organisational psychology Flashcards
What is organisational change & what can it cause:
- Forced redundancy of some emergency nursing staff
Can cause merging of wards that were not usually together
What is in the diagnosis phase of dealing with organisational change?
- Staff surveys - cost-effective
- Interviewing staff - expensive but can get effective qualitative info
Observing staff as they work
what are some organisational risks?
- poor relationship between staff
- confidence being low
- poor wellbeing - leading to higher number of sick days
- cynicism
What are the two main diagnostics to organisational change:
What are the two main diagnostics to organisational change:
Uncertainty and Role Ambiguity:
* Results from lack of information and therefore missing clarity in job position
Role conflicts:
* Person is confronted with two or more conflicting or opposing expectations.
what are the main problems that can included iin the diagnosis phase?
- possible inter-group conflict
- distorted thinking (e.g. over generalisation)
- concerns about job security
- uuncertainty and loss of control
- conflict with professional values
what is the role of theory in problem formulation?
- identifying causes of symptooms & then suggesting interventions
what is in the jobs demands and resources model? and how does that affect individuals?
it says that high job demands as well as job resources are low = affect stress, health problems, engagement , burnout and lower job satisfaction.
what is the definition of resilience? and what can impact resilience?
- ability to maintain or bounce back on adverse events even in everyday stressful situations
- individual capacities for resilience can affect their resilience in situations
- coping resources
- coping approaches
as well as external situational factors such as job resources
what are some intervention strategies for burnout & job dissatisfaction?
coaching, development, and encouragement to find meaning in new roles.
what are some intervention strategies for individual differences in well-being in response to change:
resilience training
- involving workers to cope and accept uncertaint
- help workers find contrl
- help workers find their strengthsh and other resources
what are the most common symptoms to high job demands and low job resources?
- burnout
- job disatisfaction
- distortional thinking
what are some intervention strategies for distortional thinking - in hospital setting?
- reduce uncertainty & role conflict through
- new role negotiation
- better communication (instruction, handovers, voice)
- more feedback - recognising good behaviours
how to manage conflict between merged wards in a hospital settiing?
- collaborate with merged nurses to:
- acknowledge the value of old processes
- share ownership of new processes
- create a team identty that they can all agree on and get behind
what does the intervention phase look like:
– Group based training (e.g. resilience training)
– Coaching (one on one sessions to facilitate employee development)
– Facilitating discussion among employees
– Organisational-level interventions (e.g., modifying workplace practices that increase stress, encouraging role negotiation and job crafting)
what are some important questions for survey:
- who supports participation?
- any action to follow up?
- what do we already know, and what results are expected?
- what we do we want to expect?