Origins Of The Cold War - In Depth Flashcards
Tehran Conference 1943
-USSR wage war against
Japan once Germany
was defeated.
-UN to be set up after war
-Area of eastern Poland
added to USSR
Yalta Conference 1945
-Divide Germany and Berlin
into 4 zones
-Allow countries liberated
from German occupation to
have free elections
-Join UN
-Eastern Europe would be a
Soviet ‘sphere of influence’
Potadam Conference 1945
-Germany and Berlin to be
divided and demilitarised
-Democracy in Germany
-Germany to pay
reparations to Allies
US-Soviet Relations- Atomic Bomb
Atomic Bomb -USA successfully tested their first A-bomb during
the Potsdam Conference - began arms race with USSR
US-Soviet Relations- Satellite States
USSR established communist states in most countries in Eastern Europe
US-Soviet Relations-Long Telegram
Kennan (US official in Moscow) recommended
US action against Soviet expansion
US-Soviet Relations-Novikov Telegram
Soviet ambassador to USA warned Stalin that US wanted to dominate the world
Truman Doctrine 1947
Committed the US to ‘containment’ -preventing spread of communism
Marshall Plan 1947
America provided economic aid to poor countries to stop them from turning to communism - between 1948-52 US gave $12.7 billion to countries in Europe
Cominform 1947
set up by Stalin, organised all communist parties in Europe - encouraged communist parties to block Marshall Plan assistance
Comecon 1949
economic organisation aiming to support economic growth of communist countries in Eastern Europe by encouraging trade with each other
in response to creation of Comecon and Cominform the USA and Western. European countries created a military alliance
Berlin Blockade
-Britain, France and USA merged their
zones of West Germany in March
1948 and introduced the ‘Deutsch
mark’, improving the economy
-Capitalism was drawing people
away from communist east towards
west Germany
-Stalin cut off all transport links to
West Berlin in June 1948 to starve the
West of the city into submission
-The West responded with an airlift of
food, fuel and supplies for 10 months,
then Stalin called off Blockade May
What happened in the Soviet Union in 1953 and 1955
Stalin died in 1953 and in 1955 Khrushchev took over power of USSR, who wanted to,”de-Stalinise,” Russia.
Warsaw Pact 1955
West Germany joined NATO, so Stalin created an equivalent military alliance of communist countries controlled by USSR