Applicator General Flashcards
True or False: If unsupervised, you must have a license to legally work with restricted use pesticides, but not to work with state-limited pesticides.
True or False: To legally perform structural pest control, you must have a license regardless of the kinds of pesticides you use.
______ is not an agency that shares responsibility for pesticide applicator training, certification and licensing? What two agencies are responsible?
-Texas AgriLife Research
-Texas Dept. of Agriculture (TDA) and Texas
Structural Pest Control (SPCS)
Which license must be obtained by a person who wants to perform pest control as an employee at a privately owned apartment building or hospital?
A noncommercial license from the SPCS
To work for hire, using restricted or state-limited pesticides on another person’s land, which license must you have.
A commercial license from the TDA
True or False: All licensed commercial and non-commercial applicators must be certified in each application category in which they practice.
Which of the following is not among the TDA application categories?
Right-of-way, Predatory animal, Wood preservation, Fumigation. (Wood Preservation)
Is Seed Treatment among the SPCS application categories?
Is Texas AgriLife Extension Services involved in pesticide regulation?
True or False: Under the Texas Pesticide Law, pesticides used in this state must be registered with the Texas Department of Agriculture, even if they are already registered with the U.S. EPA.
____ ____ is your responsibility to inform nearby residents or adjacent landowners before you apply pesticides.
“Prior Notification”
True or False: In addition to state government, even county commissioners courts may set rules on the use of certain pesticides.
True or False: Even with a commercial applicator license, you must still obtain a spray permit before using regulated herbicides.
True or False: Speciality fertilizer in containers with capacities of 50 pounds or less that are labeled for ornamental and turf use are exempt from classification as state-limited-use pesticides or regulated herbicides.
The Texas Structural Pest Control Act requires you to give public notice at least _____ hours before commencing indoor pesticide treatments.
Which agency enforces the Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act?
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
What is the full name and acronym of the federal agency that regulates pesticides?
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
What is the full name and acronym of the law used to manage pesticides?
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
Is the EPA required to consult the office of pesticide programs before a pesticide may be marketed in the U.S.?
What are two types of penalties defined by FIFRA for applicators who violate the law?
-Civil penalties when the violation is unintentional
-Criminal penalties when the law is knowingly
Does FIFRA allow prison terms for criminal (intentional) violators?
Yes, up to 30 days for private applicators and up to 1 year for commercial applicators.
What are regulations?
Interpretations of the law that have the force of law
What is meant by the term “reentry interval”?
The time right after pesticide application when unprotected workers may not enter the treated area
True or False: Warnings of pesticide application must be given in writing to workers according to the EPA.
What is the EPA’s pesticide registration decision based on?
EPA evaluation of test data provided by the manufacturer.
If the EPA decides that a pesticide poses a risk to consumers, what can the EPA do?
Set reentry intervals to restrict workers from entering a treated area; Set restrictions on the frequency of application and rates; Cancel or suspend use of the pesticide
Which federal agency sets food tolerances for Pesticides?
Which federal agency enforces food tolerances for pesticides?
What is the purpose of the tolerance program?
To ensure that U.S. consumers are not exposed to unsafe pesticide residue levels in food
Which act is administered by the EPA to manage all hazardous waste?
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976
How can triple rinsed, used pesticide containers be disposed of?
In an EPA approved sanitary landfill
What kind of pesticide standards does FIFRA allow states to establish?
Stricter than federal standards, but not more lenient
Which agency administers the Hazard Communication Standard?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Pesticide applicators generate waste during normal work operations. Are triple rinsed used pesticide containers considered “regulated waste” under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act?
Regulations interpreting the Transportation Safety Act are contained in 49 CFR. What do these regulations cover?
All safety aspects of transporting hazardous materials
What is the act SARA Title III designed to do?
Inform communities of hazardous chemicals in the area and provide for community emergency response plans in the event of an accident
What is an endangered species?
A plant or animal that is in danger of extinction throughout all or much of its range
Which federal agency determines what species are endangered?
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) of the Department of the Interior
Who ultimately bears the responsibility of protecting endangered species from pesticides?
The applicator
____ is the capacity of a substance to injure or poison a living system, such as a human being, an animal, a lake or a forest.
What is pesticide exposure?
Coming in contact with a pesticide
____ ____ refers to how poisonous a pesticide is after short term exposure.
Acute toxicity
____ ____ is a one-time or short-term contact with pesticide.
Acute exposure
___ ___ is a delayed poisonous effect from exposure to a substance.
Chronic toxicity
___ ___ is long-term repeated contact with pesticides.
Chronic exposure
The effects of which type of exposure-acute or chronic-can be more easily detected and studied?
A pesticide dose is the ___ of pesticide to which a surface, plant or animal is exposed.
Name 3 routes by which a pesticide an enter your body.
dermal, oral, and inhalation
True or False: Some pesticides are poisonous no matter how they enter the body.
Which pesticide solution is most likely to be absorbed through the skin?
Which areas of the body absorb pesticides quickly?
Eyes, ears, scalp and genitals
Which two routes of entry are likely to be the most important to you?
Dermal and inhalation
Which factors affect the toxicity of a pesticide?
- Route of entry
- Frequency and duration (rate) of exposure
- Dose received
An example of a chronic effect is the drop in ___, an essential body enzyme, caused by organophosphates and carbonates.
___ effects occur at the site of contact with a pesticide while ___ effects occur away from the point of contact.
- local
- systemic
Skin rash, nausea, eye irritation and dizziness are examples ___ toxic effects.
LD50 means “Lethat Dose Fifty”. It refers to the amount of a chemical that kills ___ the animals exposed to it in a laboratory test.
half (50%)
True or False: The smaller the LD50 value, the less chemical required to be fatal, so the more poisonous the pesticide.
Acute oral toxicity and acute dermal toxicity are measured as LD50. The higher the LD50 the ___ (more or less) toxic the pesticide.
How is LD50 used?
LD50 is used with the other tests to place pesticides in a “toxic category” and give them a signal word.
LC50 means “Letha ___ Fifty”. It refers to the amount of chemical in the air that caused half of the test animals to die when they inhaled it.
Six milligrams per kilogram (mk/kg) is equal to ___ parts per million.
What signal word must be on the label for pesticides classified as “relatively non-toxic”?
What signal word must be on the label for pesticides classified as “highly toxic”?
What signal word must be on the label for pesticides classified as “slightly toxic”?
What signal word must be on the label for pesticides classified as “Moderately Toxic”?
The toxicity of a substance is its ability to cause injury, while ___ is the risk or chance that harm will come from using the pesticide.
Is a highly toxic material always very hazardous?
No, if a highly toxic material is handled properly it could actually pose low risk or hazard.
True or False: Most deposits remain on surfaces for a very long time.
What is a “deposit”?
A pesticide that remains on a treated surface right after application.
True or False: Residues are found only on target crops and surfaces.
False. Residues can be found on any surface where they are applied.
A ___ is the maximum amount of pesticide residue allowed on a harvested crop, set by the EPA.
Can a harvested crop contain more than the set tolerance of a pesticide and still be legally sold?
No. It cannot be legally sold.
What margin of safety (“safety factor”) does the EPA use to set tolerances?
100 times lower than the NOEL (No Observed Effect Level), which is the highest dose in a dose-response study that does not cause an adverse effect that scientists can observe. RfD (Reference Dose) is at least 100 times lower than the NOEL.
True or False: Food may have no residues at all because the residues may have degraded or the crop may have been treated with a minimum dose of a pesticide.
True or False: Soil and plant surfaces may contain pesticide residue even when they are not directly sprayed with the pesticide.
EPA sets two kinds of tolerances: ___ ___ tolerances for pesticides that indirectly contact food; and tolerances for pesticides applied directly to food.
Negligible residue, Finite
“Pre-slaughter interval” or “pre-harvest interval” refers to the ___ (“least/most”) number of days allowed between the last pesticide application and the slaughter or harvest day.
True or False: No pesticide may be bought, sold or used in the United States until it has federal registration for the product, the use and the label.
True or False: Sometimes even small environmental changes can greatly reduce the chances of survival for fish and wildlife.
When a pesticide evaporates and moves off target, this is called ___ ___.
Vapor Drift
Do pollution and re-entry interval influence drift?
No. It is influenced by Particle size, Nozzle design and orientation, humidity, height of release, wind speed and direction, and temperature.
Why should honeybees be protected?
Their work as pollinators is necessary for crop production.
True or False: Pesticide residues can build up in the bodies of animals, including man.
True or False: Only pesticides that are applied incorrectly are likely to move downward with rain or irrigation water into the water table below.
True or False: A pesticide becomes a pollutant and potentially dangerous when it is applied at a higher dose than recommended on the label or when it drifts off target.
How should you change pressure to reduce liquid droplet drift?
Reduce pressure to increase droplet size
What are the possible consequences of pesticide drift onto forage and pastureland or into drinking water?
People, pets and livestock can be injured by pesticide exposure; Pasture grasses could be destroyed; Milk or meat could have illegal residues if cattle eat contaminated forage; Water may become too contaminated to drink.
True or False: Pesticide pollution can help a pest you are trying to to destroy by killing predators and parasites of the pest.
An ___ is a geologic formation of permeable rock, sand or gravel that stores large amounts of water.
Why are aquifers important?
Many people use water from aquifers for drinking.
What is the name given to the complex prey/predator cycle in which all animals (including humans) take part.
Food Chain
The best protection against groundwater pollution is ___.
Preventing contamination
At what level is man in the food chain?
The top
An ___ pesticide is one that builds up in animal and plant tissues.
A ___ pesticide is one that remains in the environment without breaking down.
True or False: Even though persistent pesticides remain in the environment, they do not always accumulate in animals or plants.
An ___ ___ is a plant or animal that is near extinction throughout all or most of its range.
endangered species
Name 4 processes that cause a pesticide to break down after application.
Photodegradation; Microbial degradation; Chemical degradation
Pesticides that degrade ___ in the environment are the least hazardous.
Name two reasons why pesticide accidents occur.
- Lack of up-to-date knowledge
- Unsafe handling practices
If you or your partner feels sick on the job, should you leave the work undone or try to finish it?
Do not try and finish the job. Get out of the area immediately and get help.
How should you clean your washing machine after laundering pesticide-soiled clothing?
Run a complete, but empty cycle using hot water and detergent.
True or False: The safest way to move pesticide is in the back of a truck that has a steel bed with enclosed sides and a tailgate.
True or False: You should wear a wide-brimmed, chemical-resistant, waterproof hat (not a cap) when you are exposed to pesticide drift.
True or False: You should store all clean protective equipment and clothing separately from stored pesticides.
When you plan to work with pesticides, where should you look for information about the protective clothing you need?
On the pesticide label
True or False: During pesticide handling, you should wear both gloves and boots made of chemical-resistant material.
True or False: You should wear protective clothing when you are exposed to pesticide drift, but hardly ever when you are mixing and filling pesticides.
True or False: When filling a spray tank, you should always stand with your head above the container and the filling hole of the spray tank.
How should you prepare for an accidental spill of a pesticide?
Have absorptive material available; have bleach or hydrated lime for decontamination; keep soap, detergent and water close at hand; have a change of clothes available
True or False: If a nozzle clogs up while you are spraying pesticides, the best way to clear it is to blow the nozzle out with your mouth.
If the pesticide is not took toxic, is it OK to let children and pets play in the area while you are spraying there?
Never let children or pets play in a treatment area during spraying.
True or False: When you are spraying near bee colonies, it is up to the owners alone to keep the bees out of your way or to remove the bees.
How can you prevent accidents commonly caused by equipment?
Choose the safest equipment for your pesticide application needs; Do not allow children or unauthorized people near pesticide equipment; Operate equipment correctly; Maintain equipment well
The length of time that should pass between treatment and returning to a treated area is called the ___ ___.
Reentry interval
True or False: Regardless of the reentry interval stated on the label, you may reenter a treated site after sprays dry, dusts settle and vapors disperse.
What is the most common cause of pesticide poisoning for applicators?
Skin contact
When should you wear elbow-length, chemical-resistant gloves?
When handling any pesticide, except certain fumigants and relatively non-toxic products.
Why not use cotton or leather gloves when handling highly toxic pesticides?
Cotton and leather absorb pesticide and holds it close to the skin
True or False: You must always wear a chemical-resistant suit when handling highly toxic pesticides.
How often should you wash your contaminated overalls?
Should you ever wash the inside of your boots?
Yes, after each use
When is it necessary to wear goggles or a full face shield?
- Whenever pesticide could contact your eyes
- When you pour or mix concentrates
- When you work with a highly toxic spray or dust
Which type of hat is useful to protect your head and neck from highly toxic pesticides?
- Chemical resistant rain hat
- certain wide-brimmed hats
- Washable hard hat with no liner
Are cotton or felt hats adequate head protection against highly toxic pesticides?
How do you know if a respirator is necessary?
If the label says so
When must you always wear a respirator?
Whenever mixing or filling highly toxic pesticides
True or False: Applicators who will be constantly exposed to small amounts of toxic pesticides for a day or several days should wear a respirator.
When are cartridge respirators often used?
For a relatively short exposure period to concentrated chemicals; For a long exposure period to low concentrations of toxic chemicals
What is the main drawback of cartridge respirators?
Leakage around the face shield
True or False: Gas masks are used when the applicator will be exposed to toxic fumes in heavy concentrations or for long time periods.
When should gas masks be used with an independent oxygen supply?
When you are exposed to unknown vapors
When you reenter a fumigated area
Should you try to fit the respirator so that some air can leak in around your face?
When should you replace the filter on your respirator?
When it becomes dirty or breathing becomes difficult.
How often should you change the cartridges on your respirator?
Every 8 hours
True or False: To safely clean and store a respirator: wash the face piece with detergent and warm water. Rinse. Wipe dry with clean cloth. Store in a tightly closed plastic bag.
When handling highly toxic pesticides…
You should always work in pairs
True or False: If you wash your face and hands first, it is all right to have a snack or a chew of tobacco while you are on the job.
True or False: You may wear pesticide-soaked clothing again, without laundering, as soon as the clothing dries.
Cholinesterase tests show wether you have been overexposed to ___ or ___ pesticides.
carbamate, organophosphate
True or False: You should wash your gloved hands before removing the gloves.
Natural Rubber protects against ___.
Dry formulations
True or False: The symptoms of pesticide poisoning are very different than all from all other types of poisoning.
True or False: A person exposed often to small amounts of toxic material over a long time usually shows the same poisoning symptoms as a person exposed suddenly to a large amount of toxic material.
True or False: Because each chemical family can attack the body in a different way, the symptoms of pesticide poisoning are not all the same.
What are some of the symptoms of mild poisoning?
Headache, fatigue, sore throat
True or False: The symptoms of mild poisoning are similar to the early symptoms of acute poisoning.
What are some signs of severe or acute poisoning?
Fever, intense thirst, vomiting; Muscle twitches, pinpoint pupils; Unconsciousness
What are the three major chemical families?
Organophosphates, carbamates and chlorinated hydrocarbons
What is the very first thing to do when someone has been poisoned?
If you are alone with the victim, make sure he is breathing and not further exposed to poison; Call ambulance or doctor
Your doctor should know which pesticides you normally use so he or she can obtain the ___ and keep it on hand.
True or False: If poison is on the victim’s skin or in his eyes, it is most important to was the victim with large amounts of running water.
True or False: When someone inhales poison, wear an air-supplied respirator if necessary to protect yourself and immediately carry the victim to fresh air.
If a person has swallowed a poison, you should make him vomit, except when…
- The victim is unconscious or convulsing
- The victim has swallowed corrosive poison
- The victim has swallowed a petroleum product
In many cases, swallowed poisons can be absorbed by ___ ___, which is mixed with water into a thick syrup for the victim to drink.
activated charcoal
True or False: Atropine tablets can be poisonous if misused. You should never use them to prevent poisoning.
List 3 signs of shock.
- Skin that is pale, cold and clammy
- Vacant eyes with dilated pupils
- Irregular breathing and pulse
What should you do if someone is in shock?
- Keep the victim flat on his back, with legs raised
- Keep the victim warm enough to prevent shivering
What is the best source for important information on all types of poisonings and their treatment?
Poison Control Centers
Describe 3 aspects of IPM.
- combines several pest control tactics
- A way to anticipate and prevent pests from reaching damaging numbers
- Achieves pest control with the least risk to the environment
What are some benefits of IPM?
- Reduces pesticide hazards to people, wildlife and the environment
- Saves money for farmers, ranchers and homeowners
- Helps prevent insects, pathogens and weeds from developing resistance to pesticides
The four basic steps or parts of IPM are ___ tactics, monitoring, assessment and ___ tactics.
preventive, remedial
___, also called scouting, involves early pest detection and proper pest identification.
List 2 things that are involved in the assessment pillar of IPM.
- Judging the potential for pest populations to reach an intolerable level
- Forecasting weather conditions that favor disease and insect pests
Why is proper identification of pests so important?
- It enables you to treat the real source of a problem and not just the symptoms
- It enables you to avoid injury to non-target organisms
- It helps you to select the right pesticide for the job
In IPM, economic thresholds represent…
The difference between the cost of pest control and the cost of pest damage
List 6 methods of control used in IPM.
biological, chemical, cultural, genetic, mechanical, physical
A pest is considered anything that…
- Injures humans, animals, crops, structures, or possessions
- Competes with humans, domestic animals or crops for food or water
- Spreads disease to humans, domestic animals, or crops
___ percent of all insects are considered pests.
One (1)
Name the 3 main body parts of an insect.
Head, Thorax, Abdomen
Is a centipede, sowbug, or a mite an insect?
Diseases are caused by biological agents called ___.
What organisms are associated with plant disease?
bacteria, viruses, fungi, nematodes
Some weeds can be pests by…
- causing hay fever
- poisoning animals
- hindering fish growth and reproduction
What is it called when a plant lives more than 2 years?
What does the term vertebrate mean?
Animals with jointed backbones
Is rodents, flies, or arachnids vertebrates?
A ___ is any chemical used to control pests.
True or False: Insecticide is just another word for pesticide.
How does a systemic insecticide act on the pest?
A systemic flows inside a treated plant and kills the pest when the pest eats the plant.
True or False: The effect on beneficial insects is a primary concern when choosing a broad spectrum insecticide.
True or False: Contact insecticides offer safety advantages in homes, while residual insecticides are useful when the insects are a constant problem.
Miticides are very similar in action and application to ___.
Of the two types of fungicides, ___ prevent plant diseases and ___ cure plant diseases.
Protectants, eradicants
Eradicants are often used…
- when protectants are too expensive or not available
- When protectants have not been applied on time
- When a disease breaks out unexpectedly
Would you choose a selective or non-selective herbicide for weed control in a park?
With herbicide applications, pre plant means before the desired vegetation is planted. ___ means before the weeds appear and ___ means after both the desired vegetation and weed appear.
Pre-emergence, Post-emergence
What kind of chemical is used to alter or change the plant itself?
Growth regulators
Nematodes are…
Tiny worm-like organisms
A ___ inhibitor kills the immature insects by interfering with their growth and molting.
Chitin synthesis
True or False: Insect growth regulators attack a growth process found only in insects so these chemicals are generally harmless to humans and other vertebrates.
True or False: Although repellants should be used according to their labels, they are not registered like other pesticides with the EPA.
True or False: The words “keep out of reach of children,” must appear on all pesticide labels.
True or False: If a pesticide label has no instructions about protective equipment, that means you need no protection while using the pesticide.
True of False: Even if your intended use is not listed on the pesticide label, it is legal to use the pesticide anyway when you are sure it will work.
True or False: Although the EPA registers pesticide labels, it does not require manufacturers to submit labels for registration.
True or False: Many common chemical names exist but only those officially accepted by the EPA may be included on a label’s ingredient list.
Highly toxic products must carry the signal word ___.
Products with the signal word DANGER! may also have a skull and crossbones symbol and the word (PIRATES) ___ in red.
The signal word ___ is required on labels for moderately toxic products.
All labels for slightly toxic products must carry the signal word ___.
What information is provided in directions for use on a pesticide label?
- Pests to be controlled
- Rate for application
- Methods of Application
You should always read the label before you ___ pesticide, before you mix pesticide, before you ___ pesticide and before you store or dispose of pesticide.
Buy, Apply
Legal disposal steps are required for both the pesticide and the pesticide ___.
When a pesticide chemical is mixed with solvents, wetting agents, stickers, powders, granules, etc., the finished product is called a ___.
What is the common abbreviation of each of the following? Wettable powder ___, emulsifiable concentrate ___, dust ___, granules ___.
WP, EC, D, G
Which of the following must you consider when choosing the best formulation for your job?
- Effectiveness against the pest
- Type of application machinery needed
Which pesticide formulation is most often used in households, back yards and other small areas?
Which pesticide formulation can be dangerous if its container is punctured or overheated?
Why are dust formulations usually not used outdoors on a large scale?
They may drift away from the target area
For which type of job are dusts not often used?
To treat recreational turf areas
Which is not a type of pest that poisonous bait formulations are used to control?
Centipedes and millipedes
Why are poisonous baits often used in small amounts?
baits are needed only where pests gather
True or False: Granular formulations are made of larger, more uniform particles than dust formulations.
What advantages do granules have over dusts and sprays?
- Drift less
- Application is simpler
- They penetrate dense foliage better
Why wouldn’t you choose a granular if you were going to treat a tree or lettuce crop?
Not enough will stick to the leaves.
Why choose a low concentrate liquid formulation if you want to be sure to get the right mixture?
It is ready to be sprayed as purchased
What formulation would you choose if you wanted little visible residue and only moderate agitation?
Emulsifiable concentrate
Which formulation is very hazardous because it is highly concentrated and absorbed easily by the skin?
Emulsifiable concentrate
What is the difference between emulsifiable concentrates and flowables?
Flowables start as solids: emulsifiable concentrates start as liquids
Would you choose an EC or a WP if phytotoxicity might be a problem?
True or False: You should wear a respirator when mixing soluble or wettable powders.
What formulation would you choose if you wanted to penetrate cracks, soil, burrows, and enclosed areas?
What are disadvantages of fumigants?
- Can be applied only in enclosed areas
- May be toxic enough to require full protective gear
Which pesticide formulations must be diluted before they are applied?
Wettable powders and emulsifiable concentrates
When is the best time to add pesticide to the spray tank?
Immediately before application
True of False: Mixing is the time when you are most likely to be exposed to pesticide poisoning.
Through which routes of entry are you likely to be exposed during pesticide mixing?
dermal and inhalation
___ devices keep spray mixture in the tank from escaping back through the hose into a water source.
True or False: When you empty a pesticide container, you should rinse it out at least three times.
True or False: You can mix all types of pesticides together without any problem.
What does chemical compatibility mean?
Mixing the chemicals will not produce a highly toxic solution.
How can you find out if two pesticides are compatible?
Read the label
An ___ is a chemical added to the pesticide mixture that makes an active ingredient more effective.
For what kind of job would you use a spreader-sticker?
Treatment of waxy leaf surfaces
True or False: The most hazardous activities involving pesticides are mixing and loading concentrates.
For most pesticide sprays, what is the recommended PH level?
from 4 to 6
When a pesticide is spilled accidentally, what should you do first?
Contain the spill
How much wettable powder would you put in a 450 gallon tank, given directions to add 3 pounds WP per 100 gallons of water?
13.5 pounds
How much wettable powder would you put in an 80 gallon tank, given directions to add 3 pounds WP per 100 gallons of water?
2.4 pounds
How much emulsifiable concentrate would you put in a 300 gallon tank, given directions to add 3 pints EC per 100 gallons of water?
9 pints
How much emulsifiable concentrate would you put in a 50 gallon tank, given the directions above?
1.5 pints
If 1 pound of WP is recommended per 100 gallons of water, how many tablespoons of WP would you add to 1 gallon?
1 tablespoon but I have no idea why…
If 2 pints of EC are recommended per 100 gallons of water, how many teaspoons of EC would you add to one gallon?
2 teaspoons
How much does 100 gallons of water weigh?
830 pounds
How much does 100 gallons of kerosene weigh?
660 pounds
How many gallons of 25% emulsifiable concentrate (with 2 pounds pesticide per gallon) would you add to a 50 gallon tank to get a 1% active ingredient mixture?
2.075 gallons
How many pounds of 25% wettable powder must you add to 100 gallons of water to get a 1% active ingredient mixture?
33.2 pounds
Name two types of support equipment.
- filler pump
- front end loader
What must you consider in choosing pesticide application equipment for a job?
- working conditions and type of target
- pesticide formulation
- possible problems
True of False: Dusters are commonly used by gardeners and pest control operators for spot treatment of plants or small areas.
True or False: Seeders and fertilizer spreaders often can be used to apply granules without equipment adjustments.
True or False: A fogger is a good equipment choice when there is a sensitive area nearby and the wind is low.
Which type of sprayer would you probably choose to treat a small garden in a residential area?
Hand operated sprayer
True or False: In general, only homeowners have good use for hand-operated sprayers.
If you had to treat a large athletic complex containing several soccer fields and water was not easily available, what type of sprayer would you choose?
Low-pressure boom sprayer
What sprayer would you use if the pesticide was formulated only as a wettable powder and the target site had dense foliage?
High-pressure sprayer
Does a hydraulic sprayer have low pressure or high pressure?
High pressure
What type of sprayer would you use with a wettable powder formulation to treat an oak tree in a backyard?
High-pressure sprayer
Which type of sprayer is more likely to cause you to injure sensitive vegetation or wildlife by overdosing with concentrated pesticides?
You must increase pressure ___ times to double flow rate.
List 3 materials that nozzles are made from.
- brass
- plastic
- stainless steel
- ceramic
- hardened stainless steel
True or False: Among nozzle materials, brass is the least resistant to wear.
Which pump does not have an automatic pressure relief characteristic?
Piston pump
List 2 advantages and 1 disadvantage of a piston pump.
- Advantages-There is no leakage inside the pump chamber, Output is virtually unaffected by pressure
- disadvantage-it has poor maneuverability
What are some basic functions of spray nozzles?
- Regulate the flow of liquid
- To atomize the liquid stream
- To spread droplets in a specific pattern
Worn nozzle tips produce poor spray patterns and ___ flow rates than new nozzles.
You should replace a used nozzle when its flow rate varies ___ % or more from a new nozzle.
A sprayer should be cleaned after ___ days of use.
When cleaning a sprayer, you should dill and flush the tank with water at least ___ times before using a cleaning solution.
True or False: Even when you have the right mixture in the spray tank, you can still apply the wrong amount of pesticide.
True or False: Once your sprayer is calibrated, its delivery rate will remain constant.
If your sprayer delivers less spray to an area than you want it to, how would you change the rate?
- increase the pressure
- reduce ground speed
- use larger nozzles
What must you measure to calibrate granular application equipment?
The weight of granules spread over a known area.
True or False: You must calibrate granular application equipment each time you change granular products.
How many square feet equals 1 acre?
32 oz of water was collected from one spray nozzle in 30 seconds. What is the nozzle delivery rate in gallons per minute?
.5 GPM
How many square feet could you treat with a hand sprayer holding 1 gallon, if it takes 4 oz of the spray mix to treat 100 square feet?
True or False: Nozzle discharge rate and sprayer calibration should be checked with clean water before adding pesticide.
A fenced yard that is 200 ft wide and 300 ft long needs to be treated along a 6” band on the inside and a 6” band on the outside of the fence. How many square feet will be treated?
True of False: Wind can actually help reduce air pollution during an inversion.
Weather-wise applications can help you save money by saving the pesticide lost through ___ and ___.
Drift, runoff
True or False: Windy day application increases hazard to you and bystanders.
True or False: If pesticide drifts onto a non target area, causing injury or economic loss, the applicator is legally responsible.
Why must spray applications dry onto a surface before rain?
So the rain won’t cause runoff of the pesticide
What harm can pesticide runoff do?
- It can harm non target plants
- It can harm wildlife
- It can pollute water
What weather factors reduce drift?
lack of wind, low temperatures, and high humidity
What conditions make early morning or evening a good time for application?
Wind speed is lower and humidity is higher than other times of the day.
When does an inversion occur?
When the surface air is cooler than the air above it.
Why should you carefully dispose of surplus pesticides and empty containers?
- To prevent escape of pesticide wastes into the environment
- To avoid potential health hazards to people and animals
- To satisfy legal requirements
What problems result from buying more pesticide than you can use?
- storage and disposal problems
- Loss of pesticide effectiveness during storage
- Unnecessary handling risks
What is the proper way to dispose of surplus concentrated pesticide that is still in its original container?
If it is unopened, return it to the manufacturer or distributer; Give it to another certified applicator to use
True or False: If you rinse out an empty pesticide container three times, you can use it for another purpose or let children play with it.
What should you do with rinse water if you can’t add it to the tank mix?
Apply it on a site with a similar pest problem.
How should you dispose of empty cardboard fungicide containers?
Dispose of them according to label instructions
What should you do to dispose of empty metal, glass or plastic containers?
Try to return them for recycling
___ seals the pesticide container so that leaking of dangerous chemicals does not occur in the final disposal.
True or False: Certain methods of incineration are acceptable for pesticide disposal.
True or False: Burial of surplus pesticides and empty containers is one of the preferred disposal methods.
Can you incinerate or bury surplus pesticides or containers that have mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic or other inorganic chemicals in them?
You can neither incinerate nor bury them
Which federal and state laws regulate pesticide disposal methods?
FIFRA; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; Clean Air Act
True or False: To triple rinse a pesticide container, you should completely fill the container with diluent for each rinse.
True or False: The risk of water pollution from burial of empty containers is less than the risk of air pollution from incineration.
How can you prevent pesticide waste surplus?
- Buy only the amount of pesticide you need
- Calibrate equipment so you apply only the amount needed
- Re-use pesticide rinsates
What type of pesticide container should not be punctured for disposal?
Why should you dispose of pesticide waste in a EPA-approved sanitary landfill rather than a municipal dump?
Because EPA approved landfills meet federal standards of construction and operation.
Why wear protective clothing while you store pesticides, containers and equipment?
To minimize your exposure in case of a pesticide spill
In case of fire in your storage area, what should fire fighters wear?
Air-supplied respirators and chemical-resistant clothing
Which of these factors should you consider when choosing a storage site?
- Nearness to sensitive areas
- Whether flooding is possible
- Whether the site is upwind or uphill from sensitive areas
In what kind of container should pesticides be stored?
if undamaged, store in the original container; If damaged, store in a new, clean container and attach original label.
What is the main problem with runoff water from your storage area?
It could contaminate ground or surface water with pesticide residue
How should you treat collected runoff?
As surplus pesticide
Why is a good supply of soap and water a “must” in any pesticide storage area?
To make decontamination and cleanup possible
What other materials should deb on hand in a good storage area?
Activated charcoal, clay, vermiculite or pet litter
True or False: If you are careful, the storage area also may be used to store your lunch, tobacco and street clothes while you are on the job.
Why should the storage area be kept cool?
To stabilize flammable chemicals
Why should herbicides be stored in a special place apart from other pesticides?
They can vaporize and spread into adjacent pesticides
How should you organize the disposal section of your storage area?
By chemical family
What should you do when you discover that one of your pesticide containers is corroding?
Put it in a larger container that can be sealed and labeled
How should you store opened containers of chlorates?
Do not store at all
True or False: If a customer asks for a little of your tank mix and hands you an empty glass jar, it is all right for you to give him some as long as you warn him carefully.
Cleanup steps for pesticide spills include:
- Wearing suitable protection
- Using absorbent materials or sweeping compound
- Collecting used cleaners and soaked up spill and sealing in a drum
True or False: Materials used to absorb a spill should be treated the same as pesticide waste.
Besides meeting legal requirements, how can pesticide application records help you?
- In case of damage suit, records can establish proof of proper pesticide use
- Records can help you trace residue and damage problems
- Records can help you make the most efficient and effective use of pesticides, thereby saving time and money
When is the best time to fill out record sheets?
In the field (during the job)
Filling out standard forms…
helps you make sure to get all the necessary data
If you apply a pesticide and the wind carries it off-target, are you liable even though you tried to be careful?
If the site you applied a pesticide to is damaged, even though you followed the directions and dosages on the label, who could be liable?
You; The dealer; The manufacturer; The property owner
Is pesticide application legally considered an ultra-hazardous activity?
Can you be sued for applying pesticides to the wrong target site, even if no damage is done?
What is the legal standing of bees killed while “visiting” a sprayed field?
The bees are considered trespassers if you gave prior notice to adjacent landowners. Otherwise, you may be liable for harm to the bees.
From a legal standpoint, pesticide equipment and containers that are left where children can find them are considered…
An “attractive nuisance”
Which of the following steps should you take if someone accuses you of pesticide misuse?
Take notes and photos to document conditions at the site. Identify witness. Notify your insurance company.
Which of the following is least essential for good public relations?
good advertising
Who can best advise you on your insurance needs?
Insurance agents who specialize in pesticide insurance