Organology Lab Flashcards
Black Arrow

Sympathetic Nerve
Red Arrow

Green Arrow

Region of heart is Green arrow

What structure is the blue arrow?

Annulus Fibrosum
What heart layer is the violet arrow?

What structure is the black arrow?

Pectinate Muscle
What structure is the red arrow?

What structure is the black arrow?

Purkinje Fiber
What structure is the red arrow?

Inner Subendothelium
What structure is the blue arrow?

What are the structures indicated by arrows?

Intercalated Discs
Relative to the muscle, the orientation of this section is ______

Identify the large multinucleate cell

Identify the highlighted area

Red Cell Nest
Identify the area highlighted

Granulocytic Nest
In this image of the thymus, identify the area on the left of the yellow lines.

- From this image of the thymus, identify the area to the right of the yellow lines.

Thymus - identify the cell indicated by the yellow arrows.

Epithelial Reticular Cell
Identify the structure indicated by the blue arrows.

Thymic Corpuscle
Identify the structure indicated by the blue arrows

Lymphoid Nodule
Identify the area between the red arrows.

Identify the cells indicated by the red arrows.

Goblet cells
Although difficult to resolve here, what cell type do you think is most prevalent in the box bounded in blue? (Maybe check your own slide?)

The green arrows point to a unique area of intestinal epithelium on the surface of a Peyer’s patch. What specialized cell type is found here?

Identify this tonsil

Palatine Tonsil
(aka Oropharyngeal)
Identify this tonsil

On this lymph node, identify the area indicated by green arrows.

Subcapsular Sinus
Identify the area enclosed by the pink lines.

Identify the area labeled with the asterisk - be specific.

Germinal Center
Blast from the past! Glass slide #33 (bovine lymph node)
Question: identify the cells indicated by red arrows.

Plasma Cells
Identify the nasty-looking vacuolated cells indicated by the green arrows.

In this spleen, identify the vessels indicated by red arrows.

Arteries of the Red Pulp
In this image of the spleen, identify the vessel indicated by red arrows.

Sheathed Capillary
In this image of the spleen, identify the vessels indicated by blue arrows.

Artery of the White Pulp
Identify the areas (or structures) indicated by the red arrows.

- In this image of the spleen, identify the region containing the pool of red blood cells in the center.

Marginal Zone
Identify A

Neural Lobe
Endocrine - Pituitary
Identify B

Pars Intermedia
Endocrine - Pituitary
Identify C

pars distalis
Endocrine - Pituitary
Identify D

pars tuberalis
Endocrine - Pituitary
Identify E

infundibular stalk
ID cell (blue arrow)

ID cell (green arrow).

ID cell (red arrow)

ID cell (white arrow)

Note that although this cell looks similar to cell in question # 7 it is larger and has a larger nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. Normally this cell would also have more basophilia when compared to the cell in question # 7.
The correct answer is: thyrotrope
ID cell (yellow arrow)

ID organ (green arrow)

Pineal Gland
ID dark material in upper right image.

Brain Sand
ID tissue (yellow arrow)

Choroid Plexus
Hormones produced by the neurosecretory neurons of the hypothalamus (figure 4, left image) are transported to the pituitary gland for storage and release (see axon terminals with these stored products in the right image of figure 4, a.k.a. Herring bodies). Name the TWO different regions of the pituitary gland where you can find “Herring bodies”.

Use the following key to enter your two letter choice (no space between the letter e.g., answer: XX)
Key: A (pars distalis); B (pars intermdia); C (pars tuberalis); D (pars nervosa); E (infundibular stalk); F (median eminence)
ID organ arrows are pointing toward (high magnification in left panel).

In organ in figure 1 - What is the name of the cell?

What is the hormone product of the cell in figure 1?

Parathyroid Hormone
Identify the region defined by the square (high magnification of area in right panel)

zona glomerulosa
what is the hormone product of the cells?

Identify the region defined by the square (high magnification to right).

zona fasciculata
In the above image what hormone do the cells produce?

what is the region immediately deep to the boxed in area (but still within the cortex)?

The cells in this area secrete glucocorticoids and also sex hormones (e.g., estrogens and androgens) in response to ACTH. Usually in the Cushing’s syndrome (hyperadrenocorticism) you anticipate the production of excess glucocortcoids - but imagine what clinical signs you might see with the concurrent excess production of the sex hormones??
The correct answer is: zona reticularis
what are the two hormones produced by the medullary cells (please separate your answers with a comma).

epinephrine, norepinephrine
The cells of this medullary region are really modified post-ganglionic ________ neurons.

Recall that this region is derived from neuroectoderm so it makes sense that the cells are neurons. This also means that the cells are directly innervated by a preganglionic axon and as part of the sympathetic nervous system you would expect stimulation of the cells during “fight or flight” type situations.
The correct answer is: sympathetic
The cell indicated by the blue arrow belongs to the “diffuse neuroendocrine system” - a group of cells scattered throughout the body which produce hormones. Please (accurately) write out the entire name of these cells.

The name of these cells actually describes their function i.e., they uptake amines and then decarboxylate them to produce the active hormone.
The correct answer is: amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation cells
Identify the cell labelded “A” (Please write the name of the organ then the cell type i.e., Answer _______ cell).

thyroid follicular cell
Name one of the active forms of the hormone produced by the thyroid follicular cell (you can write the answer as a single letter number combination or you can write the full name out).

In the above image identify cell “B”. Again, please write the name of the organ as the first part of the answer i.e., Answer ______ cell

thyroid parafollicular cell
What is the hormone produced by the thyroid parafollicular cells?

Indicate how Calcitonin alters the blood calcium level. Please write your answer as one of the following choices: increases / decreases

Note that parathyroid hormone alters blood calcium in the opposite direction to this hormone.
The correct answer is: decreases
Red arrows = ____ _____
Blue arrows = _____ ______

Valve Leaf
Annulus Fibrosum
Blue arrows =

pectinate muscle bundles projecting into auricle lumen.
Annulus fibrosum
Blue arrows =

collagenous C.T. of the annulus
Atrial endocardium
Blue arrows =
Yellow arrows =
Green arrows =
blue asterisks =

Blue = Endothelium
Yellow = Inner Subendothelium
Green = Outer Subendothelium
Blue Asterisks = Myocardium
Gray arrows =

Intercalated Disks
Topic: Endocardium right
Blue arrow = myocardium
Yellow arrow = inner subendothelium
Green arrow = outer subendothelium
P = Purkinje fibers.

Blue = Myocardium
Yellow = Inner Subendothelium
Green = Outer Subendothelium
P = Purkinje Fibers
Topic: Endocardium left
Blue arrow =
Yellow bar =
Green arrow =
P =

Blue = Myocardium
Yellow = Inner subendothelium
Green = Outer Subendothelium
P = Purkinje Fibers
Topic: Moderator band
Blue arrow =
Yellow arrow =
Green arrow =
P =

Blue arrow = myocardium
Yellow arrow = inner subendothelium
Green arrow = outer subendothelium
P = Purkinje fibers.
Topic: Papillary muscle
Blue arrow =
yellow arrow =

Blue arrow = myocardium
yellow arrow = inner subendothelium
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = Purkinje fibers.
Red arrow
Blue arrow

Red arrows = coronary artery
Blue arrows = sympathetic nerves
Red Arrows
Blue Arrows

Red arrows = papillary muscle
blue arrow = chorda tendina (singular - plural is ‘tendinae’)
Blue arrow

Blue arrow = moderator band
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = erythrocytes and reticulocytes.
Blue arrows

Blue arrows indicate granulocytic precursors. (Specific granules cannot be resolved in every cell.)
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = megakaryocyte

Erythrocytic precursor cell nest - note purplish enucleate reticulocytes, late-stage erythroblasts, and ejected erythroblast nuclei.


Many areas of this marrow slide have a mix of cell lineages - here a combination of erythrocytic and granulocytic precursors.

In a few of these eosinophilic myelocytes, prominent eosinophilic granules are resolved.

What organ is this?
C =
M =
Blue line is through the?

C = cortex
M = medulla
Blue line is through the corticomedullary junction.

Blue arrows = thymic capillaries.
Blue Arrows

Blue arrows = thymic corpuscles.
Blue arrows

Blue arrows = a trabeculum separating two lobules.
Green outline =
Blue arrows =

Green outline = areas containing GALT in this particular field of view
Blue arrows = mesentery.
Blue =

Blue arrows = dome epithelium
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = absorptive epithelium.
Peyer’s Patch Nodule
Green Asterisks

Green asterisks indicate one immune nodule.
What tonsil is this?
Blue =

Palatine Tonsil
Blue arrows = mucosal invaginations
What tonsil is this?

Palatine Tonsil
Yellow arrow = submucosal gland
Green asterisk = nodular germinal center
Blue arrow = nodular corona or mantle
Red arrow = mucosal epithelium.
What tonsil is this?
Topic: Mantle/Corona

Palatine Tonsil
Topic: Mantle/corona
Yellow arrow = submucosal gland
Green asterisk = nodular germinal center
Blue arrow = nodular corona or mantle
Red arrow = mucosal epithelium
What tonsil is this?
Red =
Blue =
Green =

Nasopharyngeal Tonsil
Topic: Epithelium
Red arrows = lymphatic nodules
blue arrows = pharyngeal mucosa
Green asterisks = submucosal C.T.
Lymph Node
Blue arrow
Red Arrow
Yellow asterisks
Green asterisks

Blue arrow = afferent lymphatic duct
Red arrows = efferent lymphatic duct
Yellow asterisks = paracortex
Green asterisks = cortex.
Lymph Node
Green =
Blue =
Red =

Green asterisks indicate areas of medulla
Blue arrows = a trabeculum
Red asterisk = region of the hilus.
Lymph Node
Green arrow=
Yellow asterisk =
Red arrow =

Green arrows = subcapsular sinus
Yellow asterisks = cortex
Red arrows = paracortex.
Lymph Node
Blue arrows

Blue arrows are located in medullary sinuses and point to medullary cords.
What organ is this?
Blue =
Violet =
Red =
Green =

Blue arrows = capsule Violet arrows = trabeculae Red arrows = red pulp Green asterisks = nodules (white pulp).
What organ is this?
Red arrow =

Red arrows = trabecular artery.
What organ is this?
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = artery in longitudinal section.
What organ is this?
Blue arrows =

Artery white pulp
Blue arrows = artery in cross section.
What organ is this?
Green =
Red =

Green asterisks = PALS
Red arrows = artery of white pulp (longitudinal).
What organ is this?
Blue arrows =

Marginal sinuses
Blue arrows = sinuses containing red blood cells.
What organ is this?
Blue arrows

Artery Red Pulp
What organ is this?

Sheathed capillary
Blue arrows = capillary in cross section
Green circle = approximate edge of sheath surrounding the capillary.
What organ is this?
Blue arrows =
Red arrows =

Trabecular vein
Blue arrows = trabeculum
Red arrows = trabecular vein.
What organ is this?

Pituitary Gland (hypophysis)

What organ is this?
Amber arrow =

Pituitary Gland
Amber arrows = somatotrophs.
Red =

Pituitary Gland
Blue =

Pituitary Gland
Blue arrows = gonadotrophs.
Black =

Pituitary Gland
Black arrows = thyrotropes
Neural Lobe
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = axon dilitations.
Red =

Red = secretory Neuron
Blue arrows =

Ependymal lining
Blue arrows = location of ependymal surface.
Blue arrows =

Pineal Gland
Blue arrows = corpora aranacea
Blue arrows =

Pineal Gland
Blue arrows = ependymal surface
Blue arrow =

Pineal Gland
Blue arrows = pinealocytes.
Black arrow =

Pineal Gland
Black = Glial Cell
Blue =
Green =
Red =

Blue arrows = capsule
Green asterisks = Cortex
Red asterisks = Medulla
Green arrows =

Adrenal Gland
Green arrows = outer margins of the Z. glomerulosa.

What organ?
Blue arrows =

Adrenal Gland
Z. Fasciculata
Blue arrows = capillaries running parallel to the fasicles of cells.
Blue arrows =

Adrenal Gland
Z. Reticularis
Blue arrows = capillaries surrounding the zona reticularis cell groups.

Areas indicated by green line

Adrenal Gland
Outer medulla
Outer vs. inner medulla, separated by a green line.
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = thyroid gland
Blue =

Blue = parathyroid organ
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = capsule around both thyroid and parathyroid glands
Green line =

Green line = approximate position of the follicle’s epithelial basement membrane.

Blue asterisks = colloid
Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = follicular cells

Blue arrows =

Blue arrows = parafollicular cells

Blue arrows =
Green arrows =

Blue arrows = Chief cells - dark cells
Green arrows = Chief cells - light cells
What type of cells in what type of organ?

Synctial cells in parathyroid organ
What type of cells?
What type of organ?

Oxyphil cells
Parathyroid Organ