Organization Randoms Flashcards
Fascia Lata - 4 parts
- most superior portion of deep fascia - surrounds the thing and portion of gluteal region
- Gluteal Aponeurosis: forms intermuscular septum between gluteus maximus and medius muscles
- Intermuscular Septa: inward projections that extend to femur and delineate musc. compartments
- Iliotibial Tract: lateral thickening of fascia lata - serves as tendon for tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus muscle
- saphenous vein opening
Deep Tendon Reflexes
- Quadriceps: L3/L4**
- Achilles: S1**/S2
Cural Fascia - includes 4 things
- extension of fascia below the knee
- Intermuscular septa: anterior and posterior attach as inward extensions of crural fascia to fibula - delineate anterior and lateral crural compartments. Transverse attaches between the tibia and fibula posteriorly and delineates superficial and deep posterior compartments
- Retinacula: thickening of crural fascia which prevents tendons from bowstringing
- fascia of dorsum of the foot
- plantar fascia - includes plantar aponeurosis
Anterior Femoral Compartment
- majority of muslces (quads and sartorius) flex the thing and extend the leg
- branches of femoral a. and n.
Femoral Triangle
- transitional space b/w abdominoplevic region and lower limb
- boundaries: inguinal ligament, sartorius and adductor longus muscle, covered by fascia lata
- contains: femoral vein, femoral artery, nerve and deep inguinal lymph nodes
Medial Femoral Compartment
- muscles here flex, adduct and rotate thigh
- branches of obturator a. and n.
Adductor Canal (“subsartorial”, Hunter’s)
- canal connecting femoral triangle with popliteal fossa
- bounded by adductor musculature, vastus medialis and sartorius muscle
- contains femoral a. , v. , saphenous n. and nerve to the vastus medialis
gluteal compartment
- superficial:
- (muscles like deltoid) - abduct, flexes and medially rotates, extends and laterally rotates the thigh
- deep:
- contains muscles which abduct and laterally rotate the thigh
- gluteal aa. and nn.
- sciatic nerve transverses the entire length of this compartment to gain the posterior thing
Posterior Femoral compartment
- muscles (hamstrings) - flex the leg and extend the thigh
- branches of deep femoral a. and v.
- sciatic n. traverses the entire length of this compartment and provides innervation to all its musculature
Popliteal Fossa
area posterior to knee; transitional zone for structures passing from thing to leg
- bounded by semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris and gastrocneumius muscles and covered by fascia lata
- contains popliteal a., popliteal v, bifurcation of sciatic nerve into its commmon fibular and tibial branches
Posterior Crural compartment
Superficial: gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris - which flex leg and plantar flex foot
Deep: muscles plantar flex and invert foot
- tibial n. and posterior tibial a. distribute to this compartment
Lateral Crural compartment and dorsum of foot
- muscles plantar flex and evert the foot
- branches of superficial fibular n. and fibular a.
anterior crural compartment and dorsum of foot
- contains muscles which dorsi flex and invert he foot - extend the toes and assist in eversion of the foot
- deep fibular n. and anterior tibial a.
Plantar foot
- 4 compartments
- Medial (great toe - hallux)
- Lateral (small toe - digit minimi)
- central
- interosseous
- posterior tibial a. bifurcates to form lateral and medial plantar aa. which distribute to these compartments
- tibial n. bifurcates –> lateral and medial plantar nn.
Femoral A.
- enters femoral triangle from abdominopelvic cavity deep to inguinal ligament
- enters adductor canal in order to travel posteriorally to popliteal fossa
- becomes popliteal a. after leaving adductor canal - provides collateral branches to knee joint: when leaving popliteal fossa, bifurcates to form anterio and posterior tibial a.
Great saphenous vein
- begins on medial side of dorsum of foot
- ascends medially along leg and thing (anterior to medial malleolus at ankle, posterior to medial condyle of the femur of knee)
- in leg parallels course of saphenous n.
- empties into femoral v. after passing through the sphenous veing opening of fascia lata
Lesser Saphenous vein
- begins on lateral side of dorsum of foot (dorsal venous arch)
- ascends behind lateral malleolus and along midline of calf paralleling the sural n.
- pierces the crural fascia to join the populiteal v.
Lymph nodes of legs
- Popliteal: located within popliteal fossa
- Superficial Inguinal: located inferior to inguina ligament within superficial fascia layer
- deep inguinal: located deep to fascia lata within the femoral triangle, medial to femoral v.
- iliac nodes - external, internal and common
superficial lymph drainage is accomplished by channels which parallel superficial veins
Motor innervation of Leg
composed of spinal cord segments L2-4 via femoral and obturator nerves and L4-S3 from sacral plexus via the sciatic n. and its branches
Femoral N.
- L2,3,4
- enters femoral triangle deep to inguinal ligament
- provides motor and sensory branches in triangle
- innervates anterior femoral musculature and skin of anterior thing, medial leg, and medial foot
Obturator n.
- enters thigh via oturator canal
- provides motor to adductor muscles of thing and cutaneous innervation to medial surface of thigh
Sciatic n.
L4,5 and S1,2,3
- exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen
- courses through posterior thigh to bifurcate in popliteal fossa into tibial and common fibullar nn.
- innervates posterior thigh, leg ad plantar musculature as well as specific cutaneous portions