Orientation PowerPoint Flashcards
What is the textbook for class?
Lippincott, Nursing Assistants: A humanistic approach to care giving
What are the required immunizations for class and clinicals? When do you need them by?
Negative TB Skin Test ( 2 tests, 2 skin reads, 72hrs in total)
COVID: 2 doses of older vaccine or 1 biovalant dose (current)
Flu Shot: must be this season’s flu shot. Typically from August to September
Due date: by week 2 or Oct 2nd for Flu shot
General Class Information: What do you need to know?
All Lab Days are MANDATORY
If you are sick or have flu like symptoms - text Suzanne or Alysha
All labs and online content are required by the State Board of Nurses (SBON) and are tailored each day of class
No Smoking policy!
What are the out of pocket expenses?
Box of Gloves
FRCC Background Check: $34.20
Scrubs for Clinicals
Watch with a Second Hand
Immunizations: Flu Shot, TB Test, Covid vaccines
Cost of State Exam: Paid Through the school with voucher
How will the Professor communicate with you?
- Announcements on D2L
a. Updates
b. New class news or updates
c.Changes to the next class
d. Weather emergencies - D2L Email: please answer
- By text: Text the number if being late or have questions
How and what days do you need to check D2L?
3 days
Mondays, Wednesday and Friday
What are is required to be done by 1st day of class?
Background Check
Completed Graduation Application
What do you need for a background check? What is the program used for background check?
Castle Branch
At your expense: $34.20
If you fail your background check, you cannot take either exam or clinical
What is considered a failed background check?
Any violent felony convictions of Homicide (No time limit)
Registered sex offenders (No time limit)
Crimes of Violence: Assault, sexual offenses, arson, kidnapping, any crime against an at-risk adult or juvenile (In the Last 10 Years)
Any offense involving unlawful sexual behavior (In the Last 10 years)
Any crime, the underlying basis of which has been found by the court on record to include an act of domestic violence (In the Last 7 Years).
Any crime of child abuse (In the Last 7 Years)
Any felony theft crimes (In the Last 7 Years) or misdemeanor theft crimes (In the Last 5 Years)
Any offense of sexual assault on a client by a Psychotherapist (In the Last 7 Years)
Crimes of moral turpitude – prostitution, public lewdness/exposure (In the Last 7 Years)
More than 1 D.U.I (In the Last 7 Years)
Any offense in another state, where the elements are substantially similar to any above.
What is recommended by the CDC for Healthcare Workers?
Hepatitis B Vaccine: given in 3 doses over a 6-month period. Protects from Hepatitis which is contacted through blood or bodily fluids. Born since 1993, already had the vaccine when they infant
Meningococcal Vaccine: protects against certain strains of Meningitis more particularly the more serious strains. Spread more easily since its airborne.
Varicella (Chicken Pox): Given in 2 doses to protect against chicken pox. Spread through the air and very contagious
MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella): Given in 2 doses and received as a child. Doses can only give 28 days apart. Only required if born before 1957.
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis): Multiple injections of Tdap as a child. Should be repeated every 10 years to be protected. Been new case of Pertussis (Whooping Cough) and doctors are recommending adult booster of combination of Tdap.
What is the Graduation Application at FRCC?
New graduation application is required at FRCC each time you complete a certificate or degree.
Complete grad application and show proof on day 1 for bonus points
What is the mandatory dress code for Lab days and the State Exam?
Shirts: Short-Sleeved shirt that easily raise above the shoulder to expose whole arm & armpit (NO Tanks tops)
Pants: easily roll above the knee (NO skinny jeans / tight leggings
Shoes: Flat, slip on, non-slip shoes (NO lace-up shoes, boots)
Hair: pulled back out of the face, off the shoulder (AKA bun)
Watch: Second Hand (NO apple watches, digital)
Remember: Improper dress inhibits learning skills for you and your partner & loss of Professionalism Points!
What is other dress code expectations?
Hygiene & Cleanliness: maintain cleanliness and oral hygiene since we are going to be up close and person with your peers
a. NO body odor, heavy perfumes, lotions, tobacco odors or WEED!
b. Hair must be clean
c. Hair must be pulled out of face and off the shoulder.
a. Scrubs: only for clinicals
b. Body appropriately covered
c. Professor’s advice: wear comfortable clothes
What is the purpose of the Nurse Aide Health Care Skills class? What do you learn in class?
Preparation for the CNA State Exam!
Fundamental’s skills of Nurse Aide and Basic Nursing Skills
Communication skills, Patient & Resident’s Rights & Mental Health Needs
Personal care skills, Restorative services & Safety/Emergency care
What are the requirements to pass the class and go to Clinicals?
Hands on skills
Vital signs accuracy
Nursing skills from the textbook and PowerPoints online
Quizzes over the textbook
Discussion assignments weekly
Skills in the labs as graded assignments
What are the Terminal Competencies for SBON?
- Established Effective Communication and Competent Interactions with clients/coworkers on a one-to-one basis. The student will demonstrate the ability to form relationships
- Exhibit Interpersonal Skills and Skillful, Directed Interactions which demonstrate sensitivity, empathy and skillfulness to the client’s emotional, social and mental health needs. The student will demonstrate Therapeutic Communication.
- Apply principles of Infection Control to provide a safe and germ-free environment and promote the general health and well-being of the clients.
- Apply Safety Principles at all times while performing duties, and provide emergency procedures when necessary, including Heimlich Maneuver
- Promote and Assist clients to attain and maintain Independence, recognizing each individual’s capabilities
- Exhibit behaviors which promote and support Client’s Rights and respect for each individual.
- Demonstrate appropriate Observational and Documentation Skills needed in the assessment of client’s health, physical condition and well-being
8.Demonstrate knowledge of the Colorado Nurse Aide Practice Act (CNAPA) and follow Scope of Practice for Nurse Aides in lecture, lab and clinical and as a working CNA
Explain what “Established Effective Communication and Competent Interactions with clients/coworkers on a one-to-one basis. The student will demonstrate the ability to form relationships “ means?
The student will learn to introduce self properly as a healthcare worker, explains procedures, maintain professional manner and communicate professionally and effectively with resident/patients while meeting their needs as well as communicating well with facility staff members.
BIG IDEA: Communication and proper way of introductions to patients and staff members
Explain what “Exhibit Interpersonal Skills and Skillful, Directed Interactions which demonstrate sensitivity, empathy and skillfulness to the client’s emotional, social and mental health needs. The student will demonstrate Therapeutic Communication” means?
The student will learn how to respond appropriately to a client’s behavior, meet the emotional needs of the client through interactions and allow time for residents / patients to express themselves
BIG IDEA: Responding appropriately to the patient’s behavior while also meeting the emotional needs of the patients
Explain what “Apply principles of Infection Control to provide a safe and germ-free environment and promote the general health and well-being of the clients” means?
The student will learn to protect residents, self and co-workers by applying principles of good infection control at all times.
BIG IDEA: Protecting people by practicing good infection controls
Explain what “Apply Safety Principles at all times while performing duties, and provide emergency procedures when necessary, including Heimlich Maneuver” means?
The student will learn to consistently apply safety steps when caring for a resident as in lowering the bed, putting the call light quickly, proper technique with transfers and mobility, proper use of personal alarms, proper use of equipment and assistance with equipment, safety ADLS, dietary safety with appropriate diet requirements, observation for all safety concerns.
BIG IDEA: Thinking about the safety of patients! Examples: by lowering bed, call light, proper technique with transfers, use of personal alarms
Explain what “Promote and Assist clients to attain and maintain Independence, recognizing each individual’s capabilities” means?
The student will learn how to encourage independence and self-care all areas of activities of daily living (ADLS) and will offer residents choices during all care provided
BIG IDEA: Promoting independence and self care of all ADLS)
Explain what “Exhibit behaviors which promote and support Client’s Rights and respect for each individual” means?
The student will learn to provide resident rights by knocking and waiting for permission to enter a resident’s room, answering call lights quickly and consistently, providing care to the resident promptly, by treating all clients with dignity, respect, and abuse-free care, and by maintaining privacy and confidentiality of PHI (Protected Health Information)
BIG IDEA: Knowing patient’s rights by knocking before entering. Providing patient confidentially of PHI)
Explain what “Demonstrate appropriate Observational and Documentation Skills needed in the assessment of client’s health, physical condition and well-being” means?
The student will learn to observe a client for abnormalities or status changes of both a physical and mental nature, and report these changes in status promptly to the nurse. The student will observe any safety concerns of the resident and report findings to the nurse. The student will learn to document vital signs, height, weight and intake and output accurately
BIG IDEA: Documentation of changes in patients. Accuracy of taking vital signs, height, weight and intake and output of fluid and food
Explain what “o Demonstrate knowledge of the Colorado Nurse Aide Practice Act (CNAPA) and follow Scope of Practice for Nurse Aides in lecture, lab and clinical and as a working CNA” means?
The student will learn to provide care according to the resident care plan and to only provide care for which the student has been trained and found proficient and only care that falls within the scope of practice as a nurse aid, and a student nurse aid. The student will I learn and abide by health care professionalism standards at all times
BIG IDEA: Only providing care according to the care plan and what you are trained in “Scope of Practice”