Ortho & Rheumatology Flashcards
4 body parts( 4 quadrants)
3 month’s SX with 11/18 tender points
Female4:1 onset : 29-37 ∆: 44-53yrs
A/W sleep, fatigue, cognitive
+/- depression
Red flags (not fibromyalgia)
Fever,night sweats
Wt loss
Older age onset
Neurological involved
Hx of malignancy
Trigger for fibromyalgia
Buerger Disease (TAO)
Non atherosclerotic,segmental occlusion of medium&small sized arteries
Ischemia and gangrene due to thrombo occlusion of vessels of extremities
Amputation: prevent 2°infection and pain
Raynaud phenomenon
Episodic arteriolar vasospasm of the fingers and toes
Blue >red>pale colour changes
Trigger: cold,stress, anxiety
No amputation
One sided clavicular #
X-ray AP view of the side(R/L)
CT : if tracheal or thoracic involved
Or lat 3rd displaced with coracoclavicular ligament injury
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Symmetrical involvement of hip/shoulder girdle
Raised ESR, CRP, Normochromic anemia
CK : Normal
Rx : steroid !!!
Flexor tenosynovitis
Kanavel signs: 90%sensitive
By order
1. Pain on passive extension
2. Tender flexor tendon sheath
3. Fusiform swelling
4. Fixed flexion at resting position
Fever suggests systemic involved
Rheumatoid arthritis of large joint
Hx of morning stiffness
Tender, swelling noted
Joint space narrowing
Periarticular osteopenia
Soft tissue swelling
Joint margin erosion
X-ray changes in OA
Joint space narrowing
Subchondral sclerosis
OA: aggravated by activity relieved by rest
Acute Back pain in a history of cancer
Red flag sign of metastatic bone involvement usually a pathological #
Other signs of metastatic bone
•H/o cancer
•Wt loss
•Acute back pain
•Nocturnal pain
•Age>50 or <20
•Pain not alleviated in 1mth
Q58 Ortho table
All the conditions with specific sx
Gouty arthritis
NSAID ( Naproxen & Indomethacin)
Colchicine 2nd line
Steroid use in gout
Oral or injection(preferred if only one joint involved) usually when 1st line contraindicated eg PUD/CKD; given for 10 days in tapering dose
Acute gout
1st line: NSAID if Contraindicated
Then colchicine if Contraindicated then steroid
Colchicine (gfr<30 : avoid , renal impaired: reduced dose)
Neonatal lupus erythematosus
Transplacental maternal autoantibodies
Causing cardiac,hepatic and skin problem
Cardiac : rhythm disorder eg block
Ix: Anti RO
1 clinical 1 lab 1 immunology
2or > joints involved
Hydoxychloroquine main long term
Cyclophosphamide for severe cases
Steroids for acute exacerbations
Low back pain (lumbar strain)
Rx option
Continue activity
R/v 4-6weeks time
W/out red 🛑flag signs
Cauda equina syndrome
Fecal incontinence
Urine retention
Saddle anaesthesia
LL weakness and paraesthesia
Low back pain with SLRT + but NO red flag sign 🛑
Conservative mngt
Resume activity
Physiotherapy if severe and debilitating
R/v 4-6 weeks
No need imaging !!!
RA features q 47
*No hepatomegaly
Lateral epicondylitis
Caused by ECRB muscle
Brace, counterforce bracing treatment of choice
Olecranon bursitis
Swelling at posterior elbow
Idiopathic, painless ( aseptic)
Pain due to pressure applied/ need TRO septic bursitis (rare)
Red flag conditions for low back pain
Metastatic bone
Cauda equina syndrome
Vertebral #
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis low back features
Morning stiffness
Alternating buttocks pain
Younger age
Wakes up 2nd half of night pain
Pain improves with exercise
Colles # most common complication
Colles #
Earliest complication
Volkmann ischaemic contracture
=Due to compartmental syndrome
• permanent shortened muscles of forearm
•claw like deformity fingers,wrist, hand
Colles #. RX
Reduction,casting from below wrist and forearm (thumb not covered)
Severe displacement=above elbow
Cast : 10°wrist flexed &10°ulnar deviation
Scaphoid #
Initial mngt if x-ray normal
Thumb spica
Immobilisation 7-10 days( upto 14 days)
Repeat x-ray, still normal but symptoms+, MRI
Anterior dislocation shoulder
CMR using meds
IV Midazolam
Intranasal fentanyl
Common risk of nerve injury and muscle in anterior dislocation of shoulder
Axillary nerve: patch of hyposthesia
Deltoid: unable to abduct above head
Most accurate test for GCA/polymyalgia rheumatica
Temporal artery biopsy
ESR: initial test, and as measuring index to start steroids
Polymyalgia rheumatica sx& Rx
Symmetrical involvement joints
Systemic : fever/Wt loss/fatigue
Sensation of muscle weakness
+/- GCA, elderly women
ESR> 40mm !!!
Prednisolone: 10-20mg , >1 yr (upto 2-3yrs) ,higher dose if GCA
Steroids Rx in PMR. Advise
Weight bearing exercises
Vitamin D ( if needed)
Periodically dexa scan
Open #
- Clean the wound, photo and cover with sterile patch
- analgesic. for pain & reduction
- Reduce# by traction
- Antibiotics prophylaxis
- Tetanus prophylaxis
- x-ray
- Ot arrangements for surgical debridement
Synovial fluid analysis
Normal: <200
Inflammatory: 2000-50,000
Septic:> 50,000 ( but need workup above 5000)
Degenerative (OA): 200-2000
Synovial detailed analysis
Q23 table
Q23 table
Hip #
Intracapsular # of femoral neck
(Garden classification)
Garden 1-2: Closed reduction,IF
Garden 3-4: hip arthroplasty (elderly), IF in younger age
Ankylosing spondylitis Rx
- NSAID ( 2nsaid combo if needed)
- Add on simple analgesia/opioid
3.if NSAID contraindicated , start with analgesia and
4.infliximab, TNF for pain despite on maximum NSAID
Axial Ankylosing spondylitis
Radiological findings i.e fuse of the vertebrae leads to stiffness of the spine.
TNF inhibitors best modalities.
Severe Ankylosing spondylitis
NSAID maximum dosage, if doesn’t work change to other NSAID
TNF inhibitors
Options of answers
Dupuytren’s contracture
Painless, usually bilateral
Affect 4th and 5th digit
Palmar sheath thickening with nodule
USG : thickened palmar fascia and nodule
Intralesional steroid
AW DM: check GM
Surgery for Dupuytren’s contracture
If flexion deformity >30° mcpj and pip >15°
HLA-B27 Spondyloarthropathies
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Reactive arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Undifferentiated SPA
Axial SPA
Vs peripheral SPA
Common: NSAID maximum
Axial: next TNF inhibitors
Peripheral: methotrexate/sulfasalazine
GCA with polymyalgia rheumatica
Elderly, new onset Headache + joint pain and stiffness+ fever combo patients
O/e : symmetrical joint tender, unilateral temporal scalp tenderness
- Mild to Mod: regular PCM advised 4gm/day > prn basis
- Mod: not improving, inflammatory signs, NSAID
NSAID : ✖️ PUD, ✖️ IHD - Mod to severe: PCM + opiate ( codeine> tramadol)
Dislocated joint with neurovascular compromise
Eg ankle dislocated, dpa not palpable
Reduction 1st with analgesia in ED
(morphine IV)
Man with contracted finger
Dupuytren’s contracture
Important step to prevent infection & complications of open #/wound
Displaced/dislocated joint
First is to reduce irrespective of the vascular status, then wound care,abx,Tetanus,traction,call oT for WD ( in order)
Stick aid for OA
Stick on good leg,1st step on bad leg
•Lymphocytic infiltration if exocrine glands mainly salivary and lacrimal glands
•coexist with RA,SLE
•Female, 4-5th decade
CVS/RS/Git/Renal/Skin/CNS sx
Lab Ix Sjogren
ESR CRP ANA RF : can be +
Best ix Sjogren
Salivary gland biopsy
1° vs 2° OA
1° : symmetrical, base of thumb,1st MTPJ, DIPJ fingers MC
2°: unilateral, mainly large joint i.e knee joint
•Worsened with activity, relieved by rest
•rx: PCM
NSAID only if inflammatory signs eg. Pain at rest, stiffness, nocturnal pain
*** immobilisation is never an option for Rx in OA !!!
Atraumatic AVN of femoral neck
Elderly with sudden onset joint pain
Risk FX :1.Hx of long term steroid use
2.ch alcohol abuse
3.sickle cell disease
4.past hip #
Best initial: x-ray : uneven femoral head
Most accurate:MRI ( Geographic Subchondral bone)
USG: done TRO joint effusion seen in RA flare ups/septic arthritis
Post op most important options
To prevent
1. Pressure sores
2. VTE
3. Pneumonia
Enthesitis, or inflammation of the sites where the tendons or ligaments insert into the bone, is a key pathological finding in SpA
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
•As name implies results of iserology markers are NORMAL
•Inflammatory response ESR CRP may be elevated or normal