Origin MASTER Flashcards
Anterior Tibialis
ORIGIN: Lateral condyle and proximal two-thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia
Posterior Tibialis
ORIGIN: Proximal two-thirds of the posterior surface of the tibia and fibula
ORIGIN: Posterior surface of the fibular head and proximal one-third of its shaft and from the posterior side if the tibia
ORIGIN: Posterior aspect of the lateral and medial femoral condyles
Peroneus Longus
ORIGIN: Lateral condyle of the tibia, head and proximal two-thirds of the lateral surface of the fibula
Biceps Femoris Long Head
ORIGIN: Ischial tuberosity of the pelvis, part of the sacrotuberous ligament
Biceps Femoris Short Head
ORIGIN: Lower one-third of the posterior aspect of the femur
ORIGIN: Ischial tuberosity of the pelvis
ORIGIN: Ischial tuberosity of the pelvis and part of the sacrotuberous ligament
Vastus Lateralis
ORIGIN: Anterior and inferior border of the greater trochanter, lateral region of the gluteal tuberosity, lateral lip of the linea aspera of the femur
Vastus Medialis
ORIGIN: Lower region of the intertrochanteric line, medial lip of the linea aspera, proximal medial supracondylar line of the femur
Vastus Intermedius
ORIGIN: Anterior-lateral regions of the upper two-thirds of the femur
Rectus Femoris
ORIGIN: Anterior-inferior iliac spine of the pelvis
Adductor Longus
ORIGIN: Anterior surface of the inferior pubic ramus of he pelvis
Adductor Magnus-Anterior
ORIGIN: Ischial ramus of the pelvis
Adductor Magnus-Posterior
ORIGIN: Ischial tuberosity of the pelvis
Adductor Brevis
ORIGIN: Anterior surface of the inferior pubic ramus of he pelvis
ORIGIN: Anterior aspect of lower body of the pubis
ORIGIN: Pectineal line on the superior pubic ramus of the pelvis
Gluteus Medius Anterior
ORIGIN: Outer surface of the ilium
Gluteus Medius Posterior
ORIGIN: Outer surface of the ilium
Gluteus Minimus
ORIGIN: Ilium between the anterior and the inferior gluteal line
Gluteus Maximus
ORIGIN: Outer ilium, posterior side of the sacrum and coccyx and part of the sacrotuberous and posterior sacroiliac ligament
Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL)
ORIGIN: Outer surface of the iliac crest just posterior to the anterior-superior iliac spine of the pelvis
ORIGIN: Transverse processes and lateral bodies of the last thoracic and all the lumbar vertebrae including intervertebral disks
ORIGIN: Upper two-thirds of the iliac fossa
ORIGIN: Anterior-superiliac spine of the pelvis
ORIGIN: Anterior surface of the sacrum
Rectus Abdominus
ORIGIN: Pubic symphysis of the pelvis
External Oblique
ORIGIN: External surface of ribs 4-12
Internal Oblique
ORIGIN: Anterior two-thirds of the iliac crest of the pelvis and thoracolumbar fascia
Transverse Abdominis
ORIGIN: Ribs 7-12, anterior two third of the iliac crest of the pelvis and thoracolumbar fascia
ORIGIN: Costal part: inner surfaces of the cartilages and adjacent bony regions of ribs 6-12. Sternal part posterior side of the xiphoid process Crural (lumbar) part: (1) two aponeurotic arches covering the external surfaces of the quadratus lumborum and psoas major (2) right and left crus, originating from the he bodies L1-L3 and their intervertebral disks
Quadrtus Lumborum (QL)
ORIGIN: Iliac crest of the pelvis
ORIGIN: Posterior aspect of the sacrum, Processes of the lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine
Transversospinalis: Thoracis Division
ORIGIN: Transverse process T12-T7
Spinalis: Thoracis division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Iliocostalis: Thoracis Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Transversospinalis: Capitis Division
ORIGIN: Transverse process T6-C7
Transversospinalis: Cervicus Division
ORIGIN: Transverse process T6-C4
Spinalis: Capitis Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Spinalis: Cervicus Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Longissimus: Capitis Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Longissimus: Cervicus Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Iliocostalis: Cervicus Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Longissimus: Thoracis Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Iliocostalis: Lumborum Division
ORIGIN: Superficial erector spinae common origin
Latissimus Dorsi
ORIGIN: Spinous processes of T7-T12; Iliac crest of the pelvis; thoracolumbar fascia; ribs 9-12
Serratus Anterior
ORIGIN: Ribs 4-12
Rhomboid Major
ORIGIN: Spinous processes C7-T5
Rhomboid Minor
ORIGIN: Spinous processes C7-T1
Lower Trapezius
ORIGIN: Spinous processes of T6-T12
Middle Trapezius
ORIGIN: Spinous processes of T1-T5
Upper Trapezius
ORIGIN: External occipital protuberance of the skull; spinous process of C7
Pectoralis Major
ORIGIN: Anterior surface of the clavicle; anterior surface of the sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-7
Pectoralis Minor
ORIGIN: Ribs 3-5
Anterior Deltoid
ORIGIN: Lateral third of the clavicle
Medial Deltoid
ORIGIN: Acromion process of the scapula
Posterior Deltoid
ORIGIN: Spine of the scapula
Teres Major
ORIGIN: Inferior angle of the scapula
Teres Minor
ORIGIN: Lesser border of the scapula
ORIGIN: Infraspinous fossa of the scapula
ORIGIN: Subscapular fossa of the scapula
ORIGIN: Supraspinous fossa of the scapula
Biceps Brachii
ORIGIN: Short head: corocoid process; Long head tubercle above glenoid cavity on the humerus
Triceps Brachii
ORIGIN: Long head: Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula; short head: Posterior humerus; Medial head: posterior humerus
ORIGIN: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Pronator Teres
ORIGIN: Medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna
Pronator Quadratus
ORIGIN: Distal ulna
ORIGIN: Lateral epicondyle of humerus
ORIGIN: Lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus
ORIGIN: Humerus
Levator Scapulae
ORIGIN: Transverse processes of C1-C4
ORIGIN: Sternal head: top of manubrium of the sternum; Clavicular head: Medial one-third of the clavicle
ORIGIN: Transverse processes of C3-C7
Longus Coli
ORIGIN: Anterior portion T1-T3
Longus Capitis
ORIGIN: Transverse processes of C3-C6