Organisational Strategy, Standards & Values Flashcards
What is the role and function of Victoria Police?
- preserving the peace
- protecting life and property
- preventing the commission of offences
- detecting and apprehending offenders
- helping those in need of assistance.
What are the values of Victoria Police?
Hint: There are 7
Respect, Integrity, Leadership, Professionalism, Support, Flexibility, Safety
Victoria Police is committed to keeping Victorians safe. In 2021-22 this will be achieved through four priority areas. What are they?
- Community Safety
- Reduce Crime
- Reduce Road Trauma
- Service Delivery Excellence
Victoria Police will aim to reduce road trauma by targeting what four things?
- high risk driving, including drink and drug driving
- speeding
- fatigue
- driver distraction
Victoria Police’s focus on leadership will see managers and supervisors do what?
Engage in ongoing people-focused leadership development opportunities
What is the Victoria Police Code of Ethics?
I uphold the right in my role within Victoria Police by acing impartially, with integrity, and by prividing service excellence to everyone.
What is the mission of Victoria Police?
Our role is to serve the Victorian Communtiy and uphold the law to promote a safe, secure and orderly society.
How does Victoria Police achieve their mission?
Hint: Five things
- Preserving the peace
- Protecting life and property
- Preventing the commission of offences
- Detecting and aprehending offenders
- Helping those in need of assistance
What does the SELF test stand for?
- Scrutiny
- Ethical
- Lawful
- Fair
One of the values of Victoria Police is Leadership. What does this look like in Victoria Police?
- Being trustworthy, approachable and treating everyone with compassion.
- Making decisions that reflect our Values and build community trust and confidence.
- Being inclusive, progressive and prepared to acknowledge and learn from mistakes.
What is a declarable association? A declarable association is any association that:
A declarable association is any association that:
- is incompatible with the role of the employee and Victoria Police in upholding the law
- may give rise to a perception in the mind of a reasonable member of the public that an employee is not upholding their obligations as a Victoria Police employee
- may reflect adversely on the employee’s standing and reputation in the eyes of the community as a Victoria Police employee.
When does a declarable association exist?
When an individual is associated (to varying degrees) with a person, group or organisation that is involved in (or perceived to be involved in) activity that is irreconcilable with the role and functions of Victoria Police.
When is an employee required to declare an association?
where they:
- are unable to avoid a declarable association
- are unsure whether their association is a declarable association
- become aware of a change of circumstances in relation to a previously declared association.
Declarable associations may exist because the person or organisation has what?
- a criminal history
- is involved or suspected of being involved in criminality (e.g. social drug taking)
- is involved in industry that is linked to your role in Victoria Police and may give rise to the perception of favouritism or information sharing outside of the employee’s official Victoria Police role.
Employees must declare any association with a high-risk person. With respect to declarable associations, what is a high risk person?
Hint: 6 things
- A person suspected of or known to be engaged in serious criminal activity
- A person who has a recent and serious criminal history
- A person who is a member of a group or organisation known, suspected of or known to be engaged in serious criminal activity
- A current or former employee under investigation for serious criminal charges
- A current or former employee facing serious criminal charges
- An employee who is suspended
What type of contact is unlikely to be considered a declarable association?
Contact that is unplanned, unexpected or one-off is unlikely to be cnsidered declarable.
When may one-off contact be considered a declarable association?
When it was aviodable and is obviously improper.
Example - involvement in an event organised by an outlaw motorcycle gang
What must an employee do if they have a declarable association?
Submit an Association Assessment Report [form 1325] to their work unit manager.
In relation to gifts, benefits and hospitality, what is a “Non-token offer”?
a gift, benfit or hospitality with the value of $50 and above
In relation to gifts, benefits and hospitality, what is a “token offer”?
A gift, benefit or hospitality under the value of $50
What are gifts, benefits and hospitality?
Items that have monetary value, advantage or a privilege, offered by anyone other than the State Government as the employer, or the Commonwealth Government.
What test should be used when assessing whether to accept a gift, benefit or hospitality?
The GIFT test
Giver - Who is providing the gift, benefit or hospitality
Influence - Are they seeking to influence my decisions or actions
Favour - Are they seeking a favour in return
Trust - Would accepting the gift, benefit or hospitality diminsih public trust
With regard to gifts, benefits & hospitality, when can a non-token offer be accepted?
When there is a legitimate business benefit
What is not considered to be a gift, benefit or hospitality?
symbolic momentos of little value
food or beverage that is not part of a main meal
a discoutn available to the public
a randomly drawn prize
something the employee has paid fair value for
discounts to members in uniform where the organisation has a policy to offer them
union negotiated discounts
free travel on public transport
What are the recording requirements for gifts, benefits and hospitality?
All token and non-token offers, whether accepted or declined, must be declared by completing a Gifts, Benefit and Hospitality Declaration
What must employees do before undertaking Secondary Employment?
Consult with their Work Unit Manager before submitting an Application for Approval to Undertake Secondary Employment
What must employees submit an Application for Approval to Undertake Secondary Employment or Outside Interests for?
- all secondary employment
- outside interests (leisure activity or unpaid work) that poses an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest
Where an application for Secondary Employment is received from a suspended employee, who should the Work Unit Manager consult with?
The person who has carriage of the investigation which led to the applicant’s suspension.
When can police Uniform be worn off duty?
- travelling to or from work
- at designated ceremonial occasions
- for charity, corporate or community events, with the approval of an Inspector or above
What jewellery may be worn on duty?
- watches
- minimal rings of conservative style
- emergency medical alert bracelets
When should members in plain clothes display identification cards?
- when performing duties within police premises; or
- when openly carrying firearms outside of police premises
When must members cover or remove body art while on duty?
- When it is offensive or inappropriate;
- when it is located on the head or face;
What is the definition of a Critical Incident under the Victoria Police Act?
- an incident involving the discharge of a firearm by a member of Victoria Police personnel while that member is on duty; or
- an incident involving a member of Victoria Police personnel, while on duty, which results in the death, or serious injury, to a person; and involves any one or more of the following:
a. the use if force by the member
b. the use of a motor vehicle by the member in the course of the member’s duties
c. the death of, or serious injury to, a person while that person is in custody of the member
When must employees have a zero blood alcohol concentration?
When presenting for rostered duty, or they have been directed to be available for work and are recalled to duty, when their duties will require them to:
a. carry and/or use operational safety equipment
b. drive a police vehicle
Where it is deemed appropriate to test an employee for the presence of alcohol or a drug of dependence, who must the Supervisor obtain approval from and how?
An Inspector or above by completing the required VP Form
You are the Police Forward Commander at a Critical Incident. Where there is a need to test members for alcohol and/or drugs, what must you do?
Discuss the matter with an Inspector at the scene or the Duty Officer (150) to authorise the testing direction.
If a Critical Incident is a Death or Serious Injury Incident (DSII) the Police Forward Commander is to seek the assistance of whom?
PSC, MCIU, Homicide Squad or the nominated Crime Squad or unit attending to investigate the incident.