Ornamental and Turf Plant Pest Control Flashcards
Failure to correctly identify a pest can lead to:
- Wrongful application of pesticide
- Environmental damage
- injury to desirable plants
___ ___ are factors that cause pest populations to rise and fall without any influence from humans.
Natural Factors
Proper irrigation, fertilization, mowing and pruning are all examples of good:
Cultural practices
Before establishing a turf or ornamental landscape you should consider:
- cost
- water requirements
- shade tolerance
There are ___ elements required by plants to grow well.
To keep from contaminating ___, you should mix and load pesticides 100 feet from water sources.
The movement of pesticides through the air after application is referred to as:
The amount of time required for a pesticide to degrade after application is greatly influenced by:
- Temperature
- Moisture
- Sunlight
Compounds that are added to spray solutions to decrease surface tension and cover the target area better are known as:
These compounds are added to spray solutions to coat the plant and protect it from some plant pests.
Most insecticides used for aphid control include:
contact or systemic
The color of the early nymphal stage of the chichi bug is:
Damaging infestations of spider mites are most likely to occur during what kind of weather?
Hot and Dry
The egg-laying period for the June bug adult is:
30 days
Plant galls can be a result of feeding by:
- aphids
- mites
- small wasps
Webs constructed near terminal ends of branches within which a caterpillar consumes foliage is evidence of:
Fall webworm
The number of white grubs per square foot that may cause economic damage:
4 to 5
The fall army-worm can be distinguished from other larvae by:
a white inverted Y on head
Numerous low-flying moths are generally associated with infestations of:
Sod web worms
Broadcast applications of insecticide baits, contact insecticides and individual mound treatment are all acceptable control methods for which of these insect pests?
Red Imported Fire Ants
To control black spot of rose, a person should use a:
Powdery mildew is primarily a problem when the climate is:
Cool and dry
Plants affected by root knot nematodes grow poorly because roots:
Cannot absorb enough water and nutrients.
Oak wilt causes what kind of symptoms on leaves of live oak?
veinal chlorosis and tip burn
A disease that commonly infects photinia and Indian hawthorn is:
Entomosporium leaf spot
A turf grass disease caused by a virus and commonly confused with iron chlorosis is:
St. Augustine decline
___ ___ symptoms include rotted leaves easily pulled away from the plant.
Brown patch
True or False: Bermudagrass smut can be controlled by fungicide applications.
A common turf grass disease resulting in leaf blades with light tan lesions and red borders near the edges of the infected area is:
Dollar spot
This disease of bermudagrasses is not a problem in newly established lawns but can infect lawns 3 to 4 years old.
Spring dead spot
Windmillgrass, bermudagrass and dallisgrass are all examples of what type of weeds?
Perennial grasses
___ is a cool season grass found in athletic fields, golf courses, home lawns and flower beds across the state.
Annual bluegrass
An annual grass that is commonly a problem in newly seeded turf and heavy traffic areas is:
This plant has dark green leaves covered with soft hair and cannot be controlled by mowing.
Mouseear chickweed
___ is a low-growing, creeping perennial weed that prefers moist soils.
___ is an annual broadleaf weed that emerges in mid-winter with spiny leaves and yellow flowers.
These plants have triangular stems and produce tubers.
Herbicides that are applied to control weeds before they emerge and begin to grow are ___.
True or False: Plants that have a waxy cuticle on the leaf surface will absorb herbicide solutions better than plants without this layer.
An example of a grassy weed that is controlled better with a post emergent herbicide is:
Fumigants are different from other chemical formulations because they are ___.
- Solids
- Liquids
- Compressed gasses that only work as gasses
True or False: Soil fumigants control only pests present at the time of fumigation.
True or False: Soil fumigants have residual control activity.
What time of year is soil fumigation most effective?
Which is not a factor in effective soil fumigation?
Which type of soil has the most adsorption sites?
Fine textured clay
What is the major reason for fumigation failure?
Improper soil preparation
At what soil moisture conditions do most soil fumigations occur?
50-75 percent field capacity
What soil temperature range is best for fumigant volatilization?
45 - 80 degrees F
What is the consequence of soils that are too wet on fumigation?
Inhibit extensive diffusion