- Physical exam and palpation of patella during stifle manipulation
- Direction of luxation and height of patella within trochlea ridge should be assessed
- Cranial drawer and stifle stability needs to be evaluated
- Radiographs
treatment of patella luxation
- Individualised to each patient
- Trochleoplasty – sulcoplasty, chondroplasty or wedge/block recession is used to make a trochlea of the femur deeper
- Tibial tuberosity transposition (TTT): done to realign the quadriceps
hip dysplasia
- Looseness that manifests in early age (4-12 months) and consequence is irregular and excessive load on joint surface, ligaments and joint capsule at the top
- Genetically determined developmental irregularity in the structure of the hips
- Most common hereditary orthopaedic disease in dogs
- Occurs less often in cats – highest frequency in maine coone
- Causes joint inflammation and secondary osteoarthrosis which leads to different degrees of clinical manifestation of the disease
- Irregular development of hip joint mostly bilateral
pathogenesis of hip dysplasi
- Favourable environmental influences lead to expression of the responsible genes and phenotypic manifestation of the disease
- Animals with rapid growth –> greater strain on the hips and causes joint instability
- Develops in dogs during the growth phase as a result of several factors:
o Collagen disease, dysfunction of adductor and abductor muscles, obese, etc - Stretching of joint capsule –> inflammation pain mechanical damage of acetabulum painful microfractures
- leads to permanent and irreversible changes in hips and forms bone reactions, swelling and pathological changes
pathogenically of hip dysplasia
- 2 phases
o 1st phase: marked instability of hips
o 2nd phase: (late) noticeable and progressive osteoarthritic changes in hip joints - Changes to the joints in dysplasia
o Increased volume of the round ligament
o Oedematous articular cartilage
o Increased synovial fluid - Young fast-growing breeds, excessive body mass of puppies, nutrition
o Diets with high doses of Vit C, Vit D and Ca2+ cause a delay in enchondral ossification and skeletal remodellingd
diagnosis of hip dysplasi
- Clinical picture, orthopaedic exam, radiographs
- 1st phase in younger patients with signs of instability are present
- Second phase = signs of osteoarthritis
- Orthopaedic exam
o Performed to localise the symptoms and exclude or find other reasons for the appearance of symptoms that resemble hip dysplasia (panositis, osteochondrosis, etc)
o Wide/ or later narrow stance of the hind limbs can be seen
o Atrophy and/or insufficiently developed thigh muscles
o Walk drifting to the side or swaying of the back part of spine
o Animal reduces extent of hip extension and transfer the propulsion phase to spine
o Musculature on the front is stronger than on the back
barden, Barlow and ortolani
- Radiograph
o In young dogs = penn hip method
Measures hip distraction index measured by comparing 2 recordings, 1 in compression and 1 in joint distraction
Physiological value is 0.3, values higher indicate increased looseness of the hips/hip laxity
barden test
- Lateral position, upper leg transverse to pelvic exam
- Immediate epush, with 1 hand covering knee in lateral direction provokes lifting of the femur
- Other hand supporting hip – can feel movement of greater trochanter laterally
- Greater than 0.6mm = positive for barden and confirms hip laxity
Barlow test
- Supine position, pelvis parallel to table, femur in vertical position
- Other femur, extended, parallel to table
- Pressure of femur in dorsal direction axial compression, in unstable hips it provokes sliding of head of femur outside acetabulum felt by palpation
- Proportional to degree of hip looseness
ortolani test
- sedated animal
- tests stability of femoral heads within cups
- supine/lateral position
- (1 hand holds distal knee, other hip, knee is pushed towards other hand)
- If positive – sudden movement will be felt, with a clunk
Angles measured with orthopaedic goniometer
signs of hip dysplasia
- Mild discomfort to acute or chronic pain
- Young: 4-12 months, juvenile, more severe form
o Difficulty to stand up, mostly sitting, disinterest to play, avoidance of running and walking, “bunny hopping” - 2nd phase:
o Chronic form
o Same as above but might not be that noticeable
treatment of hip dysplasi
- Conservative
o Limitation of activity, weight loss, NSAIDs and physical therapy - Surgery
o Operating methods are divided into:
Preventive methods at an early age and early stage of disease - Juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) , double pelvic osteotomy (DPO), DARthryoplasty
Methods of treatmetn of the joint affected by osteoarthrosis - Removal of femoral head and neck (Femoral head and neck osteotomy FHO)
- Installation of a hip prosthesis (total hip replacement THR)
Palliative methods for removing pain
juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS)
- Prevent development of dysplasia in puppies between 12-24 weeks of age
- Stops growing in the pubic part of pelvic symphysis
- Burning or cauterising cranial half of the pelvic symphysis, which necrotises the germinal cartilage layer
- Goal = to stop further growth of ventral segment of acetabular part of pelvic
- Recommended for puppies of risky breeds with positive Ortolani test (3-4 months)
double pelvic osteotomy (DPO)
- Enables intraoperative rotation of acetabular part of pelvis, resulting in better coverage of femoral head by acetabulum arch, stabilising unstable hip
- Rotated acetabular part is permanently fixed with a plate
- For dogs 5-9 months
- Precondition for performing: absence/presence of slightly expressed hip arthritic changes and preserved acetabular roof
femoral head and neck osteotomy
- Done in degenerative dysplastic changes on hips, it’s conservative treatment and when implanting a prosthesis isn’t acceptable or possible
- Excisional arthroplasty – removes pain and creates preconditions for the formation of a false fibrous joint
- Small and medium-sized breed of dogs and cats
- Aim = remove contact of articular surfaces of the hip, removing the pain - creates a “false joint”
hip luxation
- Most common joint luxation in dogs
- Dislocation of femoral head from acetabulum
- Need to be treated ASAP
- Most treatments = conservatively and chronic cases = operative treatment
hip luxation divided into
- Craniodorsal luxation
o Head of femur is located dorsally and cranially with acetabulum (most common) - Caudoventral luxation
o Entrapment of femoral head inside of obturator opening (head located ventral to acetabulum) - Medial luxation associated with acetabulum fracture
o Medial hip luxation occurs in case of acetabulum fracture - Caudodorsally luxation
o Head of femur in relation to acetabulum is located caudal and dorsal
signs of hip luxation
- Animal shows high degree of lameness with hind leg, history of trauma
- Clinical exam = crepitus and pain during flexion and extension
- During palpation, narrowing of space between greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity is felt (caudodorsal luxation)
- (craniodorsal) dorsal displacement can be palpated
o Thumb between greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity during external rotation - (caudoventral) affected limb appears longer than the contralateral side
- Radiological exam
surgical treatment of hip luxation
- Indicated if reduction is unsuccessful
- Most common = craniolateral approach
- Goal = remove soft tissue from inside of acetabulum that interferes with the reposition
- Suturing the joint capsule
o Non-resorbable or slow-resorbable suture materials, single or mattress suture
o Postop hip is immobilised with Ehmer’s bandage (7-10days) - Synthetic capsule technique
o After reduction, 2 screws placed on dorsal edge of acetabulum
o Don’t penetrate articular cartilage itself - Toggle pin technique
o If capsule is too damage or hip luxation is chronic = cannot stabilise the joint just by suturing so do tension anchor is placed through acetabular tunnel on medial side and then turned 90degrees, locked against medial wall of the acetabulum
o After that, sutures passed through previously drilled tunnel in neck+ head of femur
o ….
o Greater trochanter repositioned with 2 kirschner wires and cerclage
shoulder instability
- Increased laxity or ROM between humeral head and glenoid fossa discomfort/dysfunction due to incompetence or disruption of joint stability mechanism
- Predisposition: Small and mini breeds (poodles)
- Cause: insufficient medial joint support (injury to the ligament)
- Diagnosis: shoulder overabduction over 50o, X-rays
- Treatment: stabilise shoulder by increasing strength (physical therapy), if fails, surgery (subscapular imbrication and medial collateral ligament prosthesis placement)
shoulder luxation
- Common if they’re predisposed due to their anatomy
- Cause: trauma or congenital abnormalities
- Signs: acute onset forelimb lameness with history of trauma
- Diagnosis: shoulder asymmetry (visible or palpable), manipulation reveals ROM, pain and crepitus, X-rays
treatment of shoulder luxation
- Treatment:
o conservative (closed reduction) under GA or sedation with myorelaxants with Velpeau sling (2-6 weeks)
o medications to reduce pain and inflammation and physical therapy
o when closed reduction isn’t successful = surgery, also necessary when fractured
o salvage procedures are last minute and include excisional arthroplasty, bone fusion (arthrodesis)
o rest and confinement
bicep tendinopathy (tenosynovitis)
- occurs when biceps tendon, originates at supraglenoid tubercule of scapula and passes over intertubercular groove on humerus, becomes inflamed or damaged pain and weakness
- cause: overuse or RSI
- predisposition: medium to large dogs that participate in high-impact activities
- sign: lameness or difficulty using affected limb, swelling or pain in shoulder, stiffness or reluctance to flex shoulder
- diagnosis: physical exam, radiographs, US and arthroscopy
- treatment: rest, NSAIDs, physical therapy, PRP, surgery if conservative fails
fibrotic contracture of infraspintatus msucle
- Occurs when normal muscle-tendon unit architecture is replaced with fibrous tissue, resulting in functional shortening of the muscle or tendon. Which may cause abnormal motion in adjacent joints
- Predisposition: young, adult dogs of sporting breeds
- Signs: lameness, discomfort
- Diagnosis: characteristic gait with external rotation of shoulder and internal rotation of elbow and abduction of paw
- Treatment: infraspinatus tenotomy, NSAIDs and physical therapy