ORM Flashcards
What is the first class of mishap?
Class A: property damage of 2,000,000 or more, injury or illness that results in fatality or permanent disability.
How many steps are there to ORM and what are they?
- Identify hazards. Assess hazards. Make risk decisions. Implement controls. Supervise.
What is the second class of mishap?
Class B: material or property damage of 500,000 but less than 2,000,000. Injury or illness results in partial disability or three or more personnel are hospitalized.
What is the third case of mishap?
Class C: property damage of 50,000 or more but less then 500,000. Non-fatal injury that causes any loss of time beyond the day or shift
What is PPE?
Personal Protective Equipment
Name some examples of PPE
Cranials. Eye protection. Hearing protection. Impact protection. Gloves. Foot protection.