Origin of life Flashcards
How did everything begin?
the Big Bang - an explosion made space stretch everywhere and the Universe expanded. Galaxies moved away from each other (e.g. Milky Way)
What happened next?
Rock formation on Earth
What is the rock layer of the Earth called?
Litosphere - formed 4,6 billion years ago
What happened next?
Continental drift - the continents are still moving today
What do continents rest on?
Tectonic plates
What is the Miller experiment?
The first attempt at stimulating ancient Earth conditions (the ancient Earth water cycle), to test ideas about the origin of life.
What are major elements for life (in big amount)?
Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), Calcium (Ca), …
What do all organic compounds have?
Carbon-hydrogen bonds
What are organic compounds?
Sugars, glycerin, amino acids and fatty acids