Managerial Flashcards
Management of Under performance
When it is first identified that an employee is not meeting expected performance standards, what is the supervisor required to do?
advise the employee orally of their concerns, including the date and detail specific information regarding the underperformance issue, and of the areas in which improvement is expected.
Management of Under performance
What are supervisors to ensure in relation to the process, discussions and outcomes in relation to managing underperformance?
that they comply with the principles of natural justice, are documented in their day book or diary, and recorded in detai in the employee’s current PDA
Management of Under performance
Where initial informal attempts to address underperformance do not result in the employees performance improving, what is the structured process to be followed?
Step 1 - Local performance Intervention (LPI)
Step 2 - Performance improvement meeting and initiation of Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
Step 3 - Monitoring of progres. PIP progress meetings are required at least every 28 days and must be documented on a PIP Progress Report.
Step 4 - Supervisors Recommendation. A report providing an assessment of the employees achivement against the PIP
Step 5 - Departmental Action. having regard to the final PIP assessment, final warning given and may result in an unsatisfactory work performance outcome.
Step 6 - Notice of incapacity
Management of Under performance
What is the purpose of the Local Performance document for LPI (stage 1)
To clearly identify the employees areas of underperformance, clarify workplace expectations and develop strategies to achieve those expectations
Management of Under performance
How must supervisors document the LPI?
On a Local performance Intervention Form (Form 1251)
Management of Under performance
How must the LPI meeting be conducted and who can attend?
the meeting must be face-to-face. The employee is entitled to have another person attend. this may be an employee of any rank, or a representative from the Police Association
Management of Under performance
Once the LPI documents have been completed and signed, where must the supervisor ensure copies have been distributed to?
- supervisor
- employee
- Manager, Performance & Development Unit
- Divisional manager
- Manager, Foundation Training (if the employee is a probationary constable)
A copy should be provided to the next level manager
Management of Under performance
At the conclusion of the LPI monitoring period, what should the supervisor do?
- meet with the employee face-to-face and discuss whether the employee has met performance standards
- if an employee has met performance standards, advise the employee that the LPI process has been completed and no further action will be taken unless the employee engages in continued or repeated unsatisfactory work performance.
- if an employee has failed to meet performance standards, ensure the employee is aware of the additional underperformance issues and that the Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) process will be initiated
- record this discussion in the employee’s PDA as soon as practicable.
Management of Under performance
What should a supervisor do to initiate a PIP?
contact the Performance & Development Unit who will provide guidance and advice regarding the correct process to be followed
Management of Under performance
what is the purpose of the PIP process?
To clearly identify the employee’s areas of underperformance, clarify workplace expectations and develop strategies to achieve those expectations.
Complaints & Discipline
Where an employee believes on reasonabe grounds that any other employee is/has engaged in misconduct, corruption etc. who do they have a responsibility to report the behaviour to?
A more senior member, Police Conduct Unit - PSC, an acting Sergeant or above or IBAC
Complaints & Discipline
What must employees receiving complaints about the actions, negligence or misconduct of an employee do?
- must advise a supervisor before deciding whether the matter can be resolved informally or is a formal complaint
- do not refer it to another area without the approval of an Officer or equivalent
Complaints & Discipline
What should a Supervisor do if a complaint is due to lack of knowledge of relevant legislation or standard police procedures?
Explain this to the complainant. If the complainant is satisfied with the explanation and does not wish to pursue ir furthr, the matter is not regarded as a formal complaint and is not forwarded to PSC.
Complaints & Discipline
What should a Supervisor do if a complaint relates to a police member and is not suitable for informal resolution?
- obtain the complainant’s name and address and details of the complaint
- preserve any evidence and if the complaint relates to an alleged assault by a police member refer to VPMG Assault Investigation
- inform the complainant that the matter will be reported initially to the Divisional Patrol Supervisor and subsequently referred to PSC
- advise the complainant they have the option of reporting the complaint dorect to IBAC
- record the details and action taken and notify the Divisional Patrol Supervisor
Complaints & Discipline
What matters must be immediately reported to the Duty Officer and PSC?
- discharge of a firearm by police (except for lawful destruction of animals or training)
- death, serious injury or admission to hospital of a person in custody
- death of a current employee that is a reportable death
- attempted suicide by a person in police custody
- escape from lawful custody
- report of rape or other sexual assault in which Vicpol employee is the suspect
- serious vehicle collision involving a Vicpol employee, on or off duty (including a pursuit or where any person is conveyed to hospital) which may result in questioning Vicpol policy, procedure or practice
- complaint or incident involving a prisoner subject to extradition proceedings
- complaint involving police attendance at demonstrations
- complaint involving breach of IVO by a Vicpol employee
- any other serious matter involving an employee which may involve criminality or corruption
- other recent police contact on duty where after such contact a person is seriously injured or dies.
Complaints & Discipline
What are the responsibilities of the attending memebr at a complaint of an assautl by a police member or PCO?
- immediately notify the relevant Dicisional Patrol Supervisor or equivalent
- if available use the services of a Crime Scene Officer for the recording of photographic evidence.
Complaints & Discipline
What must the Divisional Patrol Supervisor do if an offender or suspect complains of assault by a police member or PCO and they have an injury?
notify the PSC Duty Team Leader
Resource Management & Patrol Supervision
What are the reponsibilities of the Patrol Supervisor at the start of each shift?
•liaise with the outgoing Patrol Supervisor and ascertain the status of units and personnel from the previous shift and of any continuing incidents or tasks carrying-over to the incoming shift
•liaise with Police Communicationsof any priority 1 incidents or tasks not completed by any unit.
•notify Divisional Patrol Supervisor of -
-whether designated employees, for the incoming shift, are on duty and are assigned to carry out their respective duties
-incidents or tasks carried over from the previous shift
-employees/units continuing duty and requiring overtime approval.
Resource management & Patrol Supervision
What are the Patrol Supervisors Responsibilities?
- Supervise andprovide leadership to all patrol units within the PSAs and as far as practical visit units without a Sergeant at least once per shift.
- Oversee the allocation and coordination of tasks.
- Ensure that calls for police assistance are promptly attended to.
- Remain on patrol throughout the shift unless otherwise authorised by the Divisional Patrol Supervisor.
- Comply with the patrol resource management requirements above.
- Respond to incidents requiring the attendance of a Sergeant or other incidents as necessary.
- Contact stations at the commencement of each shift.
Resource Management & Patrol Supervision
When contacting stations at the commencement of each shift, what should the Patrol Supervisor do?
•confer with the incoming or if possible previous shift Sergeant
•establish who is rostered, fit and available for duty
•ensure they have been adequately tasked
•find out the details of any prisoners or persons in custody
•visit the station during the shift where practical
•record the name of the employees spoken to on your patrol duty return
•instruct the senior member to:
-contact you as soon as possible if they require assistance
-notify you whenever a person is brought into custody
-notify you of any notable incidents.
Resource Management & Patrol Supervision
the Patrol Supervisor does not need to supervise other sergeants, however they should?
- should attend incidents where persons are or may be taken into custody or there is a potential for confrontation unless it is impractical or another Sergeant is attending
- have command responsibility at incidents where another Sergeant is attending
- should arrange for another Sergeant to take charge of an incident when you cannot meet the needs of the incident or whenever you deem it appropriate
- must make an entry on your patrol duty return and advisethe PCC whenever incident management is passed over
- should seek guidance from the Divisional Patrol Supervisor regarding any confusion over incident management.
Resource Management & Patrol Supervision
What are the duties of the Station Section Sergeant?
- supervise the station, employees (including from other units where no Sub-officer is on duty), prisoners and duties to be performed
- supervise patrol units at the station, including tasking at the start of the shift and correspondence duties
- provide assistance and supervision to subordinates
- actively oversee the interviewing and charging of suspects and persons in custody, and the interviewing of witnesses.
What must an employee do if they sustain a work related injury or illness?
Notify the employer in writing as soon as possible. You must ensure the injury is reprted within 30 days.
What must the employer do when notified of a work related injury or illness by an employee?
Record the details of the injury in the REgister of Injuries at the workplace.
If you receive a workcover claim that includes a mental injury, what are the timeframes?
Within 3 business days you must forward Part A of the claim form to your Agent
Within 10 calendar days you must forward Part B claim form, any certificates of capacity and the Employer Injury Claim Report
If you receive a workcover claim for a physical injury and it includes weekly payments or is above the medical excess, what must you do?
Within 10 calendar days of receiving the claim you must forward to the Agent:
- Injury Claim Form Parts A & B
- any certificates of capacity
- Employer Injury Claim report