Joints And Ligaments Flashcards
Myosotis ossificans
- idiopathic non-neoplasticism form of heterotrophic ossification of fibrous CT and muscle that frequently affects tissues near the hip joint in Dobermans
- results in mineralisation witihin muscle possibly producing discomfort and lameness
- if lesion is severe and results in fibrosis or contracture of the muscle, partial tenectomy may be indicated
Myositis ossificans diagnosis
X-ray can identify mineralisation in the tendon
CT, US and MRI are helpful for identifying early and subtle lesions
Therapy for myositis ossificans
Rest, NSAIDs, physiotherapist, PRP
Illiopsoas strain
- muscle treads are a relatively common yet infrequently diagnosed injury in dogs
- function: flexión and external rotation of the hip
- cause: trauma,a repetitive use
- significant lameness: unilateral/bilateral
- painful on palpation
Diagnosis of illiopsoas strain
X-ray can identify mineralisation in the tendon, CT, US and MRI are helpful for identifying early and subtle lesions
Muscle-tendon unit laceration
- rupture is complete or partial caused by extreme overstretching
- caused by powerful contraction during forced hyper extension of the muscle-tendon unit
- lacerations involving a tendon should have surgery
- therapy: cryotherapy and pulse ultrasound
Quadriceps tendon injury
- from trauma or overloading tendon with contracture force
- diagnosis: problem weight beariang, uneasy ambulating, unable to extend knee, X-ray
- therapy: surgical reconstruction ASAP, banding with splints or ESF, PRP, physical therapy
Avulsion of tibial tuberosity
- young dogs
- ligament usually stronger than bone, causing ligament to avulse a fragment of bone at its interaction
- diagnosis = x-ray
- therapy = surgical repair
Quariceps tie-down syndrome (stiff stifle disease)
- serious thickening and tightening of quadriceps develop after improperly performed surgical operations on young dogs to repair femur fractures
- extension and disuse of the limb, porous and easily broken bones, osteoarthritis and bone and joint deformations
Stiff stifle disease diagnosis
Affected limb is overextended and often displaced, X-ray
Stiff stifle disease therapy
Surgery to remove fibrous tissue to restore motion in stifle joint, reconstruction of bone and soft tissue should be followed by application of bandages that restrict mobility of the joint
Prognosis of stiff stifle disease
For recovery is guarded
Achillles tendon disruption
- fully grown and athletic dogs
- result of trauma
Signs of Achilles tendon
Severe lameness, non-weight bearing, swelling, pain
Diagnosis of Achilles tendon
Therapy of Achilles tendon
Surgery to repair torn ends and reattach tendon to bone
External splints
- if surgery is delayed, tendons ends will retract
- 6 week immobilisation, PRP
Superficial digital flexor tendon luxación
- tear to the tendon will be dislocated off the calcaneus
- signs: patient will be lame on affected limb
- therapy = surgery
Collateral ligament rupture
- ligament injuries that over stress the structure and damage the fibres = sprain
- minor (1o), more severe with stretching and rupture of ligament fibres (2o), tearing or avulsio of the liagemtn (3o)
- only 3 and some 2 injuries require surgical therapy
- damage to collateral ligaments occur relatively infrequently