Organizational culture and socialization Flashcards
What is organization culture?
- The set of shared, taken-for-grandee implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.
- The values shared by associates in an organization
- What its like to be a member of this organization
What are the four primary functions of culture?
- Give members an organizational identity (Sense of belonging, how to behave, treat one another and etc)
- Facilitate collective commitment (Shared purpose, objectives; goal-based behavior)
- Promote social system stability (Systems/processes for dealing with change, managing conflict, etc.)
- Promote understanding of the organization (Shapes behavior and helps members see a clear line of sight between what they do and business goals/success
Five primary characteristics of Values?
- They are broad concepts or beliefs
- They relate to desirable end-states, behaviors, citations, etc.
- They apply across most/all situations
- They influence attitudes and behaviors
- They are be ordered by relative importance
Fill-in-the blank with Attitudes, behaviors and values
Values--->Attitudes--->Behaviors Ex. Do you care about your grades? Do you like this class or not?Are you gonna attend class?
What is espoused values?
-The values that the organization states that it believes in (eg, in mission statements, presentations, etc.)
The “desired”
What is enacted values?
- The values that organization members perceive to be valued by the organization
- The “reality”
The greater the difference between espoused values and enacted values, the____the likelihood for dissatisfaction, cultural problems, etc.
Need to “______ the ___”, not just “ ____ the _____”.
Need to walk the walk, not just talk the talk
What is a simple model of Person-Organization fit?
It’s a model when Espoused values, Enacted values and individual values are all aligned.
Implications of Person/Culture fit?
- Higher internal commitment to the organization
- Lower absenteeism/turnover
- Higher job satisfaction and engagement
- Higher levels or organization citizenship
- Higher intrinsic motivation
- Better performance (both individually and in groups)
What are some ways to understand an organization’s culture?
Stories, myths, héros, symbols, symbolic acts, language, rites, artifacts, surveys
What is the example Dr.Inks used for analogy?
Air hockey. Every hold is like one value, hokey puck is like the organization. The puke is going to move even without hitting on it. If we strengthen few holes(values), the puke will move towards wanted direction.
What is the one view of organization culture dimensions?
- Innovation and risk taking (Are employees encouraged to take risks?)
- Attention to detail (Are employees expected to be detailed?)
- Outcome orientation (Is focused on outcomes or processes?)
- People orientation (Does management take people into consideration?)
- Team orientation (Is work organized around teams or individuals?)
- Aggressiveness (Competitive or laid back?)
- Stability (is emphasis on growth or maintaining the status quo?)
How can you tell if there’s culture problems?
- Lack of shared values
- More focus on problems than on opportunities
- More focus on finger pointing and politics than on solving problems
- Lack of trust
- Lack of confidence in leaders and the organization as a whole
- Significant turnover
- Performance issues
Ways to influence or change organizational culture?
-Formal statements
-Design of physical space, the work environment
-Slogans, language, acronyms, sayings
-Criteria for rewards, recognition, advancement
-Stories, specific behavioral events
Activities, metrics, outcomes that the organization tracks/values
-Organizational structure, systems, processes
-Leader behavior
What is organizational socialization?
- The process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit him/her to participate as a member of the organization
- The impact of the organization on the individual
- Learning the ropes
What are the three phases of organizational socialization?
- Anticipatory (prior to joining the organization)
- Encounter (Initial entry period into the organization)
- Change and acquisition (Variable; seen when values, behaviors, etc. are consistent with the organization)
What are different tactics for socialization?
- Collective vs. Individual
- Formal vs. Informal
- Sequential vs. Random
- Fixed vs. Variable
- Serial vs. Disjunctive
- Investiture vs. Divestiture