Orientation III: Lesson 6 - The National Labor Relations Board Flashcards
What does NLRA stand for?
a. National Labor Regulations Act
b. National Labor Regulations Association
c. National Labor Relations Act
d. National Labor Retirement Association
National Labor Relations Act
The National Labor Relations Board is a(n) ? federal agency created in 1935 by Congress.
a. dependent
b. independent
c. intra-dependent
d. quasi (almost, but not quite)
(The) ? is (are) enforced by the National Labor Relations Board.
a. Davis-Bacon Act
b. Fair Labor Standards Act
c. Wage Garnishment Act
d. None of the above
None of the above
The ? is the basic law governing relations between labor unions and the employers whose operations affect interstate commerce.
a. National Labor Relations Act
b. National Labor Relations Board
c. National Labor Relations Committee
d. National Labor Relations Law
National Labor Relations Act
In order for the NLRB to act on a matter, one of two courses of action must take place. One course of action is that a charge of an unfair labor practice must be filed with the NLRB. Choose the other course of action.
a. A petition against employee discrimination must be filed with the NLRB.
b. A petition against unfair union election(s) must be filed with the NLRB.
c. A petition for collective bargaining must be filed with the NLRB.
d. A petition for employee elections must be filed with the NLRB.
A petition for employee elections must be filed with the NLRB.
The NLRA provides basic rights to employees that are not to be violated by unions or employers. These basic rights include:
a. to act together for purposes of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection
b. to bargain collectively about wages and working conditions through representatives of their own choosing
c. to form, join, or assist labor organizations
d. to self-organize
e. all of the above
all of the above
One of the two principal functions of the NLRB is to determine, through ? , the free democratic choice by employees as to whether or not they wish to be represented by a union in dealing with their employers and, if so, by which union.
a. affirmation
b. balloted votes
c. secret-ballot elections
d. signed affidavits
secret-ballot elections
The other of the two principal functions of the NLRB is to prevent and remedy unlawful acts, called ? , by either employers or unions.
a. boycotts
b. labor uprising
c. reactive labor practices
d. unfair labor practices
unfair labor practices
The NLRA implements the national labor policy of ensuring ? and encouraging collective bargaining as a means of maintaining ? .
a. arbitration / fairness
b. fair labor practices / free choice
c. free choice / industrial peace
d. industrial peace / good labor relations
free choice / industrial peace
As a result of the NLRA, employers cannot discriminate against employees with regard to hiring, discharge, or working conditions because of their ? .
a. company affiliation
b. union activities
c. union membership
d. union sympathy
union activities
The unfair labor practice provisions of the NLRA place certain restrictions on the actions of (the) ? and ? in their relations with employees and with each other.
a. board of directors / management
b. employees / activities
c. employers / employees
d. employers / labor organizations
employers / labor organizations
The NLRA stipulates that a union cannot engage in ? against employees who refrain from union activity.
a. acts of violence
b. boycotts
c. press releases
d. social pressure
acts of violence
Within an NLRB region, who is responsible for the initial decision in an unfair labor practice charge?
a. The area director
b. The local supervisor
c. The regional director
d. The regional vice-president
The regional director
There are ? members on the NLRB, and each appointee serves a term of ? years.
a. 2 / 3
b. 3 / 3
c. 4 / 5
d. 5 / 5
5 / 5
The Board members of the NLRB are appointed by (the) ? .
b. Congress
c. President of the United States with Senate consent
d. Secretary of Labor
President of the United States with Senate consent
In a representation election case, a petition filed with the NLRB for an election must be supported by documenting that at least ? of the affected employees desire an election.
a. 25%
b. 30%
c. 40%
d. 50%
A regional director’s decision may be ? to the NLRB.
a. appealed
b. complained about
c. referred
d. petitioned
Provided that a charge filed with the NLRB results in a formal complaint being issued, it goes to a hearing conducted before an NLRB administrative law judge.
True or False
The NLRA provides that allegations of unfair labor practice violations must be filed and served within ? months of the occurrence of the alleged violation.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 12
The NLRB’s ? is responsible for investigating and prosecuting unfair labor practice cases and general supervision of NLRB field offices in the processing of unfair labor practice and representation cases.
a. attorney-in-charge
b. criminal division
c. general counsel
d. labor lawyer
general counsel
Annually, the NLRB handles approximately ? cases. Of those cases, how many are representation petitions?
a. 10,000 / 4,000
b. 20,000 / 5,000
c. 30,000 / 6,000
d. 40,000 / 7,000
40,000 / 7,000