Organization change Flashcards
Why should we care about organization change?
- Professionals are impacted by this
- Organization deals with this all the time
- You have to know how to manage change
What are some of the external forces for change?
- Demographic characteristics
- Technology changes
- Customer and market changes
- Social changes/pressure
- Political changes/pressures
What are some of the internal forces for change?
- Aspiration performance discrepancies (didn’t meet the expectations)
- Value changes of organizational members
- Changing needs, desires, preferences of organizational members
- Organizational life cycle forces
What are some of the fundamental truths about change?
- Organization change happens individual by individual, work group by work group, throughout an organization
- People do not necessarily resist change, they resist being changed by others
- In order for people to change, they must feel a compelling personal reason to change. What’s in it for me?
- In order to change, people must understand how their personal need to change fits with the organization’s reason for change
- In order for organizations to change, there must be compelling reasons to do so
- Successful organization change requires that people have a clear understanding of what they are changing to
- In general, people are more willing to change if they feel a degree of ownership in how the changes which must affect them will be designed and implemented
What are the three elements requires for change?
- A strong dissatisfaction with the current situation
- A compelling vision for a successful future
- A process to help make change happen
What is the “change equation”?
Change= dissatisfaction x vision of the future x process > resistance
What is Lewin’s model of change?
- Unfreezing (unlearn the bad habits)
- Changing (Learn the good habits)
- Refreezing (Keep and practice the good habits)
What is Kotter’s change model?
- Establish a sense of urgency
- Develop the guiding coalition
- Develop a compelling vision and strategy
- Communicate the vision widely and get buy-in and commitment
- Empower people to take broad-based action
- Generate and recognize short-term and small wins
- Consolidate gains and keep moving
- Make change stick by anchoring it in corporate culture
What is change?
An event that is observable, situational, external to oneself. Change sets into motion the transition process. It starts with a beginning.
What is transition?
A psychological event, it is a three phase price that individuals go through over time to come to terms with the external changes. It starts with an ending.
What are the 3 stages of transition model?
- Ending
- Exploration/learning
- New beginnings
What are 3 types of people reacts to changes?
Persistent pessimists: Very slow to change and may leave rather than change
Fence sitters: Your target, people don’t know yet
Early adapter: Move through changes fast
What can be some of the losses during transition?
- Attachments (memberships, friends…)
- Turf (Physical territory, responsibilities)
- Structure (Comfortable routine)
- Future (Dreams, goals)
- Meaning/significance (where do i fit in?)
- Control (Losse of power to create outcomes)
What are some lessons regarding individual transition?
- There is no beginning without an ending
- There is always a period of exploration before any new beginning
- There are not shortcuts and transition is rarely orderly
- Each phase of a transitions serves a different and important purpose
- There are often multiple changes and transitions occurring at the same time
How could you help people with endings?
- Accept the reality and importance of loss; acknowledge it openly and sympathetically
- Expect and accept signs of grieving- anger, bargaining and etc.
- Compensate for the losses when possible
- Define what is over and what is not in as much detail as possible
- Mark the endings
- Treat the past its respect; recognize it as a foundation to build on
- Let people take a piece of the old way with them
How could you minimize the natural zone?
- Set short range goals for people to aim forward along the way to long term outcomes
- Ensure goals are realistic
- Provide training on new skills needed for success
- Protect people from further changes while they regain their balance
What are something you can do to pull people to new beginnings?
- Clarify and communicate the purpose
- Paint a picture of how the outcomes will look and feel
- Lay out a plan for phasing int he outcome
- Give each person a part to play int eh plan and the outcome
- Be consistent in messaging
- Ensure some quick successes and celebrate them
Why do people resist change?
- They are predisposed against change (they just don’t like it)
- Fear of the unknown or fear of failure
- Lack of trust in the organization, its leadership
- Loss of status or job security
- Peer pressure
- Disruption of tradition, existing relationship
- Personality conflicts
- Poor timing
- Reward systems not align or not supporting the change
Strategies for overcoming resistance to change?
- Education and communication
- Participation and involvement
- Facilitation and support
- Negotiation and agreement
- Manipulation and Co-optation
- Explicit and implicit coercion