Ortho 2 midterm exam Flashcards
Occurs when the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first molar occludes in the mesiobuccal groove of the lower first molar.
Normal occlusion
Same as normal occlusion but characterized by crowding, rotations, and other positional irregularities
Class I malocclusion
The non- orthodontic normal models consistently demonstrated that the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first permanent molar occluded with the mesiobuccal groove of the lower first molar.
Key 1: Molar relationship.
The gingival portion of the long axes of all crowns was more distal than the incisal portion
Key 2: Crown angulation (tip)
refers to the labiolingual or buccolingual inclination of the long axis of the crown, not to the inclination of the long axis of the entire tooth.
Key 3: Crown inclination (torque)
The fourth key to normal occlusion is that the teeth should be free of undesirable rotations. Figure below shows superimposed molar outline showing how the molar, if rotated, would occupy more space than normal, creating a situation unreceptive to normal occlusion.
Key 4: No rotations
The fifth key is that the contact points should be tight (no spaces). Persons who have genuine tooth-size discrepancies pose special problems, but in the absence of such abnormalities tight contact should exist. Without exception, the contact points on the nonorthodontic normals were tight. (Serious tooth-size discrepancies should be corrected with jackets or crowns, so the orthodontist will not have to close spaces at the expense of good occlusion.)
Key 5: No spaces
slight curve of Spee. The planes of occlusion found on the nonorthodontic normal models.
Key 6: The occlusal plane
- deals with the tooth system
- teeth are malposed
Dental dysplasia
-Too forward mx. and md.
- deals with the bone system
Neuromuscular immaturity (habits)
-Deals with the neuromuscular system
Skeletal Dysplasia
The mesiobuccal cusp of upper first permanent molar occludes in the embrasure between the lower second premolar and first permanent molar
Class II
- Bilateral distoclusion with labioversion of the maxillary anterior teeth (Naka palabas yung maxillary)
- both side ay class ___
- Class II Div 1
- Class II
- unilateral distoclusion with labioversion of the maxillary anterior
Class II Div 1 Subdivision
- bilateral distoclusion with linguoversion of the maxillary central incisors (nakapalabas)
- Both side ay ___
- Class II Div 2
- Class II
- unilateral distoclusion with linguoversion of the maxillary central incisors
- Isang side lang ang…
- Class II Division 2 Subdivision
- Class II
The MB cusp of the maxillary first molar is situated over the embrasure between the mandibular first and second molar.
Class III
Modified Class I malocclusion with-
Type 1: Crowded anterior teeth.
Type 2: Protrusive maxillary incisors.
Type 3: Anterior crossbite.
Type 4: Buccoversion or linguoversion of posterior teeth.
Type 5: Mesial or distal drifting of posterior teeth
Dewey’s Modification of Angle’s Class III are-
Type 1 : Edge to edge
Type 2 : Crowding, upper incisors labial in relation to the lower incisors
Type 3 : Crowding, (CROSSBITE) upper incisors lingual in relation to the lower incisors
Simon’s Classification are— (craniometric classification)
– Frankfurt Horizontal
- Orbital
1. Away from the plane
2. Near from the plane
Example of Attraction
Open bite
Example of abstraction
Deep bite
- Anterior to the plane
- Posterior to the plane
- Protraction/Retraction
- Protraction
- Retraction
- Midsagittal plane are..
- Away from the plane
- Near from the plane
- Distraction/Contraction
- Distraction
- Contraction
Ackerman-Proffit Classification are…
yung mga group
Ackerman-Proffit Classification Group 1 are:
> Alignment
common to all dentitions
* ideal
* crowded
* spacing
* mutilated
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> Alignment
> common to all dentitions
> universe
* ideal
* crowded
* spacing
* mutilated
Group 1
what are Ackerman-proffit Group 2?
> Profile
major sets
* straight
* convex
* concave
- glabella, subnasale and chin
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> Profile
> major sets
* straight
* convex
* concave
- glabella, subnasale and chin
Group 2
What are under Group 3 ackerman proffit?
> Lateral or transverse
types of posterior crossbites
* contraction
* distraction
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> Lateral or transverse
> types of posterior crossbites
* contraction
* distraction
Group 3
What are under Group 4 ackerman proffit?
Sagittal or anteroposterior
> Angle’s classification
* anterior crossbites
* protraction
* retraction
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> Sagittal or anteroposterior
Angle’s classification
* anterior crossbites
* protraction
* retraction
Group 4
What are under Group 5 ackerman proffit?
> Vertical
bite depth
* deep bite
* open bite
* attraction
* abstraction
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> Vertical
> bite depth
* deep bite
* open bite
* attraction
* abstraction
Group 5
Group 6
> intersects 3 & 4
transagittal direction
Class II with posterior crossbite
Class II – sagittal
posterior crossbite - transverse
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> intersects 3 & 4
> transagittal direction
Class II with posterior crossbite
Class II – sagittal
posterior crossbite - transverse
Group 6
Group 7
Intersects 4 & 5
> Sagitto-vertical direction
> examples:
* Class II overbite of 4 mm
* Class II – aneroposterior plane
* Overbite - vertical
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
Intersects 4 & 5
> Sagitto-vertical direction
> examples:
* Class II overbite of 4 mm
* Class II – aneroposterior plane
* Overbite - vertical
Group 7
Group 8
> intersects 3 & 5
transvertical direction
ex. Deep bite with posterior crossbite
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?>Intersects 3 & 5
> transvertical direction
> ex. Deep bite with posterior crossbite
Group 8
Group 9
> Intersects 3, 4 & 5
trans-sagitto-vertical direction
* Class II w/ posterior crossbite and
excessive openbite
* Class II – anteroposterior plane
* post. crossbite - transverse
* open bite - vertical
What are the group of the ff according ackerman-proffit?
> Intersects 3, 4 & 5
> trans-sagitto-vertical direction
> example:
* Class II w/ posterior crossbite and
excessive openbite
* Class II – anteroposterior plane
* post. crossbite - transverse
* open bite - vertical
Group 9
Characterized by a short and wide face, usually presents a flat mandibular plane angle. A deep bite is frequently associated with this facial type.
the average face. If a malocclusion is present, its etiological factors will generally be more dentoalveolar in nature and usually require less complex orthodontic treatment.
A long and narrow face characterizes is? the maxilla exhibits excessive vertical growth and the mandibular plane is steeper than normal. This growth pattern will result in long and narrow alveolar dental arches in the upper arch and produce a clockwise rotation of the mandible during growth.
Arch form is broad
Arch form is long and narrow
Arch form is average
A convex profile indicates a skeletal Class __ jaw relationship
Class II
A concave profile indicates a skeletal Class __ jaw relationship.
Class III
What are under general factors (HEREDITY)?
A. Racial Influence
B. Facial Type
C. Growth & Development Pattern
D. Specific Dentofacial Morphologic Characteristics
What are under general factors CONGENITAL DEFECTS?
A. Cleft lip & palate
B. Cerebral Palsy
C. Torticollis
D. Cleidocranial Dysostosis
E. Congenital Syphilis
-soft palate w/ possible notching of hard palate.
Class I
- soft & hard palate but no alveolar ridge affected
Class II
-complete unilateral lip jaw palate cleft
Class III
- complete bilateral lip jaw palate cleft
Class IV
It has an abnormal muscular function during mastication, deglutition, respiration and speech.
Cerebral Palsy
what is the general factor of cerebral palsy?
Congenital defects
bizarre facial asymmetry with uncorrectable dental malocclusion.
- maxillary retrusion & mandibular protrusion
- retained deciduous teeth until middle age
- late eruption of permanent teeth
- short and thin roots of permanent teeth
- supernumerary teeth are common
Cleidocranial Dysostosis
What are under cleidocranial dysostosis?
- maxillary retrusion & mandibular protrusion
- retained deciduous teeth until middle age
- late eruption of permanent teeth
- short and thin roots of permanent teeth
- supernumerary teeth are common
variation in shape of teeth and malposed teeth
Congenital Syphilis
Describe Congenital Syphilis
variation in shape of teeth and malposed teeth
What are under general factor of environment?
- Prenatal
- Postnatal
what are under Prenatal?
•Pierre Robin Syndrome
- micromandible
•Treacher Collin Syndrome
- mandibular dysostosis
- inhibited growth of mandible due to ankylosis Of tmj may result to trauma.
•Drug induced deformities
- such as thalidomide that caused absence of limbs.
• German Measles
- congenital deformities
What are under postnatal?
-Facial asymmetry caused by condylar fracture
-Extensive scar tissue produces malocclusion
*Plaster neck cast
-Fractured cervical vertebrae has a strong elevating force on the mandible & forced the max incisor to fit into deep impression of the palate.
Prolonged Milwaukee Brace
- Deep bite and labioverted maxillary incisors
Pierre Robin Syndrome has…
Treacher Collin Syndrome has…
mandibular dysostosis
inhibited growth of mandible due to ankylosis of tmj may result to trauma.
Drug induced deformities___
such as thalidomide that caused absence of limbs.
German Measles__
congenital deformities
Facial asymmetry caused by condylar fracture
Extensive scar tissue produces malocclusion
Plaster neck cast
Fractured cervical vertebrae has a strong elevating force on the mandible & forced the max incisor to fit into deep impression of the palate.
Prolonged Milwaukee Brace
Deep bite and labioverted maxillary incisors
A. Acute febrile disease
B. Exanthematous fever
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Thyroid disturbances
- Hypothyroidism(Cretin)
- Hyperthyroidism
Retardation of growth and development
Acute Febrile
Upset timetable of tooth
Exanthematous fever
bizarre malocclusion and muscle paralysis
retained dec. teeth, abnormal resorption of deciduous teeth, and delayed in the eruption of permanent dentition.
Thyroid disturbances
gingival disturbance
class III, anterior open bite & large tongue
delayed eruption of permanent dentition in general factors
Euthyroid/ pituitary dwarf
large mandible, post development of condylar growth & multiple resorption
What are under general factors of DIETARY PROBLEMS?
•Rickets / vit D deficiency
-softening of bones
•Scurvy / vit C deficiency
-spongy gums & loosening
of teeth
•Beri-beri / vit B deficiency
- chapped lips
- inflammation of mouth &
softening of bones
Rickets / vit D deficiency
spongy gums & loosening of teeth
Scurvy / vit C deficiency
- chapped lips
- inflammation of mouth &
Beri-beri / vit B deficiency
- prolonged retention of deciduous teeth
-premature loss
-abnormal eruptive path
Other effects on dentition of dietary problem
mandibular retrusion caused by stoop shouldered child with pressure on the chin .
Non vital deciduous teeth would result to abnormal resorption pattern.
Trauma or accidents
No. 1 normal habit
what age of thumsucking, naturally resolved, if persist the use of pacifier is advised?
what age of thumb-sucking caused by anxiety palatal crib treatment of choice?
3-7 y/o
what age of thumbsucking requires psychotherapy/ dentist psychologist/ physician?
4 y/o and above
what appliance needed in thumb-sucking?
Palatal Crib Appliance
Effects of thumb-sucking?
•Protrusion of maxillary segment
•Retrusion of mandibular segment
•Deep palatal vault
•Open bite
•Cross bite, post. Open bite
• Tongue thrusting habit
psychological excessive overjet/overbite, thumbsucking, tonsillitis/pharyngitis
Tongue Thrusting
Effects of tongue thrusting?
-anterior open bite
-labioversion of anterior teeth
-posterior open bite
Choice of appliance in tongue thrusting?
Tongue crib
psychological class 1 type 2 and class II
Lip Bitting
Effects of lower lip bitting
protrusion of max.anterior teeth
& retrusion of mand. anterior teeth
Effects of upper lip bitting
Retrusion of max. anterior teeth
& protrusion of mand.anterior teeth
Appliance of choice in lip bitting
lip bumper/ plumper
denholtz – upper lip biting
mayne – lower lip biting
effects of cheek bitting
post. Open bite
post. Cross bite
ulcer on the mucosa
Appliance of choice in cheek bitting
Buccal shield appliance
Cause is nasal congestion/ obstruction
Mouth breathing
effects of mouth breating
bimaxillary protrusion
open bite
chapped lips
Appliance of choice in mouth breathing
oral screen appliance
cause is psychological overfilled restoration excessive vertical dimension
Night grinding
Effects of night grinding (bruxism)
trauma on periodontal tissue
Appliance of choice in night grinding
Night guard appliance
Local factors anomalies in number
Supernumerary teeth
Missing Teeth
Supernumerary teeth leads to…
Missing teeth leads to…
ANOMALIES IN TOOTH SIZE (hereditary sya)
•Macrodontia: leads to crowding
•Microdontia: leads to spacing
• Peg shaped lateral
- most common leads to spacing
• Mandibular 2nd premolar
- may have extra lingual cusp
•Leads to diastema
•Blanche test
*Leads to decrease arch length, drifting of adjacent teeth and insufficient space for the erupting permanent tooth
*Need Space maintainer
•Cause is Hereditary
•Endocrine imbalance
• hypothyroidism
Leads to crowding (permanent successor is erupting but deciduous tooth is still present)
*Endocrine imbalance: hypothyroidism
*Road block (supernumerary,root fragments)
*Mucosal barriers
*Early loss of deciduous teeth
*Leads to drifting of adjacent permanent teeth
•Hereditary, Crowding, supernumerary
•Retained dec teeth, Root fragment
•Bony barrier, Coronal cyst
•Ectopic eruption, accident
•Uneven root resorption of deciduous tooth
•Leads to crossbite; malposed tooth
•Bony bridge bet lamina & cementum
• due to accidents/trauma
•Leads to infraversion/nfraocclusion
•Premature loss of teeth
•Drifting of adjacent teeth
•Abnormal axial inclination
•Shorten arch length/perimeter
•Increase/decrease arch length
•Increase/decrease vertical dimension